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MOD日本語対応のための連絡所 - Addon Localization (Japanese)


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「Localization supported; translations needed - Links point to the primary assets in need of translating:」




  1. MODまたはMODの開発者の要望を確認します。
  2. MODの開発スレッドに書き込んだり、もしくは開発者にDM(PM)して、日本語対応の作業を申し入れます。
  3. このスレッドに、MODの名前と作業開始の報告をして下さい。その内容を私が下の例のように書き込みます。
  4. メインスレッドのリンク先にあるGitHubもしくはテキストファイルから作業を開始します。GitHubでは他の人が作業中かもしれませんので、最新のフォークをチェックしてください。
  5. 作業が終わったらMODの開発者に連絡して、このスレッドに報告してください。下の作業状況を更新します。









  • Cryo Engines - approx 250 words, 25 lines: needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian
  • Cryo Tanks - approx 800 words, 90 lines: needs Chinese, Japanese, Russian
  • Kerbal Atomics - approx 900 words, 40 lines: needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian
  • Heat Control - approx 700 words, 59 lines: needs Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian


  • Airlock Plus - 8 Lines; ~25-30 Words - Needs non-stock languages
  • Auto Actions - 17 Lines; ~26 Words - Needs non-stock languages


  • e.g) 例 )MOD NAME:EBOSHI
  • SCANsat :zampona



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ちょっと間違いがあります:日本語対応待ちのMODは「Localization supported; translations available」ではなくて「Localization supported; translations needed」の下です。

そして一応報告:Auto Actionsはもう日本語対応済みました。

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5 hours ago, cakepie said:


ちょっと間違いがあります:日本語対応待ちのMODは「Localization supported; translations available」ではなくて「Localization supported; translations needed」の下です。

そして一応報告:Auto Actionsはもう日本語対応済みました。




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  • 7 months later...
2 hours ago, Li0n said:


I'm looking for help to translate Antenna Helper in Japanese.

The english template is here. 65 lines, most of them with only one word.

If you're interested please send me a message. :)

Hello, mate!
I'll try to write a draft. please wait a few days.

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  • 8 months later...
On 11/13/2018 at 1:45 PM, flart said:

How do you call Jebediah and Valentina in short (aka Jeb and Val) in Japanese?
Are ジブ and ヴァル ok?

Hello, mate. We call Jeb ジェブ. On the other hand, short names are generally not used for Val. If we call her short name it will be ヴァル.
Jeb: ジェブ
Val: ヴァル (Not common) 


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  • 1 year later...

Stockalike Station Parts Expantion Redux (SSPX) の日本語化ファイルを作りました。直接Nerteaさんに連絡しようとしたのですが不安になって、えぼしさんのトピック一覧を観たらやっぱり何かしらあったので、こちらで報告しておこうと思ったので、リプライした次第です。

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33 minutes ago, Chemical Factory said:

Stockalike Station Parts Expantion Redux (SSPX) の日本語化ファイルを作りました。直接Nerteaさんに連絡しようとしたのですが不安になって、えぼしさんのトピック一覧を観たらやっぱり何かしらあったので、こちらで報告しておこうと思ったので、リプライした次第です。


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1 minute ago, EBOSHI said:




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53 minutes ago, Chemical Factory said:




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6 hours ago, EBOSHI said:



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  • 5 months later...

Hi, if there are any Japanese speakers that would like to verify my awful attempts at using online translation to provide Japanese localization for ReStock, we would greatly appreciate it if anyone would like to look over our localization file and offer any suggestions and/or changes that could be made to improve the translations. 

The localization file can be found here: https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/blob/master/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Localization/ru.cfg

With the original English file here, for reference: https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/blob/master/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Localization/en-us.cfg

We also have the mod ReStock+ (Plus) which has a lot more localization tags to be translated which I feel is probably a bit too much for any online translator tool to do a good job of, if anyone would like to contribute to that also it would be massively welcomed. This can be found here: https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/tree/master/Distribution/RestockPlus/GameData/ReStockPlus/Localization.

I offer my thanks to anyone who would like to be involved. :D




また、翻訳するローカリゼーションタグがたくさんあるReStock +(Plus)の変更もあります。これは、オンライン翻訳ツールがうまく機能するには多分多すぎると思います。誰かがそれに貢献したいのであれば、大歓迎です。これは、https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/tree/master/Distribution/RestockPlus/GameData/ReStockPlus/Localization にあります。

関わりたいと思っている人に感謝します。 :D

Edited by Poodmund
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/29/2020 at 3:46 AM, Poodmund said:
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Hi, if there are any Japanese speakers that would like to verify my awful attempts at using online translation to provide Japanese localization for ReStock, we would greatly appreciate it if anyone would like to look over our localization file and offer any suggestions and/or changes that could be made to improve the translations. 

The localization file can be found here: https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/blob/master/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Localization/ru.cfg

With the original English file here, for reference: https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/blob/master/Distribution/Restock/GameData/ReStock/Localization/en-us.cfg

We also have the mod ReStock+ (Plus) which has a lot more localization tags to be translated which I feel is probably a bit too much for any online translator tool to do a good job of, if anyone would like to contribute to that also it would be massively welcomed. This can be found here: https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/tree/master/Distribution/RestockPlus/GameData/ReStockPlus/Localization.

I offer my thanks to anyone who would like to be involved. :D




また、翻訳するローカリゼーションタグがたくさんあるReStock +(Plus)の変更もあります。これは、オンライン翻訳ツールがうまく機能するには多分多すぎると思います。誰かがそれに貢献したいのであれば、大歓迎です。これは、https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/tree/master/Distribution/RestockPlus/GameData/ReStockPlus/Localization にあります。

関わりたいと思っている人に感謝します。 :D

Sorry for the late reply.
I took this translation request to the Japanese Discord community. I hope some of us can help you.

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9 hours ago, EBOSHI said:

Sorry for the late reply.
I took this translation request to the Japanese Discord community. I hope some of us can help you.

Thank you. If they would like to participate, maybe they can look at the existing pull request made against my initial localization file?



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13 hours ago, Poodmund said:

Thank you. If they would like to participate, maybe they can look at the existing pull request made against my initial localization file?



He is also a member of the Japanese community, but he doesn't seem to be working there right now. Is there any problem with it at the moment?

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27 minutes ago, EBOSHI said:

He is also a member of the Japanese community, but he doesn't seem to be working there right now. Is there any problem with it at the moment?

There is no problem, as such. It's just that I cannot read Japanese so I have no idea if the suggested translation changes that user  "Chemical-Factory" has suggested are correct. Its always good to have a 2nd pair of eyes with these localization files.

それ自体は問題ありません。日本語が読めないので、ユーザーChemical-Factory から提案された翻訳変更が正しいかわかりません。これらのローカリゼーションファイルに目を向けることは常に良いことです

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