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"Back-space" Key no longer focuses camera on Active vessel


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KSP 1.2.2


I remember a few versions of KSP ago, i used to be able to focus back on my vessel in the map mode using the backspace key. This was useful when doing orbital insertions and encounters ect, and having to focus on the planet/moon first then go back to the vessel to watch it encounter. However, this no longer seems to work and im not sure whether I've disabled something but its a bit weird as It was a very useful feature. 

Perhaps there's a mod out there that allows this, or maybe i can enable something in settings but It would be much appreciated if anyone can say whether they expeirnce this or whether its a removed feature. 



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3 minutes ago, TrooperCooper said:

I had the same issue about a month ago. Not playing much at the moment.

I assumed it was an issue due to me running a heavily modded RO/RSS install.

Is it a stock issue? If so, we need a fix, as it was a really usefull hotkey.

I'm not running either RO or RSS at the moment, however I am using a load of other mods, such as MKS Kolonization, Interstellar and MechJeb ect, which possibly is interfering with it.

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1 minute ago, techgamer17 said:

I'm not running either RO or RSS at the moment, however I am using a load of other mods, such as MKS Kolonization, Interstellar and MechJeb ect, which possibly is interfering with it.

Backspace does the abort action group now, which is actually extremely useful in my opinion

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6 minutes ago, rudi1291 said:

Its not "Backspace" anymore (since 1.2 i believe). It was changed and is now  the key above "Tab".

It's called tilde, and for some reason it doesn't work on my keyboard.

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16 minutes ago, Shpaget said:

It's called tilde, and for some reason it doesn't work on my keyboard.

Depends on your keyboard layout. For me its "^". But you can always look it up in the settings.

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I had to remap it back as well. I can see why it was done but it was pretty jarring. Easy fix though, and I never use "abort" anyway.

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Just a sidenote - I had a bunch of keys mysteriously unbind themselves the other day.  No updates, no changes to mods, nothing - just one day there were half a dozen functions with no keys bound.  Fixed them up, just for good measure backed up, uninstalled, reinstalled fresh and copied my saves back in.  There are some gremlins around.

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There were a couple key binding changes in 1.3. Another one that got me was the lights key. Originally, the "L" key turned on lights for both vessels and Kerbals on EVA. Then, they changed it to the "U" key a couple versions ago. Now, in 1.3, they split it up; the "U" key turns on lights for vessels, and Kerbals on EVA turn on their suit lights with "L". Its annoying as heck.

Edited by Johnny Wishbone
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On 08/07/2017 at 8:14 AM, mabdi36 said:

Backspace does the abort action group now, which is actually extremely useful in my opinion

I'm fairly certain that over 75% of players dont use the abort feature but instead reverse at TO/VAB

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