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Game thoroughly broken - All ships in flight disappeared

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All of my ships in flight are gone. I had:

Space station orbiting Kerbin at 92km circular orbit, 2 crew

Communications satellite at 71km circular orbit

Survey Satellite, elliptical polar orbit above atmosphere

Duna probe awaiting transfer, parked in 80-95km elliptical Kerbin orbit

All gone. Gone,

Ships I have remaining:

Boat in Kerbin water on the shore of southern continent with two crew

A probe a billion kilometers from the sun

A probe landed on Laythe

The above two were both launched with Infinite fuel and electricity, as well as no max temp.

Two asteroids orbiting Kerbin in high, inclined, elliptical orbits

Landed, empty capsule on the Mun and its landing stage, seperately

All flags, 3 on Mun and one on Kerbin


Events: I was messing with a spaceplane that i had infinite-fueled and max-temp-cheated to an orbit 60km-93,000 kilometers around the sun, I quicksaved then pressed max timewarp and it exploded. Except the camera started following nothing at a fast speed outwards. I thought nothing much of it

It may have already happened at this point, but i didn't notice. I went to the tracking station and started max-warping to align Kerbin and Duna to transfer my probe, stopping occasionally to track and untrack asteroids. I lined everything up, and zoomed in to find my probe. That's when everything was gone. 

My boat displayed as a untracked B-class asteroid and I couldn't go to it, so my guess is that maybe it decided all my ships were "unknown objects" and got rid of them.

The space center was in the shape I left it, all buildings destroyed except Hangar, Runway, Tracking Station, Launchpad, Astronaut place, VAB.

Sorry I don't have any screenshots, I was really worried and tried to act right away. i should've check also to see if the crew were back or "missing"

Closing and reopening the game did nothing.

I couldn't load a save from the Space Center, but luckily my Mun capsule was not affected by the glitch and I switched to and loaded my save. everything works.

I feel really lucky that I saved. Otherwise, I would have lost everything. Was it the timewarp and the solar plane exploding that caused it? or the asteroid tracking?


Sandbox, Stock 1.0.5.

Edited by Ethen Sun
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2 hours ago, Ethen Sun said:

Sorry, I am unable to update my game. Requires an admin password that I don't have. I'm stuck on 1.0.5.

What exactly do you expect from this thread then?  Even if it is a bug, and a bug in the current version, the only way it would get fixed is through an update.

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There should be a sub-directory in the directory where KSP is installed, ../saves/your_name/backup/  that has a few recent previous versions of your saves, and one of them might be from before your problems started.  Older versions are removed as newer saves are made, but if you move the up to the ../saves/your_name/ directory they will be preserved and you can load them with alt-F9 or mod-F9.

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19 minutes ago, OHara said:

There should be a sub-directory in the directory where KSP is installed, ../saves/your_name/backup/  that has a few recent previous versions of your saves

IIRC that feature was introduced in 1.1. The OP is still on 1.0.5. All the OP can hope for is loading an older quicksave.

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3 hours ago, Alshain said:

What exactly do you expect from this thread then?  Even if it is a bug, and a bug in the current version, the only way it would get fixed is through an update.

Hi, sorry for not being clear enough on that, I was hoping someone could point out the cause if that's known so I could avoid it happening again. That's why I didn't submit it as a bug report to Squad.

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The only normal thing that would cause craft to be suddenly deleted (other than doing it manually from the tracking station) is if you had mods installed and your craft had parts from those mods, and you then uninstalled those mods.  In that case the craft can't be loaded and it removes them.

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12 hours ago, Ethen Sun said:

Sorry, I am unable to update my game. Requires an admin password that I don't have. I'm stuck on 1.0.5.

That sounds extremely fishy.

6 hours ago, Ethen Sun said:

Hi, sorry for not being clear enough on that, I was hoping someone could point out the cause if that's known so I could avoid it happening again.

I would say that it is obviously a bad idea trying to land on an object that has no surface. Jool is known for weird behaviour so I don't know why the sun should behave in any other way.

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18 hours ago, Ethen Sun said:

Sorry, I am unable to update my game. Requires an admin password that I don't have. I'm stuck on 1.0.5.


Please detail the steps you take to update the game.  

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I just go to the game folder and open Launcher.exe, and once it patches and everything i click update and it asks for a password. I tried to run it from the hard drive and a flash drive, same effect. This is a pretty old computer, and nobody remembers the password. I just play the game by opening KSP.exe, never asked me for a password.

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15 hours ago, Ethen Sun said:

I just go to the game folder and open Launcher.exe, and once it patches and everything i click update

The patcher built into the launcher is broken and has been abandoned. As no valid reason for this has been offered, I'm assuming a certain game vendor is simply too lazy to maintain it. Don't use it, it won't work.
The current "update" procedure is to download the (entire ~700MB) new version from wherever you got KSP in the first place (e.g. kerbal store, GOG), unpack it somewhere, and copy your saves over.
Not sure how well save files from 1.0.5 will work in 1.3 though, they're supposed to be compatible, but YMMV.


On 16/07/2017 at 7:18 AM, Ethen Sun said:

Was it the timewarp and the solar plane exploding that caused it? or the asteroid tracking?

Probably just the usual game engine screweyness we all know and love. So much so that the phenomenon has a cute name: The Space Kraken.
Back up your saves regularly and avoid doing things that freak out the physics calculations, such as trying to land on Kerbol... The game will probably implode sooner or later anyway, so back to point one: Back up your saves.


8 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

How about downloading a fresh install of the game and moving your saved files over? 

Indeed, but you might as well say "update to 1.3", as it's functionally the same thing. Evidently SQUAD finds distributing patches or fixing the updater far too difficult.
Yes, I'm going for equine mince here. The "I'm using the patcher and it doesn't work" question is still appearing, so I guess it's not quite dead yet.

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On 17/07/2017 at 5:08 AM, steve_v said:

Indeed, but you might as well say "update to 1.3", as it's functionally the same thing.

Not really. Files may be corrupted; settings may be adjusted that break the game; mods that are installed and later uninstalled may leave garbage on GameData that makes things go wrong.

A fresh install solves these kinds of problems. :) 

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Guys, this is a Tech Support sub-forum. We're not ranting about the quality of SQUAD's work here, but trying to solve the OP's problem. If you just have an opinion on Squad, TakeTwo, Steam, GOG, or whatever it is, go share it somewhere else.

Some off-topic content has been removed.

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I've noticed that this, (the camera following nothing at high speed) also happened in this video after he warped towards Kerbin:

So maybe it's not just gaseous planets.

And in this one:

A kerbal has been converted into a station after being launched at high speed.

Since there's probably someone out there who closely studies Danny's shenanigans, these might be leads as to what happened.

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I left the game running for a week while a accelerated a ship to 0.2c... nothing else...

Apparently the ship is cursed. I can't load a quicksave while flying it, and if i load a save from another ship this ship will selectively explode and leave behind parts with 0 velocity. When i try to go back to the space center, it jumps to Pol for a few moments, before loading the KSC.

Is this similar to an "out-of-physics-range" thing?

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