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[1.9.x - 1.12.x] Fox Defense Contracts - Tank Turrets (BDArmory Plus) Update 2.2 Legacy Hardware Updates


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  On 3/8/2023 at 10:29 PM, ikarus said:

Hello !

Why is this mod called Fox Defense Contracts ? i don't see any military contracts in the mission building.

Am i missing something ?


might be a bit late, but this is a parts pack that serves as an extension for BDA+.

sadly, it has not been updated in quite some time.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

I'm not dead!
Updated the mod
it ain't much soooooooo

Update 2.1 Add Duct Tape
- Updated to work with BDAc Plus
- Added Bombs (100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 - Lbs)
- Bullet Def Changes
- More Turret changes (Deviation, Reload, Turret Speed, etc
- Fixed Luft40c tilt angle to 0 degree instead of -9.2 degree

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  On 3/7/2024 at 7:15 PM, KerbolRacer21 said:

could u post the mod download details please so i could download it? It seems rlly cool!!


P.S How do you make mods, isn't it like rlly hard???





  On 3/7/2024 at 7:21 PM, KerbolRacer21 said:

btw could you expand to curseforge cuz i'm not comfortable with space dock and git  hub that much..




  On 3/7/2024 at 9:00 PM, KerbolRacer21 said:

Could you alos list download directions and also which version  of bdarmory???


The version is listed on the first post for BDArmory to download. 1.6.11

I currently do not have plans to upload to Curseforge.

To download the mod, You would need to download the Mod via Spacedock or Github. You would download the zip file, once finished. Open the zip file up. Inside that file. Should be a folder called GameData inside the zip file. Open that up. There will be two folders called FDC_Armor and FoxDefenseContracts.
Place those two folders inside the GameData folder of your Kerbal Space Program game folder.

It should look like this.
From my example. My Kerbal Space Program Game folder is KSp112_5_BDAC, then I open the GameData folder from there, and Place in the two folders, FDC_Armor and FoxDefenseContracts.
It will be the same on how you install BDArmory Plus.
BDArmory Plus also Needs Module Manager (It is not a virus, it is a false flag in case Chrome or Firefox marks it.) It is a known issue.
BDArmory Also needs PhysicsRangeExtender to work well. It is installed just like BDArmory and My mod.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 10 months later...

Update 2.2 Legacy Hardware Updates
- Bullet Def Changes once again (Fixed Shaped Charges)
- new bump map and specular map for the Armor, you can change this within the MM Patch of FDC Armor. just comment out the one you don't want with //
- More Turret changes again (Reload, Turret Speed, etc)
- added even more turrets (39 total)
- America (M22 Locust, M8 HMC, Heavy Tank M6, T18 Boarhound, M26 Pershing)
- Germany (Panther A, Brummbär, Hummel, Wespe, PZ.III F/J (with short 50mm), PZ. IV E/F1 (with short 75mm), Sturer Emil, Waffenträger, Flakpanzer 1, Kugelblitz)
- Russia (KV-1 (L-11), ZIS-30, T-34 (1940), T-34-57, ZSU-37)
- Britain (Skink, Churchill III, Churchill  VII, Churchill AVRE Petard)
- Japan (So-Ki, Ta-Se, Chi-Ha LG, Chi-Ha Short Gun, Chi-He)
- Italy (P40, 90/53 M41M, Turan I, Turan III, Zrinyi II)
- France (Char 2C)
- Small MGs (M2 Browning, M1919  Browning, DShK, MG34)
-- There's 4 variants of the MGs (Super small, Small, Normal, and Long)


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  • 4 weeks later...

A small suggestion: maybe you can allow change bullet type after launch [canHotSwap = true] especially for larger caliber guns (e.g. MBTs should be able to change shell type); and istead of using ("Light" "Medium" "Heavy" "Very Heavy"), maybe you can use (e.g. "7.62mmAmmo" "12.7mmAmmo" "76mmAmmo" "85mmAmmo" "100mmAmmo" "125mmAmmo" "152mmAmmo"...); and finally, it would be nice if turret with smoke launchers can fire smokes and mordern turrets have a targeting sight (same as targeting camera from BDA).

And some addition turrets suggestion: BMP-1, BMP-2, T-72, T-80, Object 292, BMPT; Leopard 2A7, PUMA; ZTQ-15. Reloadable missile turret (e.g. 9K35 Strela 10, ADATS, IT-1, Object 775...)

P.S. is there any mod that have the tanks' hull?

Edited by Elros Tar Minyatur
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