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This is what goes into a mission to Minmus for me:


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I've been really excited about actually writing up a series of flight plans and flight checklists with contingency procedures and I still have a TON to do. But for anyone who wants to see how seriously I take KSP (LOL), here's a photo album showing a very small amount of the procedures I plan to write up over the next few days. My mission is still in Minmus Orbit and I'm about to go to sleep for the night. Been writing the book as I go along. After I complete a nominal flight plan, I'll get to work on writing up a series of "what happens if this goes wrong?" plans.

Here's the link to some of the stuff I have. Feel free to use it if you want. The cut-offs won't apply to you because we use different rockets, but whatever. Also, make sure you have MechJeb. A lot of this stuff is autopilot.


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The amount of thought you put into this is insane, I usually just get into a decent clockwise orbit around kerbin, adjust the angle, do a transfer orbit out to minmus and wait until I hit the cursed thing's sphere of influence. :P

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The amount of thought you put into this is insane, I usually just get into a decent clockwise orbit around kerbin, adjust the angle, do a transfer orbit out to minmus and wait until I hit the cursed thing's sphere of influence. :P

You won't be able to do that once air and food are simulated - unless you are really lucky and your crew reach their destination with enough to get back.

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Very nice! I've wanted to do stuff like this for my missions and programs too, but never got around to it. But this serves as a great inspiration!

With fairings, cameramod, zoxygen, fuel transfers and the new remotetech mod it can be very extensive.

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You won't be able to do that once air and food are simulated - unless you are really lucky and your crew reach their destination with enough to get back.

Not so sure about that, since I'm doing a clockwise orbit, I usually reach my target less than half of its orbit around Kerbin after I launch. ;)

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Why do you use Retro-grade orbits? They cost you an extra 349.2m/s of Delta V or something like that.

Also, I added more checklists. I added a contingency procedure in case the orbital insertion fails and I have to get back to Kerbin using the lander (Like Apollo 13)

I'll try to work on some generic ones. If there's any detailed procedures someone wants me to write up, I will do so. Preferably with MechJeb, because it gives me more to write.

Edited by AncientAstronaut
adding velocity change
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My standard strategy is just ot get the orbit roughly circular and wait until I hit Mimmus' sphere of influence - but a procedure like this is probably a lot more efficient. This kind of thing might be useful for interplanetary missions.

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