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Landing Lights for Mun Lander


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I have searched the Forum for hours looking for a simple snap on module for downward landing lights so it is easier (and looks cooler) for my moon base to land on the dark side of Mun. Can anyone help if you can point me to a download link for something like this. Ta

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I never have problems with keyboard, mouse, or joystick inputs in any other way, but I find that these lights are reluctant to change settings unless I tap the keys several times until one of my keystrokes randomly seems to register. But I'm pretty sure that it isn't this mod that's at fault, because the exact same thing happens with the headlights on the HSTW cart. Anybody know what's going on with that?

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I never have problems with keyboard, mouse, or joystick inputs in any other way, but I find that these lights are reluctant to change settings unless I tap the keys several times until one of my keystrokes randomly seems to register. But I'm pretty sure that it isn't this mod that's at fault, because the exact same thing happens with the headlights on the HSTW cart. Anybody know what's going on with that?

You're not the only one. I feel like I have to tap and hold o,p, or L for some of the lights. The floodlights work fine for me, though.

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they just use the cart plugin, and the parts are the floodzdown and floodzup folders.
Thank you, but I wasn't kidding about being new to mods. What goes where? Use small words, and possibly diagrams and hand gestures. :)
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The AO_FloodzDown and AO_FloodzUp folders go into KSP_win\Parts (depending on what you called the KSP directory) and cart.dll (from the cart mod) goes into KSP_win\Plugins.

In the Parts folder it should look something like






blah blah blah

So you have to place the folders in Parts and the .dll in Plugins, unless they're already there of course.

You don't have to mess with the stuff inside the folders at all.

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Thank you again Supernovy, that's progress. But I'm not there yet. I can put the little yellow pieces on a vehicle now, but they don't seem to turn on. I tried H, O, P, and U, without result. I attached them to a cart-based vehicle, and the cart's lights came on with H, as usual, but not the floods.

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Thanks Sal_vager, but that was the first thing I tried. P does activate the navigation light mod installed on the same ship, so the key is working, but the floodlights just sit there. :( I mapped it to an unused key and tried again, but still no photons. Supernovy suggested deleting and re-installing the whole cart mod to try to reset things, but ugh, I'm too lazy to try that right now.

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Do you have anything else currently mapped to P?
The running lights mod comes with some parts already set to be activated with P, and I didn't change that. I myself have put nothing on P.

Karolus10: Double posting, second post has been removed and merged bellow - please using "Edit Post option", thank You.

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Hey, guess what it took me over a week to figure out? There are two cart mods! Once I installed the other one, the floodlights worked. Thanks for your help, guys!

Edited by karolus10
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