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Your Craziest Mishap During a Mission


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Lets not even get started on how many mishaps I've had landing planes on the Mun...




However the Craziest mishap was when I went to launch the largest plane I ever made to go save these poor kerbals...one of the landing gear suddenly sank into the runway and it was taking off. But instead of exploding, it just falls to pieces (some of which explode)

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  khmnc said:
ok, i'll add a few of my own stories to the mix

during a take off i had an all too common failure and had to abort, the pod got safely away from the wreckage and deployed its chute. everything looked good up until about 50-100m from the ground when a bit of debris hit the pod and knocked the parachute off. everyone died with a smile on their face...

while making my orbital ascent i was costing to my apoapsis ready to make the burn to raise my periapsis and circularize my orbit, my ship was steady and giving no indication that something was wrong. but then my engines suddenly decided they had enough of this ride and wanted off, so they all spontaneously popped off

during a mun mission i had fooled around a bit and forgot to keep an eye on my fuel gauge, so i had to make my trip back running on fumes. i ran out of both rocket and rcs fuel when my periapsis was just barely skimming the atmosphere. warping at 2x i was spending about 2 minutes real time in the atmosphere during each pass, so i had to sit there and press the warp button every 2 minutes while my apoapsis slowly dropped down to the point where i was sub-orbital...it took 4 or 5 hours real time...

during my first mun mission of 0.15 i decided i would just land where ever, i crashed into the side of a mountain. while some parts survived, none of them were attached to the command pod, not even the parachute that many of us take for granted. seeing that there were survivors, i said to my self "i'm going to rescue them, after all how hard could it be, all i need to do it pick up a pod off the ground and take it home"...many swear words, kerbalnuts, and rescue craft later, i succeeded in getting it safely home <.<

i could go on and on, but i think i'll stop there V_V

There's a sweet irony in that you can spell Apoapsis, Periapsis, Gauge, Etc but can't spell "I".

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I was playing around with somewhat manned rockets, as in it's a loose piece of debris with a kerbal hanging onto a ladder. I tried getting into orbit using the EVA pack after I had been flung into a very, very high altitude. And it was jeb getting up there. He failed to get to orbit. I hastily built a rescue rocket and sent it up, and I spent a long time going around with very high fuel, but then I remembered to throw out one of my kerbals, but then I couldn't rescue Jeb, and it was a sad day. 2 deaths.

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I was testing the emergency parachutes on my new space shuttle that will hopefully go to the new planets. At launch it lost stability and started to pitch over so I disconnected the launch stage and opened the parachutes, safe to say they work but it's best to be over flat land. :(


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Here's one for you: I launched one of my more complex multstage rockets, and everything goes to pieces (literally) while still in orbit. So a while later im testing one of my slightly more successful aircraft designs, and i'm about to take off. All of a sudden the remains of my rocket launch come screaming down around my plane, in a way that would make the finale of the 1812 oveture jealous. Fortunatley my escape system for my space plane works like a treat, i roll the cockpit away out of danger, only to come face to face with the rocket's crew capsule.

I can only imagine the looks on my Kerbal's faces as they process what the heck happened to the lot of them.

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So, in my latest test flights i've added an anti gravity module from the mod available in the mod forum. My aircraft crumples on the runway, which normally is a disaster. With this device on, the plane crumples and the anti grav device sails off into the sky. Another time i was testing one of my safety feature aircraft (detachable cockpit with parachute and parachute on the main body of the aircraft) Things start going wacky so i eject the cockpit. The aircraft only goes and damn well stabilises itself and flies on its merry way.

Sadly, i didn't have time to get a picture.

(also this thread should be a sticky)

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I had mechjeb and it was a routine satellite mission so I tabbed out to check on the forums. After about a minute I heard some funny rocket noises. I tab back in and find my rocket somehow smashed to little bits and pieces and the parachute *just so* knocked off the capsule.

Another time: First moon landing: It was a one man capsule and landed perfectly on the moon till I screwed around with eva collisions and knocked it over.

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I had attempted to orbit as close as i could to Kerbin (before mechjeb) and the landing module accidentally flew towards space never to be seen again.. Fast forward a few days later (in real life) and i notice it's headed right for minmus. i managed to land it, and that was my first landing on the moon..

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I was launching my newly designed SSTO spaceplane when it suddenly started to lose power and controlibility at 35km due to the rear tanks draining first, making the thing nose-heavy. After dipping below 20km, I could reactivate the ramjets and push the craft back up to the point it would lose control again. After repeating this process once more, I finally got the stubborn plane into orbit. Overall a very nervous flight.

Either that or the time I tried to take off, and the plane suddenly became much....smaller....


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Well, i was landing on the moon, but my mum called me so i quickly turned on mech jeb to land for me, that was a bad idea, i came back to the ship in smithereens, most probably my fault for leaving it up to mech jeb and landing on the dark side, it seems that I had landed on top of the crater i was aiming for so i put mech jeb to use a little to low and it couldn't save itself D:

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I rocketed up a space-dock to manufacture housing for a Kethane mining outpost on Minmus. Everything went smoothly apart from a slightly asymmetrical orbit. Some cargo ships full of supplies soon followed, and none of them seemed to have any problems whatsoever rendezvousing. For a moment I thought things were going well for once.


Then I looked at the map...

Some time between the dock's launch and the latest cargo ship's rendezvous the entire mining outpost up-rooted and hurled itself out of Kerbin's SOI. Before the photo was taken, there wasn't a single ship orbiting Kerbol


The highlighted ship in the image was a Kethane sensor orbiting Minmus at 6km. The sensor has now, after about 4 years, traveled three trillion meters from Kerbin.

Flying ships in Low Kerbin Orbit has catastrophic results. :/

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I remember my first lunar disaster, i had a what would seem to be a perfect Landing until my finger slipped, Thinking i was gonna press M to bring up the map view i pressed space and Decoupled from the landing engines and probably created a new crater on the mun.

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  rasheed said:
Oh my god. What are the odds of a orbital collision..... i see many posts in this thread about orbital collisions.

There are two answers to this question. The first is this: pretty dang small. The odds of it happening are so remote that, at least in KSP, you don't ever need to worry about conjunction unless you set that up specifically. The second, however, is this: as a professional astrodynamicist, I can tell you that it is something the commercial spaceflight community is starting to worry about. The damage to the offending satellite operator's reputation and the geosync belt would be enormous if a collision occurred up there.

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I just posted a bug report on this one. My ship was on a Trans-Munar orbit trajectory, and i decided to experiment with the EVA system. Bill climbed out, and whilst one of his crewmates hanged on a ladder outside, he began a circut taking him 10km directly away, and then back to the craft using the EVA pack only. Everything was fine until i reached about 3km from my craft. In a split second, the pink icon for my ship flew off at lightspeed in one direction, as i heard an explosion break the silence of space. My craft had apparently teleported one way, snapping my other EVA'ing kerbal mentioned earlier on the ladder off of his ladder, and instantly killing my 3rd kerbal still in the pod along with obliterating my ship, leaving 2 very suprised kerbals stranded in space. I personally blame the Space Kraken.

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