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Hurricane Irma


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13 minutes ago, tater said:

I hope that you get to enjoy them in relative peace and quiet.

Yeah, here's hoping. :)

It's still OK outside... winds are picking up a little bit, but I don't think the outer bands will get her before morning. I'll keep everyone posted what's happening here at ground zero as long as I have an internet and/or cell connection. 

And good luck to all the other Floridians on here!


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3 minutes ago, StupidAndy said:

okay I'm going to ask the important questions. not really, I hope you don't get "blown away" by the storm ;P

how is everyone's cats?

Hahaha... yes, that is important. My 3 cats are OK so far, and we have their carriers all put together, just in case of an emergency. We're also stocked up on cat food.

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Storm winds and rain starting to be felt in the Brevard County area, though NAICT the peak is still 12+ hours away.  It looks like it will hit at tropical depression levels, which are still bad but well within the ability of the facilities to withstand.

Less optimistically, it looks like forum member Just Jim is going to be near the center...  Stay safe Jim!

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2 hours ago, DerekL1963 said:

Less optimistically, it looks like forum member Just Jim is going to be near the center...  Stay safe Jim!

Thank you!

The latest forecast just came out... It's down to a Cat-3 again, and it looks like bad news for Naples, but a little better news for us. The eye is still headed north, not NNW, and if this happens, and it gets onto land, it could be down to a Cat-2 by the time it gets here tonight. Odds are good we'll be really close still, if not right under it, but a Cat-2 eye-wall would be much better than a Cat-4.

So far here we just had a feeder band pass through, and got a ton of rain, but the winds weren't bad. And right now it's back to being quiet, and spooky... ETA for the eye is sometime late tonight or really early tomorrow morning.


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5 hours ago, Just Jim said:

WOOHOO!!! She's already made landfall, and downgraded to a Cat-2... and is still a ways south of here! Plus she's moving faster. She unless something changes, she'll get here sooner, and not as strong as we thought early this morning. Whew!!!

Guy I know on another board, his mom and dad are north of Miami. When the first bands hit and the winds started picking picking up, first thing that happened is a palm tree fell over and crashed through their roof. They've been fighting a losing battle trying to keep the rain out of their house ever since. Stay sharp, man.

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Irma's eye is over us now... WOW! Wind gusts are impressive...

No real damage here so far, and it's still to dark outside to see clearly, but it looks like a palm tree across the street snapped in half. 

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5 hours ago, Just Jim said:

Irma's eye is over us now... WOW! Wind gusts are impressive...

No real damage here so far, and it's still to dark outside to see clearly, but it looks like a palm tree across the street snapped in half. 

Holy crap. At least no one is hurt there so far.. right?

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18 minutes ago, _Augustus_ said:

Now it's only a tropical storm???

As the storm loses energy (once it's over land, it's heat engine is stopped), it moves down the scale.

Can't find any details of peak winds in Brevard County or what the storm level was at peak, but it appears to have been Cat 2 at worst...  well within what the buildings are designed to withstand.  (Doesn't mean there isn't small scale damage or flooding though.)

Sustained winds have fallen below 50MPH, which I understand is the threshold for the rideout crew.  If they aren't already, they should soon be out conducting preliminary damage surveys.

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Initial damage assessment is underway - KSC to remain closed at least through tomorrow.  The more thorough assessment should start tomorrow.



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8 hours ago, DerekL1963 said:

As the storm loses energy (once it's over land, it's heat engine is stopped), it moves down the scale.

Can't find any details of peak winds in Brevard County or what the storm level was at peak, but it appears to have been Cat 2 at worst...  well within what the buildings are designed to withstand.  (Doesn't mean there isn't small scale damage or flooding though.)

Sustained winds have fallen below 50MPH, which I understand is the threshold for the rideout crew.  If they aren't already, they should soon be out conducting preliminary damage surveys.

I don't have an exact figure, but they were fast enough here last night to snap a 20' palm tree clean in half. I'll post a pic of it when I can. 

Oh, I'm right across the state from the KSC, and they got more or less what we got

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