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steam contoller for non steam owners


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im looking to play ksp oiver my steamlink to downstairs and to do so i will need steam controller compatability, when i got the game some 3 or 4 years ago i didnt have steam and so never used it but i now use it lots, i read on the steam formums that ksp has native steam controler support for the steam version, is this in the non steam version? if not is there any way i can get the plugin that allows it? thanks


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I did not, I just didn't use steam before i got the game (ksp was basically my fiorst pc game, i just went off the site) i think i missed the cut off by about 2 months lol, tbh i may just buy it on steam anyway but just wanting to get the steam controler working


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Just now, Gargamel said:

Isn't the steam controller just a fancy game pad?   Why not just get a cheap game pad for use in non steam games?

its a fancy game pad with total key control and gyrosopic input and (for ksp) automatic transition from binding modes as you trasnition around the game  from editor to flight and map ect, a game pad would be even more bother than its worth especially for playing over the steamlink, it does mostly work with any game, ive been playing bf1 and titanfall with it but im after thant native support since i dont want to spend several days expeirnenting and configureing it when squad has already done so


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All you need to do is launch the game from Steam (though Alshain may be right since KSP has explicit Steam Controller support; most games don't). Even if it's not a Steam game, just go to your library and choose add non-Steam program.

This even works for games that use a separate launcher, like Origin for anything from EA, and UPlay for Ubisoft games.

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