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[KSP 1.12.x] kOS v1.4.0.0: kOS Scriptable Autopilot System


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1 hour ago, hvacengi said:

The telnet part of the mod isn't exactly in my wheelhouse, but it sounds like you're pretty well versed in the underpinnings for telnet itself so I thought there might be some benefit pointing you towards the mapper for VT1000: https://github.com/KSP-KOS/KOS/blob/develop/src/kOS/UserIO/TerminalVT100Mapper.cs

You may also want to look at the telnet singleton server: https://github.com/KSP-KOS/KOS/blob/develop/src/kOS/UserIO/TelnetSingletonServer.cs

I know that when @Steven Mading worked on the telnet code, he spent a lot of time looking through the standards along with some of the unofficial implementations.  But there's always a chance we got something wrong.  If you find an issue before he is able to reply, please feel free to post it and let us know.

I was also hampered by the fact that I knew it wasn't done until Putty would work.  I was discovering ways that Putty refused to adhere to what the RFC's said it had to do, and I had to take on roles that should be done by the client side, despite being the server side.

There may also be a problem with VT100 specifically.  There's a pending PR where someone noticed the VT100 detection isn't implemented right.  As a test, see if claiming to be an XTERM terminal makes things behave better, @Crimsyn



Edited by Steven Mading
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Is there a way to make a thing like this work:

function get {
	parameter folder, file.

(This obviously doesn't work and is there to illustrate my problem)

And a second thing I can'T get past is the fact that I really can't run functions from the terminal. Does it really always have to be in a programm that runs the function or a sub scribt with the functions?

Cheers, great mod, great fun, manny nerve wrecking moments :D

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3 minutes ago, maculator said:

Is there a way to make a thing like this work:

function get {
	parameter folder, file.

(This obviously doesn't work and is there to illustrate my problem)

function get {

    parameter folder, file.

    copypath("0:/" + folder + "/" + file + ".ks", "1:/" + file + ".ks").


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Okay, I fell stupid now. I thought the "" in copypath("0:/X","1:/X") were needed no matter what. so I tried something like copypath("""+"0:/"+....you get where this is heading.... :S

lol. My problem is that I have 0 experience in coding. The wiki really helps alot but sometimes I get stuck on the easiest things, sadly.

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Is KOS know to disable the switching of designs on the new parts?



As far as I know KOS is the only mod that touches the fairings in my install. (Doesn't happen with all of the, oddly).

Anyways here is my log if it helps:



Edit it is loading the correct ones when the vessel spawns, just doesn't update the editor.

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6 minutes ago, maculator said:

As far as I know KOS is the only mod that touches the fairings in my install. (Doesn't happen with all of the, oddly).

kOS doesn't make any changes to fairings other than by adding the nametag module.  In my local install I have no problem setting the textures on any of the fairings (or other parts).  Looking through your logs I don't see any entries for ModulePartVariants, or for our name tag module, and the only exceptions I seem to find are related to kOS script errors.  If you remove kOS from the install, does it fix the fairings?

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4 minutes ago, maculator said:

Without KOS it works:

Try removing only the "kOS-module-manager.cfg" file inside the kOS folder.  That should at least narrow down whether or not the issue is with the part module for the name tag system.

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8 hours ago, Steven Mading said:

I was also hampered by the fact that I knew it wasn't done until Putty would work.  I was discovering ways that Putty refused to adhere to what the RFC's said it had to do, and I had to take on roles that should be done by the client side, despite being the server side.

There may also be a problem with VT100 specifically.  There's a pending PR where someone noticed the VT100 detection isn't implemented right.  As a test, see if claiming to be an XTERM terminal makes things behave better, @Crimsyn



I will check that out here tonight. It got way too late on me last night.

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I'm having trouble RCS-steering my Tundra Exploration rockets. Steering seems to counteract itself, resulting in veeeeery slow or no movement at all. The control pod's reaction wheels have virtually no torque, so steering has to rely solely on RCS. When I manually enable SAS, it starts moving. Since that shouldn't be used together with LOCK STEERING and results in heavily oversteering, i keep enabling and disabling SAS until orientation is close to where it should be.

Is this a bug or can I do something about it?

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6 hours ago, infinite_monkey said:

I'm having trouble RCS-steering my Tundra Exploration rockets. Steering seems to counteract itself, resulting in veeeeery slow or no movement at all. The control pod's reaction wheels have virtually no torque, so steering has to rely solely on RCS. When I manually enable SAS, it starts moving. Since that shouldn't be used together with LOCK STEERING and results in heavily oversteering, i keep enabling and disabling SAS until orientation is close to where it should be.

Is this a bug or can I do something about it?

I think the kOS steering manager is much less effective when a craft doesn't have much/any reaction wheel torque. It is optimised for "medium torque":


You may be able to adjust the steering manager settings to something that works better for this particular craft.

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I got a quastion, if somebady wants to push me in the right direction (literally).

I got my small script to hold my planes altitude and direction:


core:part:getmodule("kOSProcessor"):doevent("Open Terminal").
set terminal:charheight to 18.
set terminal:width to 30.
set terminal:height to 14.
set terminal:brightness to 1.

if alt:radar < 10 {
	print "we're landed... bye.".
	wait 2.
} else {
	sas off.
	set alt_t to ship:altitude.
	print "target altitude: " + round(alt_t).
	set WhyDoesItHaveToBeThatComplicated to ship:bearing * -1.
	set angle to 0.
	lock angle2 to angle.
	print "heading " + round(WhyDoesItHaveToBeThatComplicated).
	lock steering to Heading(WhyDoesItHaveToBeThatComplicated, angle).
	until false {
		if ship:altitude > (alt_t + 100) {
			set angle to angle - 1.
			print "down " + angle.
			lock steering to heading(WhyDoesItHaveToBeThatComplicated, angle2).
		if ship:altitude < (alt_t - 100) {
			set angle to angle + 1.
			print "up " + angle.
			lock steering to heading(WhyDoesItHaveToBeThatComplicated, angle2).
		if ship:altitude > (alt_t - 100) and ship:altitude < (alt_t + 100) {
			print "hold " + angle.
			lock steering to heading(WhyDoesItHaveToBeThatComplicated, angle2).
		lock steering to heading(WhyDoesItHaveToBeThatComplicated, angle2).
		print angle.
		print "wait".
		wait 10.


And I really would like it to hold a sort of "global" direction, unaffected by the compass.

Right now it goes like this:

lock steering to Heading(WhyDoesItHaveToBeThatComplicated, angle2).

Is there a way to tell it to just hold the direction unaffected by compass?

I red through the documentation but that stuff is a bit much for me :S

Thank you!

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1 hour ago, maculator said:

Is there a way to tell it to just hold the direction unaffected by compass?

Depends exactly what you want. The following would orient to the current velocity vector, but  aimed at the horizon, also keeping the top of the aircraft upwards:


The vector exclude removes all up from the surface prograde vector, so the resultant vector points at the horizon. However, you may want to pitch up or down a certain amount, which would mean rotating the resulting vector. I've posted something like that before... now to see if I can find it.

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Thank you. I don't understand a thing for now, but I guess the wiki and some testing will help me. All I'm learning in KOS is based on small steps and alot of wiki consulting.

In my mini "P-Loop" pitch is handled by the loop, so I guess it should be fine.

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44 minutes ago, maculator said:

Thank you. I don't understand a thing for now, but I guess the wiki and some testing will help me. All I'm learning in KOS is based on small steps and alot of wiki consulting.

I looked up a previous solution I've given for your kind of question (https://www.reddit.com/r/Kos/comments/66pdll/question_about_steering_and_vectors/). It does involve even more vector manipulation than my previous example, I'm afraid:


That pitches up (or possibly down), by whatever number the pitchAngle() function returns. The VCRS (vector cross) of the horizon and a vector pointed at the centre of the planet (straight down, I guess, should be equivalent to -UP:VECTOR) returns a vector that is at 90 degrees to both (pointed at the horizon to starboard), meaning it can be used as an axis to rotate our steering vector around, to pitch up or down.

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1 hour ago, maculator said:

What happend to the folder for storage "1"?! It's not in my scripts folder. 

"0" is the archive (ship/scripts), "1" is the local hard drive for the active CPU, in the game, so would get baked into your savefile.

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I know. The thing is I noticed a misstake in my script and altered it. Now of course I didn't backup and I'm afraid to have made it worse. So long story short:

Thhe original script is running right now on a plane flying arround kerbin, the scrip in 0:/boot is altered and I wanted to copy the unaltered version to a backup, just in case. But there is no folder "1" inside scripts.



I could swear there used to be a folder called "1"....




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