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[UNOFFICIAL/FANMADE] 0.17 Discussion Thread 2


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The black large command module is also new unless it is just an upscaled single or a retextured 3 man.

Has anyone tried to recreate that ship? Unless there is a change in the way you can piece parts together there is no way that I can see to make those top engines attach like that.

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No, the rotated engine nacelles wont attach to anything on their side like that.

Yes they will, Shift+arrows


Also the "black large command module" is in shadow so it is darker.

You could build this if you had that crew tank. Then again I think this was just a random craft to put infront of the new sky, no real purpose.

Edited by SLAMS
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Ahah! So is that something you figured out via debug or other dev'ly means or are you hinting that the CoG GUI indicator is now working? :P

My guess is that he just started slapping parts on until it was balanced with the new CoG UI and that is why we have a funny looking ship lol.

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Is it me or is the "full burn" consumption for rocket engines extremely high?

I know there's the "fuel bug" but still, it seems if I go full burn, I can't get anywhere now...

I would agree the engines seem less efficient in 0.16 than they were in 0.15, but I guess rebalancing was bound to happen. I like it.

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Why is it that people have such a big interest on the mars like planet. I think Eve is the most interesting followed up by the gas giant i can just see my self falling though the atmosphere waiting for my ship to explode. The mars like planet is something we have been looking at for a long time because of all of the rovers that N.A.S.A lands on mars looking for life. Once the game adds in fetures were you can do missions. then i would have more of an interest in going to the mars like planet. But EVE is purple..... and has water (i think.... what is it going to be... we have been talking about the water/lava. really what is the purple water on eve.) YOu could do allot more on Eve then on the mars like planet.

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Why is it that people have such a big interest on the mars like planet. I think Eve is the most interesting followed up by the gas giant i can just see my self falling though the atmosphere waiting for my ship to explode. The mars like planet is something we have been looking at for a long time because of all of the rovers that N.A.S.A lands on mars looking for life. Once the game adds in fetures were you can do missions. then i would have more of an interest in going to the mars like planet. But EVE is purple..... and has water (i think.... what is it going to be... we have been talking about the water/lava. really what is the purple water on eve.) YOu could do allot more on Eve then on the mars like planet.

There has been a lot of discussion on Eve, it is most likely not water, but probably something like a liquid metal or something - I mean - it's black... So...

I doubt the desert planet will be the first I go to, too many people will go there first...

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I wonder how the altimeter behaves near the gas giant. Does the gas giant have a set surface and an atmosphere height? Or is the surface set to the point where the pressure destroys your craft?

I imagine that the second one is true. Makes sense too. The altimeter doesn't have negative values, not even when You crash land in Kerbins ocean and go below the surface for a moment, it shows 000000m

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