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Presenting my second submission to this thread: A Battlecruiser.

14 x Abrams cannons, 4 x Oerlikon Millennium cannons, 4 x chain guns, and 4 x 50 cal turrets.

Top speed is 50 m/s, though I have seen the ship move up to 52 m/s at times. Cruising speed is 35 m/s.

The ship has virtually no armour - it's all guns, and so it's very fragile. It has more struts than my first submission (dreadnought) but even so, one cannon shot to the centre flank will take down the whole thing. It is modestly resistant to small arms fire.


The sole strategy is to outgun the enemy. Any ship with an equal amount of weaponry and/or superior armour will undoubtedly defeat it :P

Download: https://kerbalx.com/Earthlinger/AXON-Battle-Cruiser

Anybody want to host some battles with it?

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I’m currently working a ship similar to the Rimor, but larger, with more space for weapons, and with a more buoyant hull. ETA probably sometime tomorrow as weekend=ksp time. Can’t wait to fly drive captain? it’s against your battlecruiser!

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I’ve run some battles against the Axon, and my MMC-4 can destroy it every time at every range. That said I’m not happy with it yet, I might still completely rebuild it from the deck up.

1tkm. Both ships speeding towards each other at full thrust.


The MMC-4 throws up a constant barrage of cruise missiles and unguided rockets against the Axon, which puts up a wall of defensive fire in the face of the attack, but with no weapons capable of returning fire its only a matter of time before shots slip through the barrier, and the Axon falls as munitions impact the seas all around it.


From 7.5-5km the Axon can bring it’s impressive amount of weaponary to bear on the MMC-4, however at the higher end of the M1 cannon’s range the shots are inaccurate, and it is destroyed by a cruise missile launched along with Hydra rockets.

From <1km the Axon can fight toe to toe with the MMC-4. 


The faster firing Hydra turrets can lock on to the Axon before the opposing M1s can line up a shot, and the barrage tears the Battle Cruiser apart, though not before it can loose a single salvo of 120mm shells.


The crippling shot impacted the frontal turret, detonating the ammunition stores before passing out the other side. 


The MMC-4 erupted into flames as the Axon sunk below the water, flooding the main bulkhead compartment and setting off a Hellfire missile in the enclosed silo, causing huge damage above and below the waterline.


Three quarters of the Medium Cruiser sunk beneath the waves, while debris from both ships littered the combat area. The MMC-4 retained control and use of 3 of its 6 weapons systems, but had no way of movement and had major flooding in all but one of its compartments. Though not destroyed, the ship was not worth salvaging or repairing.

I’ll probably be rebuilding the MMC-4 quite soon. Thanks for putting your ship up for testing against!


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2 hours ago, MiffedStarfish said:

From <1km the Axon can fight toe to toe with the MMC-4.

Lol 1 km is ridiculously close :D

I can see that the victories are so far going to you :)

I need to try and make some sort of destroyer-like ship that has something more high-tech than Abrams cannons, because at the moment my ship is literally running with WW2 tech XD

Oh and btw, 'AXON' is the name of my company for HatBat's Kethane Station series. The battlecruiser itself has no name, so just refer to it as Axon BC or something


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Oh right, didn’t know about the name. :)

If you want some advice about ship building,  all your ship really needs is some form of missile defense and a long range missile battery and it’s effectiveness will double. Also I’d recommend trying to make an armoured hull, building armoured hulls is actually quite easy, as you’ll find that certain BDA armour parts at certain angles will snap together almost perfectly and create really clean hulls.

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10 hours ago, MiffedStarfish said:

If you want some advice about ship building,  all your ship really needs is some form of missile defense and a long range missile battery and it’s effectiveness will double. Also I’d recommend trying to make an armoured hull, building armoured hulls is actually quite easy, as you’ll find that certain BDA armour parts at certain angles will snap together almost perfectly and create really clean hulls.

Yeah, I need to make a destroyer type ship. As for the armour, I find that it uses too many parts, and my computer's not the best :P I would rather just have low part ships like the Axon BC.

5 hours ago, TheMadKraken2297 said:

Ok! I have a concept for a battle... uh....dreadnought...cruise missile.....boat...thingy? Might be quite a bit to many parts though. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!:D ETA- December....? I hope

A concept for a battle or a ship? :)

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Ah, computers. I’ve never had one that can’t run 1500-2000 parts, so I’m one of the lucky ones. Inside the enclosed part of the MMC-4 behind the bridge there are 60 Hellfires on rails, and they fire so close together 2/3rds of them detonate 10m above my ship, and less than a quarter make it to the target. I need to do some rebuilds.

5 hours ago, TheMadKraken2297 said:

Ok! I have a concept for a battle... uh....dreadnought...cruise missile.....boat...thingy? Might be quite a bit to many parts though. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!:D ETA- December....? I hope.

Imagine saying that in a meeting discussing what your next ship design will be with the entire board. I’m looking forward to seeing it. :)

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5 minutes ago, MiffedStarfish said:

2/3rds of them detonate 10m above my ship, and less than a quarter make it to the target

You should spread out the orientation of the missiles so that they're not all concentrated in one spot

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I attempted to alleviate it by firing them in a checkerboard pattern, but the problem is no matter the angle they all pass through the same spot.

I just had an idea. Do you think this challenge could be expanded by maybe doing fleets v fleets, say 3v3 ships, and a max tonnage? Also you could set up coastal emplacements and then have ships trying destroy/get past them. 

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3 minutes ago, MiffedStarfish said:

I just had an idea. Do you think this challenge could be expanded by maybe doing fleets v fleets, say 3v3 ships, and a max tonnage? Also you could set up coastal emplacements and then have ships trying destroy/get past them. 

Lol I had actually been thinking of that, yeah. The ships would have to have a part count limit though, and I would be unable to host the battles because of my computer's performance :P

But yeah we should try it :) At the moment though, there aren't that many people who have submitted ships, so maybe later? Idk

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Okay, so I made a 'destroyer' which was originally intended to be a long range missile ship of sorts, but ended up being more of an anti-aircraft support ship:


Top speed of 60 m/s, 100k D-V. 169 parts.



@MiffedStarfish This one might be able to go up against your ships. It has better AA defence than the battlecruiser

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9 hours ago, MiffedStarfish said:


Imagine saying that in a meeting discussing what your next ship design will be with the entire board. I’m looking forward to seeing it. :)

It's easy getting monstrosities past the design board when your country space program is a dictatorship! Ahem...... The 'Monstrosity Jumbo Jet'

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6 minutes ago, Earthlinger said:

*Jaw Drops*

That thing is impressive :o

Ehh.. I had a better one.... it died along with my PC. That's the only one with a screenshot. Does 12 tweakscaled goliaths make a difference? And 3 decks? My current PC now lags in the VAB on 3 part ships :(

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