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KERBSPEX Announcement!

Grand Ship Builder

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Hello all! Today is a very exciting day, as I announce, KERBSPEX!

This new thingie will hopefully not be a complete failure.

Questions and answers:

So what is KERBSPEX?

KERBSPEX is a new private-government comp-allaboration (portmanteau of company and collaboration) thingie. Basically, it's a kerbalized NASA but better. 

What does KERBSPEX do?

Make rockets, explore space, fund other things, make snacks, basically everything NASA does, but also a semi-merger of other companies.

What does KERBSPEX mean, and why is it capitalized?

It's sort of a combination of many space companies' names, with kerbal in it. (Companies may include, but may not be limited to: NASA, SpaceX, Arianespace, ESA, ULA, Virgin Galactic, and maybe other things.) We have no idea what it stands for, but it might stand for something. You decide. We take suggestions.

Is KERBSPEX a private or government company?

Sort of a mix of both. It can function on it's own, but the government and other companies can be involved.

How do I say and write KERBSPEX?

You can write and say it however way you want.

Can my company join?

Yeah, you and your company can join kerbspex, if you have good intentions and we accept.


Companies/agencies/whatevers involved:

  1. The Kerbal Government
  2. The KSC
  3. Everything affiliated with the KSC
  4. Maybe you.

Who's involved:

  1. Me
  2. Everyone else mentioned above.








Please let this not be a failure.

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