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"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars" - Les Brown 


Welcome to Apollo Style Redux!

This is the second version of this heritage challenge, a reboot of a reboot by @Xeldrak

The rules are:

  • You MUST use your own rocket
  • NO orbital construction OR refueling
  • You have to have a Lunar Orbit Rendezvous (LOR) mission design, (in the case of Kerbals, probably MOR)
  • You NEED a separate Munar Excursion Module (MEM) and a Command/Service Module (CSM), consisting of a Command module (CM) and a Service Module (SM)
  • No MechJeb, KOS is permitted for all phases of the flight
  • PLEASE note that visual mods (EVE, Scatterer, SVE, SciFi Visual Enhancements, etc.) are NOT considered modded, with an exception - mods like VSR, which replace models of the parts, making craft incompatible with stock saves
  • Mods are allowed, but you will get a modded badge
  • You MUST document the mission in one way or another, I don't care if it's video, pictures, or anything else (just please don't make 2-hour long videos!)
  • NO unintentional decoupling
  • NO SRBs or LRBs (radially decoupled)

The main goal is to land a Kerbal on  the Mun and return him back safely, but not in any way - Apollo Style!

You start with 50 points, but can gain or loose points by achieving the following mission/design goals, achieve negative objectives, like killing Kerbals, which greatly lower your score


  • The 3 Little Kerbals - 3 Kerbals on board the spacecraft (1 remaining in the CM, while the other 2 land on the Mun) +20
  • A Flag on the Mun?! - Plant a flag on the Mun (Non-cumulative, 2 flags do not get 10 points) +5
  • Mun Buggie - Have a Munar Roving vehicle (MRV) on board +15
  • Abort! Abort! - Have a Launch Escape System on the top of the rocket +15
  • Konked Out! - Kill a Kerbal -25 points per Kerbal
  • Return for Free - Have a Free Return trajectory on the way to the Mun +10
  • No More MEM! - Dispose of the MEM by crashing it into the Mun (without Kerbals inside of course!) +5
  • Up, Up, and Away - Make the MEM two-stage, leaving the descent stage and its engine on the Munar Surface +20
  • Look on the Bright Side! - Land on the bright side of the Mun +10
  • Shut Away From The World - Put the MEM behind some sort of fairing +5
  • Down Under - Put the MEM under the CSM during ascent +20
  • Splashies! - Splash down in the ocean on Kerbin  +5
  • MEM Hugger - Dock to the MEM using the CSM +10
  • SubSat - Deploy a small sub-satellite before returning to Kerbin (Like the PFS sub-sats deployed during Apollo 15 and 16) + 10
  • Minmalist! - Do it on Minmus -5
  • No More Docking? - Decouple the docking port on the CM right before deploying parachutes +5
  • Parachute Problems - Have 3 main chutes and 2 drogues on the CM +10
  • Saturn-Alike - Make the launch vehicle (LV) resemble the Saturn V (S5)

Additional Goals

     Landing Accuracy

  1. Land within 5 km of the Neil Armstrong Memorial (NAM) +5
  2. Land within 500 m of the NAM + 10
  3. Land within 50 m of the NAM +15
  4. Land within 5 m of the NAM  +20

     I was roving on the Mun one day...

  1. Test Drive - Drive beyond 100 meters of your lander +5
  2. Proper Shakedown - Drive beyond 2 kilometers of your lander +10
  3. Gone drivin' - Drive beyond 5 km of your lander + 15 
  4. Are we there yet? - Drive beyond 10 km of your lander +20

     Munar Scientific Experiments Package (MunSEP)

     Your MunSEP must have a power source that can keep it alive for at least 6 hours, at least one science experiment, and be controllable (have a probe core on board)

  1. Minimalist - Deploy one MunSEP at the landing site +5
  2. That'll Do - Deploy two MunSEPs at the landing site +10
  3. For Science - Deploy two MunSEPs at least one kilometer from the landing site (at least one kilometer from each other) +15
  4. Science Extravaganza - Deploy four MunSEPs at least one kilometer from the landing site (at least one kilometer from each other) +15
Edited by Bottle Rocketeer 500
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@Bottle Rocketeer 500, I did it!  

  On 11/11/2017 at 2:02 PM, Bottle Rocketeer 500 said:

The 3 Little Kerbals - 3 Kerbals on board the spacecraft (1 remaining in the CM, while the other 2 land on the Mun) +20



  On 11/11/2017 at 2:02 PM, Bottle Rocketeer 500 said:

A Flag on the Mun?! - Plant a flag on the Mun (Non-cumulative, 2 flags do not get 10 points) +5



  On 11/11/2017 at 2:02 PM, Bottle Rocketeer 500 said:

Up, Up, and Away - Make the MEM two-stage, leaving the descent stage and its engine on the Munar Surface +20



  On 11/11/2017 at 2:02 PM, Bottle Rocketeer 500 said:

Return for Free - Have a Free Return trajectory on the way to the Mun +10



  On 11/11/2017 at 2:02 PM, Bottle Rocketeer 500 said:

Down Under - Put the MEM under the CSM during ascent +20



  On 11/11/2017 at 2:02 PM, Bottle Rocketeer 500 said:

MEM Hugger - Dock to the MEM using the CSM +10



  On 11/11/2017 at 2:02 PM, Bottle Rocketeer 500 said:

Shut Away From The World - Put the MEM behind some sort of fairing +5



  On 11/11/2017 at 2:02 PM, Bottle Rocketeer 500 said:

Look on the Bright Side! - Land on the bright side of the Mun +10



150 pts.

Proof coming SoonTm


Edited by DAL59
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Sarnus V 

1st stage: Mammoth plus 6 twin boar boosters

2nd stage: Rhino

3rd stage: Poodle

I only used three modded parts- a monopropellant engine and tank, and a 1.875 engine from somewhere.

CM: Monopropellant Engine from Near Future Propulsion

LM Descent Stage: 1 dolk engine

Ascent Stage: 1 spark and 6 twitches 


A test of the abort system




Fairing Seperation


Orbit Insertion


Docking and extraction


Free Return


Lunar orbit insertion

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Can I have multiple submissions?

I have one fully programmed in kOS except for EVA of course.

More a Soviet-style replica but mission profiles are quite similar. Not sure if soviet-style landing on the Mun capture stage counts for this challenge though.

Obviously modded, HGR for Soyuz parts.

As far as I understand, the following goals are achieved:

  • A Flag on the Mun?! +5
  • Abort! Abort!  +15
  • No More MEM! +5
  • Look on the Bright Side! +10
  • Shut Away From The World +5
  • Down Under +20
  • Splashies! +5
  • MEM Hugger +10
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  On 11/11/2017 at 2:02 PM, Bottle Rocketeer 500 said:
  • No More Docking? - Decouple the docking port on the CM right before deploying parachutes
  • Parachute Problems - Have 3 main chutes and 2 drogues on the CM

Can you add points to these two, err, points?

I notice there are no constraints on the launch vehicle....

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  On 11/15/2017 at 8:57 PM, sevenperforce said:

Can you add points to these two, err, points?

I notice there are no constraints on the launch vehicle....


OK, I'll do that

  On 11/15/2017 at 9:02 PM, DAL59 said:

Maybe we should be allowed to use LRBs, but no asparagus?


No, that's so you realistically build a big rocket, not just "add moar boosters!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are we allowed to make more than one entry into this challenge?  I've got a finished design, but also a work-in-progress based off of that one that's got a ways to go.

Edited by MattJL
EDIT: Grammar
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  On 11/27/2017 at 4:48 AM, MattJL said:

Are we allowed to make more than one entry into this challenge?  I've got a finished design, but also a work-in-progress based off of that one that's got a ways to go.


Sorry for the delay, but yes, you are allowed to enter multiple times, like one stock entry and one modded for example.

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  On 11/27/2017 at 10:24 PM, Bottle Rocketeer 500 said:

Sorry for the delay, but yes, you are allowed to enter multiple times, like one stock entry and one modded for example.


Great!  I went ahead and rushed my entry.

I've been working on re-doing every single Apollo mission (and then some) in stock, and with Apollo 15 being next on my list, this was the perfect opportunity to enter (as it's the first one that fulfills most of the requirements).


Apollo 15: Kerbkind Must Explore.

Imgur album is a bit image-heavy, so I also pulled out some highlights:


Liftoff of Apollo 15.


SLA panels jettisoned for transposition, docking, and extraction.


Munar Orbit Insertion with the SPS on Endeavour, the CSM.


"Falcon, you are go for PDI."


Driving on the Mun.


Subsatellite launch.


Almost home!


GOALS (starting with +50):

  • The 3 Little Kerbals +20
  • A Flag on the Mun?! +5
  • Mun Buggie +15
  • Abort! Abort! +15 (Proof)
  • Return for Free +10
  • No More MEM! +5
  • Up, Up, and Away +20
  • Look on the Bright Side! +10
  • Shut Away From The World +5
  • Down Under +20
  • Splashies!  +5
  • MEM Hugger +10
  • SubSat +10
  • Parachute Problems - Have 3 main chutes and 2 drogues on the CM +10
  • Saturn-Alike - Make the launch vehicle (LV) resemble the Saturn V (S5)

Additional Goals:

     I was roving on the Mun one day...

  • Proper Shakedown - Drive beyond 2 kilometers of your lander +10

     Munar Scientific Experiments Package (MunSEP)

  • Minimalist - Deploy one MunSEP at the landing site +5

TOTAL SCORE: 215 points

Edited by MattJL
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