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EVA - come back in ship

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I tried to do a simple EVA with my plane on the runway.

I am using the MK1 Cockpit (which is 69m high compare to the surface), but I can't manage to go back in the cockpit after EVA.

I tried to use my EVA jetpack with RCS, holding "shift". A white smoke go out the jetpack propellant but nothing else happens. I try to tap "space" and I jump but not enough to touch the door of the cockpit. I tried to do "shift" and space at the same time, but don't jump higher.


Do you know how to manage this?


Edited by Philae & Rosetta
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Kerbals also have the ability to climb onto things that are not too high. So if you walk around your plane you may find that you can climb back onto the wings or tail stabilizers or something.

Sometimes you can jump and then climb.

The MK1 cockpit has a built-in set of handgrips on the door. Sometimes you can jump and grab those.

And if you use the retractable wheels on your plane, the easiest thing to do is just retract the wheels before you EVA.


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It is so obvious that with some local gravel or dirt one could make a small lump for heightening elevation from available soil. But you can't do that in KSP unfortunately, there is no spade or a ability to use your hands to interact with the ground or anything, but this is the idea behind it.

Whenever I forget a ladder or when my cockpit is to high due to long front gear then I temporarily set gravity to 0.33 in the debug menu and then use my jetpack to get back in the cockpit. Then I tell myself there was a ladder there in the most delusional sense :P After all, I could have made a lump, and KSP doesn't have to know right?
So unless the height is so much that I require a hill, or a construction that is required that can never be locally assembled by Kerbal hands, only then I'll discard this behaviour of mine. But this is just one of those personal playthrough rules of mine. And generally I don't forget the ladder or make sure he gets in any other typical way.

I know the gravity slider is a in game cheat/tool. But realistically a sentient being would allow himself to build a temporary lump from dirt or even staircase/ladder from available twigs, plants etc. So with some logical reasoning it isn't a cheat, but simply a good help in the circumstance described in the OP.
If you got more crew in the vessel one could also give a helping hand from the cockpit hatch.

But Kerbals are not very helpful to one another in this game. Atleast Val should be able to get on Jeb's shoulders to reach for the cockpit hatch. Close contact behaviour is primitive in Kerbal kind. To facilitate this behaviour Kerbals require equipment, which is sad but accord.

By the way, if your mission was already finished you can recover the Kerbal first and then the aircraft in the tracking station. Just saying if this is the case.

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