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Trying again. This is my mod list. Can you suggest mods to remove based on redundancy or ability to live without


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I know you're not me, but just be you and tell me according to your opinion what I could stand to lose, especially in cases of redundancy or in cases of mod size vs utility.

I have 143 total and despite having a quite powerful system (I run my HTC vive VR applications in 4k yet still run into problems here), I'm still running into some performance issues (especially when my rocket is exploding/failing mid flight) and I want to run the leanest set of mods I can to get the desired effect.

My goal is to be running and larger solar system with at least one additional star (now accomplished with a 2.5x stock sized solar system with Galileo Outer Planet Mod + Extrasolar planet mod) and the equipment necessary to 

1) make it the extreme distances necessary to visit all of the bodies on the map

2) Build orbital, deep space and planetary self sufficient bases

3) continue a level of realism regarding kerbal survival (right now accomplished with TAC-LS, KeepFit, and KerbalHealth) 

4) realism regarding phsyics (Accomplished with FAR, RealChutes, Research Bodies, RemoteTech, ScanSAT  and Deadly Reentry)

5) A wide variety of fun and interesting scientific experiments (accomplshed via a wide variety of mods; rover science, orbital science etc)

3 and 4 list my only real "required mods"

I also have a goal of having a "healthy" variety of utilities and parts that allow me to create spaceplanes, planes and the range of space ships from orbital to interstellar.  And a second goal of having a large and varied number of scientific experiments of all types to perform.

With that said I am desperate to reduce this list while keeping my described feel of the game in the most efficient way possible.

KSP: 1.3.1 (Win64) - Unity: 5.4.0p4 - OS: Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
000_AT_Utils - 1.5
TexturesUnlimited -
Toolbar - 1.7.15
USI Tools - 0.10.1
Astrogator - 0.7.8
B9 Animation Modules - 1.1
B9 Part Switch - 2.1
B9 Aerospace HX Parts - 6.4
BD Animation Modules -
BetterTimeWarpContinued - 2.3.9
CactEye Telescopes -
CameraTools - 1.9
Community Category Kit - 2.0.2
Community Resource Pack - 0.8
CommunityTechTree - 3.2.1
Connected Living Space -
Contract Configurator - 1.23.3
Contract Pack: Clever Sats - 1.4
Contract Pack: Field Research - 1.2.1
Contract Pack: Kerbal Academy - 1.1.7
Contract Pack: Bases and Stations -
Contract Pack: RemoteTech - 2.1.4
Contract Pack: Tourism Plus - 1.5.2
Contract Reward Modifier -
Crowd Sourced Science - 4.1
CryoEngines - 0.5.10
CryoTanks - 0.4.8
Community Terrain Texture Pack - 1.0.1
CustomBarnKit - 1.1.16
DangIt - 0.7.15
Deadly Reentry - 7.6.2
DMagic Orbital Science -
CapCom Mission Control On The Go -
Contract Parser - 1.0.7
Contracts Window Plus -
Progress Parser - 1.0.8
DockingCameraKURS - 1.3.2
DynamicBatteryStorage - 1.2
EVAEnhancementsContinued - 0.1.12
EVAFuelContinued - 1.6.1
EVA Transfer -
ExtensiveEngineerReportContinued - 0.1.2
Extraplanetary Launchpads - 5.9
Ferram Aerospace Research -
Firespitter - 7.6
Flexible Docking - 1.0.5
FShangarExtender - 3.5.2
GroundConstruction - 1.2.1
Hangar - 3.3.3
HeatControl - 0.4.4
HullcamVDSContinued - 0.1.8
Interstellar Fuel Switch - 2.10.1
K2CommandPodContinued -
RasterPropMonitor - 0.29.1
Kerbal Attachment System - 0.6.3
keepfit -
KerbalAtomics - 0.4.10
KerbalHealth - 1.0.1
KerbalLaunchFailure - 0.4.8
Kerbal Inventory System - 1.7.6468.41490
<b><color=#CA7B3C>Kopernicus</color></b> -
KramaxAutoPilotContinued - 0.3.4
KSP-AVC Plugin -
KSPCasherContinued - 0.2.6
KSPWheel -
Kube - 0.0.5
KWRocketryRedux - 3.1.4
XT Landertron - 1.1
Lithobrake Exploration Technologies - 0.4
Infernal Robots - 2.0.14
Maeneuver Node Evolved -
ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.2.4
NASA_CountDown - 1.3.5
Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 6.7
NearFutureConstruction - 0.8.4
NearFutureElectrical - 0.9.8
NearFuturePropulsion - 0.9.5
NearFutureSolar - 0.8.8
NE-Kemini -
NE-Common -
Final Frontier -
S.A.V.E -
OuterPlanetsMod-Galileo - 1.2.4
PartCommanderContinued - 1.1.2
PatchManager - 0.0.11
PEBKAC Launch Escape -
Precise Maneuver - 2.3.1
ProbeControlRoom -
Mk2.5 Spaceplane Parts -
RealChute - 1.4.5
Recovery Controller - 0.0.2
RemoteTech - 1.8.9
AmpYear - 1.5.1
DeepFreeze Continued... - 0.23.7
IONRCS - 0.1.8
ResearchBodies - 1.9.5
RetractableLiftingSurface - 0.1.5
Skylab - 1.8.1
RoverScience - 2.3.3
SCANsat -
RecoverableEmergencyKerbalTransport - 0.4.5
RetractableLiftingSurface - 0.1.4
ShipSectionsContinued - 0.1
<b><color=#7080FF>Sigma Dimensions</color></b> - 0.9.6
SmartParts - 1.9.8
SpaceY Lifters - 1.16
StageRecovery - 1.7.2
StationScienceContinued - 2.3
Surface Mounted Stock-Alike Lights for Self-Illumination - 1.6.6484.37549
TAC Atomic Clock - 1.5.1
TacSelfDestructContinued - 1.6.5
TakeCommandContinued - 1.4.11
TarsierSpaceTechnology - 7.2
TAC Life Support - 0.13.6
ToadicusToolsContinued - 0.22.2
Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.8.5
Transfer Window Planner - 1.6.2
TweakableEverything - 0.1.23
TweakScale - 2.3.7
USI Core - 0.5
USI Exploration Pack - 0.9
Karbonite - 0.10
Konstruction - 0.3
MKS - 0.53
NuclearRockets - 0.5
USI Alcubierre Drive - 0.7
Universal Storage -
EVAParachutesAndEjectionSeats - 0.1.15
VesselViewerContinued - 0.8.6
KSP Interstellar Extended - 1.16.2
WildBlueTools - 1.37
Kerbal Actuators -
Buffalo - 2.3.1
Deep Space Exploration Vessels - 2.4.5
Kerbal KIS Items - 2.1.3
Mark One Laboratory Extensions - 1.9.2
Pathfinder - 1.16
[x] Science! - 5.11
<b><color=#9B59B6>Sigma LoadingScreens</color></b> - 0.3.1

Edited by Fergrim
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I understand what janitor's closet can do.  But my problem is my OCD/ADD makes it really difficult to decide what to drop, if anything.

That's why I'm asking for specific advice here, just balls to the wall, "imo you don't need X if you have Y because of Z"

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The selection and high quality of mods is one of the best things about KSP, but it can also be a bit of a curse. 

Mod bloat is a definite problem. In addition to so many mods causing the game to load or run slowly, I eventually end up spending more time keeping mods up to date and trying to track down incompatibilities than actually playing the game.

My advice would be to start fresh and come up with some specific goals for your game, don't try to replicate the entire past, present and future of rocketry in a single KSP install, break it out in to multiples and tune each game to the needs of the missions you will be playing in it.

Figure out what the barebones utility/ quality-of-life mods you need to play happily, are then add a few mods on top.

For example, if you want to play some of the early challenges of space flight, don't put late game parts such as Near future, USI/MKS, SpaceY in that install. You probably won't ever get far enough along to use all the insitu construction stuff anyway.

If you do want to go planet hopping, then tune your install for that, and leave out early game stuff like airplanes and gemini and mercury capsules.

That said the biggest redundancy you have is Wild Blue/Pathfinder and USI/MKS, both are huge mods that add a lot of parts but essentially do the same thing (provide tools to build bases), which do you want to keep?

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Thanks nightside this is exactly what I'm needing to hear.  I get so part obsessed, like toys, I just want them all. And I'm the same way, I spend more time tweaking my installed mods than I do playing haha

I'm going to try to choose between those two and I'm also going to try to drop every utility that is redundant with mechjeb.  Aside from one good Airplane autopilot I have, since MJ seems way better with space than with terrestrial autopiloting.

There's also Nertea's Near Future and KSPI but I just have an impossible time choosing between those.  Are you aware of any glaring differences?

@Nightside okay, I'm having a helluva time with this.  Of the Wild Blue and USI stuff, can you make a case for one or the other?  Or at least, which are you using for the moment and why have you chosen it?

My problem is I love the gameplay and systems of USI - but I love the fun toys and gadgets of the WildBlue set

Edited by Fergrim
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Near Future, and all of Nertea's mods have some of the best looking models and textures in the game. If looks are important to you, that is a big plus.

KSPI goes much deeper into speculative tech, if you have read deeply on the Atomic Rockets website, it will probably be very interesting to you to try out the various propulsion systems. If you aren't familiar with that stuff you will most likely just be confused, I know I was.

Of these two, Near Future will likely fit in better with stock and other mods whereas KSPI is more of an Overhaul.

KSPI, Pathfinder, and USI all make so many changes to gameplay that cannot expect them to balance at all with each other or with some other mods. The authors of these mods have put in countless hours of work to make them interesting and challenging and balance - but it is impossible to balance to someone else's mod. Finally, each mod has a pretty steep learning curve, which will only be more confused if you are running these on top of each other.

I've enjoyed playing KSPI but it changes too much in the base game for me to play it with other mods. So I would pick Near Future there. 

As for USI and Pathfinder, pick whichever one you are more curious about with the goal of learning how to do everything in it. Once you've mastered it, try the other one. 

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On 12/3/2017 at 2:20 AM, Fergrim said:

I understand what janitor's closet can do.  But my problem is my OCD/ADD makes it really difficult to decide what to drop, if anything.

That's why I'm asking for specific advice here, just balls to the wall, "imo you don't need X if you have Y because of Z"

Boy, do i know what you mean

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