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[1.3.1] BDArmory Continued - Public BETA of v1.1.0 - Damage and Armor Overhaul


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  On 12/26/2017 at 2:29 AM, Murican_Jeb said:

How to celebrate New Years Eve, featuring BDA physics and vessel mover :wink:

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But seriously, so I tried the bullet damage multiplier thing and put it in one of my weapons. The value was 3700 (Yes, it was carefully calculated so it would take away 37 hp) but yet, the bullets still do 0.01 hp. However, in the new years eve picture the reason those bullets are in the air is because of the ricochet, so it might be something to do with armor, although all the bullets actually penetrated the wings and seemed to bounce off the runway, so I don't think it's that.

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It might be a technical problem that we can find in the log, but I'm pretty sure its part of the physics and stuff in BDA now. Should I give you guys a log or no?


That does seem like glitch somewhere. Show me the Weapon Config and the part config for the wing or fuselage or just send them all in a Zip with the Log.

Can you redo the scenario with "Debug Labels" On, more diagnostic will help me spot the issue.

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  On 12/27/2017 at 3:46 AM, gomker said:

No problem, It's preferred you have a forum thread, do you have one started? Then @DoctorDavinci can update on release


I think he was referring to posting the compatible version in the OP of this thread like SM's :wink:

But that does bring up a good point, we should discuss with the lads if we should have a BDAc add on list in the main thread for those mods that have updated to the new BDAc system

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Hello All,

To make a long story short, the changes made to explosions in this beta has completely borked my plugin and it requires a ground-up overhaul to fix. I want to keep as many features intact as possible, however, so I need to know how the new system works.

Could I get an equation for the tnt yield relating the blast radius of an explosive? Or whatever is used when creating the rays for the explosion (unless it uses a different system)?

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  On 12/28/2017 at 4:51 PM, harpwner said:

Hello All,

To make a long story short, the changes made to explosions in this beta has completely borked my plugin and it requires a ground-up overhaul to fix. I want to keep as many features intact as possible, however, so I need to know how the new system works.

Could I get an equation for the tnt yield relating the blast radius of an explosive? Or whatever is used when creating the rays for the explosion (unless it uses a different system)?


Hi @harpwner 

I have implemented the new blast system. 

By default ( theoretically) any legacy part mod should work as it is because a backward compatibility code is executed to auto-calculate the tnt mass equivalent for a specific BlastRadius cfg field. That means that the blast power should be enough to apply some damage and forces to the parts inside the blast radius.

- Regarding the range and the TNT mass. The range is calculated using this formula:

 /// <summary>
        /// Method based on Hopkinson-Cranz Scaling Law
        /// Z value of 14.8
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tntMass"> tnt equivales mass in kg</param>
        /// <returns>explosive range in meters </returns>
        public static float CalculateBlastRange(double tntMass)
            return (float) (14.8f * Math.Pow(tntMass, 1 / 3f));

- Regarding the damage and forces:

When a explosion is triggered all the parts inside the range sphere will be processed. Only those parts that are on direct line of sight from the center of the explosion and within the angle limit (*) will be affected.

The blast wave is travelling at Mach 1 (hardcoded value) so the parts will be damaged and pushed by the explosion when the blast wave hits the part.

The force and damage formulas are using realistic/complex formulas. But the parameters involved are:

- blast Scaled Distance

- Incident impulse: kPa - ms.

- Part effective area

The damage is based on the average pressure suffered by the part.

The force  is calculated using the average pressure and the effective part surface.


Edited by jrodriguez
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  On 12/28/2017 at 5:26 PM, jrodriguez said:

Hi @harpwner 

I have implemented the new blast system. 

By default ( theoretically) any legacy part mod should work as it is because a backward compatibility code is executed to auto-calculate the tnt mass equivalent for a specific BlastRadius cfg field. That means that the blast power should be enough to apply some damage and forces to the parts inside the blast radius.

Regarding the range and the TNT mass. The range is calculated using this formula:

 /// <summary>
        /// Method based on Hopkinson-Cranz Scaling Law
        /// Z value of 14.8
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tntMass"> tnt equivales mass in kg</param>
        /// <returns>explosive range in meters </returns>
        public static float CalculateBlastRange(double tntMass)
            return (float) (14.8f * Math.Pow(tntMass, 1 / 3f));



Thank you, this is exactly what I need to keep the particle shock-wave working!

The only reason mine wouldn't work is because my plugin used the old methods instead of this new one, and thus is not in the part cfg but a base part of my module.

Now I gotta ask, will it still apply damage within that range instantly, or will it create a 'blast wave' of sorts that propagates outward much like mine did before the plugin broke? I ask because Nuclear weapons are really large and the blast wave of sorts added a layer of functionality that was both kinda cool and also helpful for escaping the blast if you were too close when dropping it.

Thanks for your time!

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  On 12/28/2017 at 5:45 PM, harpwner said:

Now I gotta ask, will it still apply damage within that range instantly, or will it create a 'blast wave' of sorts that propagates outward much like mine did before the plugin broke? I ask because Nuclear weapons are really large and the blast wave of sorts added a layer of functionality that was both kinda cool and also helpful for escaping the blast if you were too close when dropping it.


I have edited my previous post answering the question :)

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  On 12/28/2017 at 5:58 PM, harpwner said:

Ah now I see, Thanks!

I was once planning on retrofitting all my explosives with the system, but this is far better!


BTW the blast also has a negative pressure phase that applies sucking forces after the positive phase. This forces are weak compared to the positive phase ( 25% I think)

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  On 12/28/2017 at 6:13 PM, jrodriguez said:

BTW the blast also has a negative pressure phase that applies sucking forces after the positive phase. This forces are weak compared to the positive phase ( 25% I think)


I guess this mechanic could be well used to simulate thermobaric weapons (maybe selectable)

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  On 12/28/2017 at 6:17 PM, harpwner said:

Does it also simulate the airburst effect (just curious)?


What do you mean with the airburst effect?


  On 12/28/2017 at 7:07 PM, Acea said:

I guess this mechanic could be well used to simulate thermobaric weapons (maybe selectable)


Maybe, if you are not using Kerbal Joint Reforcement I think with the proper amount of TNT a vessel can be destroyed just due to the forces applied by the blast wave

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  On 12/28/2017 at 8:55 PM, jrodriguez said:

What do you mean with the airburst effect?


Nuclear bombs (well all bombs really) have an increased destructive range when detonated in the air due to the way shock-waves behave, though this isn't too important, it would be a really cool feature if pulled off. I actually thought of setting something up to simulate it and a slider on my bombs to dictate what altitude they detonated at.


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  On 12/28/2017 at 9:00 PM, harpwner said:

Nuclear bombs (well all bombs really) have an increased destructive range when detonated in the air due to the way shock-waves behave, though this isn't too important, it would be a really cool feature if pulled off. I actually thought of setting something up to simulate it and a slider on my bombs to dictate what altitude they detonated at.



You have a field called DetonationDistance. This field is used to trigger the detonation, currently the max value is 100 meters but nuclear bombs it might be useful to have max value of 500 meters.

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  On 12/28/2017 at 9:04 PM, jrodriguez said:

You have a field called DetonationDistance. This field is used to trigger the detonation, currently the max value is 100 meters but nuclear bombs it might be useful to have max value of 500 meters.


I assume it has no effect on the actual explosive power or range though currently

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I've encountered an issue. I've got a custom set explModelPath in the part module for my B-61 nuke under MissileLauncher but it will not display any other explosion model than the default explosion.  I usually conduct all my tests with this nuke so I haven't tried the other parts, but everything else works except that line.

Edit: Another issue: it seems the explosions still don't happen in the same place as the bomb actually lands. It also seems that 340,000,000 kg of TNT yield tends to put planes into space :P

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  On 12/29/2017 at 1:40 AM, harpwner said:

I've encountered an issue. I've got a custom set explModelPath in the part module for my B-61 nuke under MissileLauncher but it will not display any other explosion model than the default explosion.  I usually conduct all my tests with this nuke so I haven't tried the other parts, but everything else works except that line.

Edit: Another issue: it seems the explosions still don't happen in the same place as the bomb actually lands. It also seems that 340,000,000 kg of TNT yield tends to put planes into space :P


Regarding the explosion model. Yes, you are right we need to add that the explModelPath field to the ExplosiveModule. I will upload new binaries once it is done.

Regarding where the explosion take place, I didn't notice nothing strange (during my infinite number of tests lol) but it can be possible.

And the parts into space...well it can happen but I'd expect them to explode almost immediately due to the damage of such explosion.

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  On 12/29/2017 at 7:43 PM, gomker said:

@harpwner  with this release you can move the explModelPath and sound to the BDExplosivePart module and it should work.

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  On 12/29/2017 at 7:43 PM, gomker said:


  On 12/29/2017 at 7:45 PM, jrodriguez said:

@harpwner  with this release you can move the explModelPath and sound to the BDExplosivePart module and it should work.


Thank you both for such a quick update. My mod will be updated and ready pretty soon (probably tomorrow) since I have already updated my module and am just modifying configs now.

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Hi all a quick note to let interested parties know that the full list of SM Mods including new additions is now available as beta downloads specifically for BDA damage and armor overhaul only. ( nope no backward compatibility, no 1.3.0, Not for BDA v1) onward and upwards guys..

Thanks again to the BDA team for the assistance, and creating so many more possibilities .

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Bug report:

Muzzle velocities of all weapons (vanilla BDAc and third-party) are fixed to default 1,030 m/s, using 20171229 build. 




EDIT: And radius/power/heat data are all 30/8/-1, I'm not sure if that's an issue to be fixed or something new, but it's better to mention here.

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  On 1/2/2018 at 2:21 PM, Acea said:

Bug report:

EDIT: And radius/power/heat data are all 30/8/-1, I'm not sure if that's an issue to be fixed or something new, but it's better to mention here.


Yeah, quite right, instead of these legacy fields we'll have to show the proper values from the bullet definition.

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