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Help i think i messed up my game

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Ok so I'm really new to Kerbal space program and  tried to mod my game.but after trying about three time to install one mod i decoded not to the only problem is now when I go into the space plane hanger the categories are no longers the all the parts are just on one big menu and I don't know if I messed up my game with the mod or if this is something .Like I cant click a tab that says pods or fuel tanks or engine there all gone and it's just one big scroll menu where all the parts are and  I would like to know if this has happened to anybody else and if there is a way t fix it please help and thanks for any advice.

Edited by Cjepicman
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So it sounds like you pooched your KSP, these things happen :wink: ... let's get you back up and running :)

So the first thing you want to do is delete the KSP you installed ... it's better for you to start from square one instead of trying to fix an install with no idea what has caused your problem

After you delete the borked KSP install, reinstall the game from scratch (I assume you know how to do this)

Now the game should run perfectly fine in it's stock setup ... so copy the KSP install and save it somewhere else on your computer (trust me, you will thank me later for suggesting this :wink:)

Now to install mods .... The GameData directory is what you want to pay attention to, it contains a majority of the game files and is really the only thing you need to concern yourself with until you gain more experience with modding KSP ... it is in the GameData folder where you put the mods you want to run (alongside the 'Squad' folder)

Most mods you generally will get from either their github repository or through spacedock ... if downloading from github DO NOT download the 'source' and only download the first listed .zip file (99% of mods will conform to this) ... if downloading from spacedock then you will get the aforementioned. zip file so no worries

Next thing, after the download is complete, open the .zip file ... in most cases you will see a GameData directory in the .zip, open the folder and then copy the contents of said directory to your KSP's GameData directory (KSP/GameData)

Hopefully this helps ... good luck on your modding :wink:

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If the good doctor's advise doesn't work for you!

 I have created for my fellow clan members a gamedata.zip fully modded download with all 1.31. mods that I use and share(saves a lot of time).

 as stated above, copy out your current gamedata folder in case you want to revert backwards, then just replace the game data folder with the zip files content. so ksp/gamedata/(mods)

[License-violating GameData distribution snipped by moderator]

the mods are up to date as of today..

hope this helps


"Share your works"


ps. all mods are the creation of the modder's, This is not a distro or source of mods. only my own combination of what I use. and I refer all mods be obtained thru the modder's forums and all credits be given to them.



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We cannot help you if you don't provide more information about your problems. 


3 hours ago, Jammer-TD said:

 I have created for my fellow clan members a gamedata.zip fully modded download with all 1.31. mods that I use and share(saves a lot of time).

 as stated above, copy out your current gamedata folder in case you want to revert backwards, then just replace the game data folder with the zip files content. so ksp/gamedata/(mods)


I know you're trying to be helpful here, but the mods the op is trying to install could be very different from the collection of mods you have compiled. Also, beware of the licenses of the mods, some mod authors make it illegal to redistribute their mods. 

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Hi @Jammer-TD,

8 hours ago, Jammer-TD said:

as stated above, copy out your current gamedata folder in case you want to revert backwards, then just replace the game data folder with the zip files content. so ksp/gamedata/(mods)

I'm sorry, but we've had to snip your link-- and please remove the file off the sharing site where you stored it.  It's a license violation.  You're not allowed to redistribute the Squad-copyrighted content contained in your GameData folder; it's a EULA violation.

I realize that you're just trying to help, and applaud your motivation, but unfortunately this isn't allowed.  It's a legal thing.  :(

Aside from not being allowed to redistribute Squad stock assets at all, there's also a problem with distributing all your mods like that-- basically, this makes it a "modpack", and we have rules for that, which includes the requirement to check the fine details of every single license of every single mod to make sure that you're legally allowed to redistribute the mod in this fashion.  I see that you tried to give-credit-where-credit-is-due in your post above, and kudos for trying to do the right thing-- but again, alas, that's not how it works.

Thank you for trying in good faith to help a person in trouble, it speaks well of your generosity, and I'm sorry that rules outside our control means it can't be allowed.

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