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Star Wars Episode VIII (8) the Last Jedi Discussion


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  On 1/21/2018 at 7:49 PM, Cheif Operations Director said:

And nobody finds it suspicious that they lose contsct


The last Jedi leads on directly from the force awakens. The new republic capital would have been destroyed maybe 1 or 2 days ago, before that the first order just sat in the unknown regions doing nothing and being ignored. I doubt that’s enough time for any sort of organised help to arrive, and most people probably wouldn’t have access to a ship that easily anyway, and they were literally in deep space. And as for losing contact, why would they stay in contact? They are being actively hunted, broadcasting their location and status dosent seem like the best idea even when the Supremacy isn’t chasing you.

Edited by MiffedStarfish
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  On 1/21/2018 at 7:55 PM, MiffedStarfish said:

The last Jedi leads on directly from the force awakens. The new republic capital would have been destroyed maybe 1 or 2 days ago, before that the first order just sat in the unknown regions doing nothing and being ignored. I doubt that’s enough time for any sort of organised help to arrive, and most people probably wouldn’t have access to a ship that easily anyway. And as for losing contact, why would they stay in contact? They are being actively hunted, broadcasting their location and status dosent seem like the best idea even when the Supremacy isn’t chasing you.


Oh come on you saw the base in the force awakens their were thousands of troops. 

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  On 1/21/2018 at 7:46 PM, Cheif Operations Director said:

Yes yes. Let's not think about this let's just blindly follow Disney. 

Let's just blindly follow the next scientific "Discovery" without verifying it. 


Let's not apply real-world rules to a completely and utterly fictional universe!


Or shall we discuss why letters of transit signed by a French general would be unquestionable by German soldiers in northern Africa?

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  On 1/21/2018 at 7:59 PM, Cheif Operations Director said:

I'm talking about after their attack on Star Killer base.


You mean the first order base on starkiller? There were quite a lot, but that’s about ten thousand in a galaxy of trillions. In the empires prime, they had over twice that in Star destroyers. The new republic disarmed so there was no one to actively keep the first order in check, and no one who cared. That’s why leia formed the resistance.

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  On 1/23/2018 at 5:12 PM, PakledHostage said:

Well for what it's worth, TLJ has been nominated for four Oscars.


I’m not sure I’d give it any of the four it’s nominated for either. Maybe Visual Effects, if it wasn’t up against Blade Runner 2k49; although based on prior Oscars that’s a toss-up between BR’49 and Planet of the Apes (oh, and The Shape of Water too, which might run away with it). Dunkirk almost certainly takes the Sound Editing and Sound Mixing. I feel like Williams’ TLJ score is too much of a rehash and continuance of leitmotifs established 40 years ago to be considered “original”, and while good it isn’t the best of the five nominees. 

Edited by Cydonian Monk
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  On 1/25/2018 at 12:36 AM, PakledHostage said:

A bit of an old article (from December) but some might find it interesting:

Vox - The “backlash” against Star Wars: The Last Jedi, explained


First: You pick one of THE most Liberal News websites...

Second: Rotten Tomatos confirmed the haven't been hacked. 

Third: When your lead Charachter Rey has so much potential and then is made into the "I can do ANYTHING charachter" people are going to be mad

Fourth when Admiral Holdo makes a heroic sacrifice before the beloved Admiral Ackbar, who gets a losers death. 

Fifth: A spoon full of Force helps Leia fly! Come on he's Isn't Mary Poppins. 

Sixith: Using a system to rate a movie right after people came out of the tester is flawed. When I first came out I though Maby 3.5/5 Then as I dug deeper and thought about it more it is now a 0.5/5. I liked the Humor... at first. I like Jar Jar Binks ok?

Seventh: When a Movie Corporation fails to make a movie that adds anything with lore to a story that is BUILT ON LORE! 

The Last Jedi showed us that if your lucky you don't need to train. Rey undergoes NO TRAINING WHATS SO EVER! She is lifting Thing hundreds of time the mass of a X-Wing which the CHOSEN ONES SON COULDNT DO FOR TWO WHOLE MOVIES! Their is no Lore! I sit up at night watching videos about random Imperial Officers who had 25 seconds of screen time! Understanding that I now have to void EVERYTHING I know about Jedi Training for Mary Special Rey! 

Eighth: The Articles pretty much claims the following of you don't like it... not word for word but pretty much

Sexist, Racist, Theorist, Nerd, Super Fan, Loser etc.


Im not a Sexist, I'm not a Racist. I'm fine with Rey being a charachter, I DONT EVEN CARE ABOUT THE CAST! 

Yes im a Theorist, you know why, because I understand a lot of the Star Wars Lore, mostly canon, BECUASE I HATE THE EU! 

Yes im a Super Fan in my mind. 

When is liking a franchise so much you theorize on it a bad thing. Imagine in McDonalds said dont buy Happy Meals because they boxes cost to much... Thats pretty much what Disney is saying to Lore Fans. "Don't read the lore it only complicates the movies" Then I say DONT WRITE IT! Check out Star Wars Theories Alternative Plot for Ep 8 it's SO MUCH better. I don't understand is that in Disneys attempts to make us love Ep 8 they told us to not like Star Wars lore. I don't care if your a super fan or just a movie goer. A movie needs to fit INTO ITS OWN UNIVERSE! 


Here is what bringing balance to the force meant in the clone wars vs Ep 8

Clone Wars: Use the Tame the Lightside and Darkside for the use of good.

Ep 8: Use the Lightside and Darkside.


Here is what is missing In the Clone Wars Balance meant doing the right thing which the Jedi nor Sith were not. It meant controlling both sides for OTHERS... In Ep. VIII It's just time for the Jedi to End and RAW POWAAA! To take over and use the Lightside and Darkside. I don't care if a force prodigy exist. I just want they to undergo training and have a logical explanation. 


Now the Jedi are all but Extinct. I don't think it has occurred to anyone that the Jedi are LITERLLY DEAD!  Rey isn't a Jedi. So what is going to happen Reylo for, the Sedi Order (Sith and Jedi) 


Edited by Cheif Operations Director
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  On 1/25/2018 at 5:34 AM, PakledHostage said:

Yup, you are right. Star Wars TLJ sucks, Vox sucks and I suck.... What more can I say? Moving on.


I never said YOU were bad. I said The Last Jedi was bad. 

That is a non argument and a bit of a strawman fallacy. Your replacing my arguement that I do not like TLJ with I don't like you as a person to portray me as some type of hater. Don't Strawman me! 


Yes Vox is a aweful organisation most of their pieces are pure opinion and they write it as truth. 

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