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Hi All Noob Here


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Hi evryone, I got this game in July of 2017 but just got into it around January of this year. I know the basics of orbit and trans lunar injection but can’t quite land on the moon and return yet :P I’d appreciate any tips below!

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Greetings and welcome to the forum, @Capbo.

In addition to Vanamonde's excellent guide I would recommend to any new player to install an informational mod like Kerbal engineer redux, DMagic's basic mods or mechjeb, so that you get metrics during your build and mission.  This game has the steepest learning curve for a new player and if you have figures on Delta V and thrust to weight ratio in the VAB and on mission it makes it much easier to understand and correct shortfalls.  It is also useful to have a Dv map  of the Kerbol system (I used to add 10-25% at first, particularly if you are flying missions "by hand").

My experience was wasting a lot of fuel on my first Mun landings.  At first it is best to cancel your horizontal motion before descending but understanding the concept and execution of a suicide burn is worth learning once you become more experienced (I quicksaved a lot).  The game rewards patience and dedication so don't be discouraged if you fail because when you succeed it feels great.

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Welcome to the forums!

When you are landing on the Moon, always point your spacecraft at the retrograde marker (:retrograde:) when descending to the surface. Make sure it point directly downwards too. This makes landing as stable as possible.

Edited by NSEP
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