BlackMoons Posted July 12, 2017 Share Posted July 12, 2017 (edited) "Deployable Microwave Phased Array Relay Transceiver" also has negative mass when scaled up. Edited July 12, 2017 by BlackMoons Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArmchairPhysicist Posted July 12, 2017 Share Posted July 12, 2017 Quick question, are there any plans for non rocket launch capabilities in this pack? It would be nice to put cargo in orbit with a space gun. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trias702 Posted July 12, 2017 Share Posted July 12, 2017 It looks like the 1.22 backport contains more references to the 1.3-only Community Tech Tree. For example, the Open Gas Core Reactor points at tech nodes which do not exist in 1.22 CTT. Hmm, am not sure what the correct approach here is. Probably just manually backport the 1.3 Community Tech Tree? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trias702 Posted July 12, 2017 Share Posted July 12, 2017 @FreeThinker In order to make your life easier with the backport going forward, I have gone ahead and taken the 1.3 Community Tech Tree, and backported it to 1.22. This will allow you to use all of the new research nodes between the 1.3 master versions, and 1.22 backports. It will just make life a lot easier and you won't have to change them all back and forth. Spoiler @TechTree { // DX (row) = 191 // DY (row) = 80 // Unhide Nanolathing @RDNode:HAS[#id[nanolathing]] { @hideEmpty = False //pos = -1118,1406,-1 @pos = -1118,1412,-1 } // Adjust positions of lower tree // ============================== @RDNode:HAS[#id[veryHeavyRocketry]] { //pos = -1118,1635,-1 @pos = -1118,1635,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[actuators]] { //pos = -1519,1355,-1 @pos = -1519,1300,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[survivability]] { //pos = -2209,975,-1 @pos = -2209,930,-1 } // Aerodynamics row 1 @RDNode:HAS[#id[stability]] { //pos = -2170,1201,-1 @pos = -2170,1180,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[aviation]] { //pos = -1946,1201,-1 @pos = -1946,1180,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[aerodynamicSystems]] { //pos = -1723,1243,-1 @pos = -1723,1180,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[supersonicFlight]] { //pos = -1521,1278,-1 @pos = -1521,1180,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[highAltitudeFlight]] { //pos = -1310,1278,-1 @pos = -1310,1180,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[hypersonicFlight]] { //pos = -1118,1278,-1 @pos = -1118,1180,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[aerospaceTech]] { //pos = -956,1278,-1 @pos = -927,1180,-1 } // Aerodynamics row 2 @RDNode:HAS[#id[advAerodynamics]] { //pos = -1519,1207,-1 @pos = -1519,1120,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[heavyAerodynamics]] { //pos = -1310,1207,-1 @pos = -1310,1120,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[experimentalAerodynamics]] { //pos = -1120,1207,-1 @pos = -1120,1120,-1 } // Landing row @RDNode:HAS[#id[landing]] { //pos = -1723,1142.4,-1 @pos = -1723,1050,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[advLanding]] { //pos = -1519,1142.4,-1 @pos = -1519,1050,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[heavyLanding]] { //pos = -1309,1142.4,-1 @pos = -1309,1050,-1 } // Flight row @RDNode:HAS[#id[flightControl]] { //pos = -1946,1051.4,-1 @pos = -1946,1020,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[advFlightControl]] { //pos = -1723,1051.4,-1 @pos = -1723,990,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[specializedControl]] { //pos = -1521,1082.2,-1 @pos = -1521,990,-1 } // Motors row @RDNode:HAS[#id[fieldScience]] { //pos = -1309,1067,-1 @pos = -1309,990,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[advancedMotors]] { //pos = -1118,1067,-1 @pos = -1118,990,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[experimentalMotors]] { //pos = -952,1067,-1 @pos = -927,990,-1 } // Command row @RDNode:HAS[#id[commandModules]] { //pos = -1520,1020.4,-1 @pos = -1520,930,-1 Parent { parentID = simpleCommandModules lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // Science row @RDNode:HAS[#id[spaceExploration]] { //pos = -1723,963.9,-1 @pos = -1723,870,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[advExploration]] { //pos = -1519,963.9,-1 @pos = -1520,870,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[scienceTech]] { //pos = -1309,963.9,-1 @pos = -1309,870,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[advScienceTech]] { //pos = -1118,963.9,-1 @pos = -1118,870,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[experimentalScience]] { //pos = -952,963.9,-1 @pos = -927,870,-1 } // Ion row @RDNode:HAS[#id[ionPropulsion]] { //pos = -1118,905.2,-1 @pos = -1118,751,-1 } // Probes row @RDNode:HAS[#id[basicScience]] { //pos = -1946,846.9,-1 @pos = -1946,620,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[miniaturization]] { //pos = -1723,846.9,-1 @pos = -1723,680,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[precisionEngineering]] { //pos = -1519,846.9,-1 @pos = -1520,680,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[unmannedTech]] { //pos = -1309,846.9,-1 @pos = -1309,680,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[advUnmanned]] { //pos = -1118,846.9,-1 @pos = -1118,680,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[largeUnmanned]] { //pos = -952,846.9,-1 @pos = -927,680,-1 } // Electronics/automation row @RDNode:HAS[#id[electronics]] { //pos = -1309,777.6,-1 @pos = -1309,620,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[automation]] { //pos = -1118,777.6,-1 @pos = -1118,620,-1 } // Electrics row @RDNode:HAS[#id[electrics]] { //pos = -1723,711.1,-1 @pos = -1723,560,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[advElectrics]] { //pos = -1519,711.1,-1 @pos = -1520,560,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[largeElectrics]] { //pos = -1309,711.1,-1 @pos = -1309,560,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[specializedElectrics]] { //pos = -1118,711.1,-1 @pos = -1118,560,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[experimentalElectrics]] { //pos = -952,711.1,-1 @pos = -927,560,-1 } // ==================== // Nuclear Power Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = nuclearPower title = Nuclear Power description = Nuclear reactors can make power too! Start your own with this handy kit. cost = 300 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_nuclearPower anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_nuclearPower pos = -1309,1809,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = nuclearPropulsion lineFrom = TOP lineTo = BOTTOM } } RDNode { id = nuclearFuelSystems title = Nuclear Fuel Systems description = Because that nuclear fuel won't just recycle itself. Or move itself. Or do much of anything except stare at us angrily, really. cost = 550 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_nuclearFuelSystems anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_nuclearFuelSystems pos = -1118,1751,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = nuclearPower lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = largeNuclearPower title = Improved Nuclear Power description = Remember, don't place your reactors too close to your habitats. You don't want your Kerbals glowing in the dark for Halloween! cost = 550 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_largeNuclearPower anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_improvedNuclearPower pos = -1118,1809,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = nuclearPower lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = advNuclearPower title = High Energy Nuclear Power description = Fry an egg in seconds. In fact, fry anything in seconds. cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advNuclearPower anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_highEnergyNuclearPower pos = -927,1809,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = largeNuclearPower lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = expNuclearPower title = Experimental Nuclear Power description = Experimenting with different core geometries and core states to produce more heat in less space. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_expNuclearPower anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_highEnergyNuclearPower pos = -736,1867,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advNuclearPower lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = exoticNuclearPower title = Exotic Nuclear Power description = Well, here we are, pushing the boundaries of fission reactor technology into new and interesting states. cost = 2250 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_exoticNuclearPower anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_highEnergyNuclearPower pos = -545,1867,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = expNuclearPower lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = fusionPower title = Fusion Power description = The holy grrraiiiil of power generation. Cheap fuel and lots of power. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_fusionPower anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_fusionPower pos = -736,1809,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advNuclearPower lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = advFusionReactions title = Advanced Fusion Reactions description = Turns out you can fuse nearly anything, including Jeb's cheese sandwich! cost = 2250 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_fusionPower anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advFusionReactions pos = -545,1751,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = fusionPower lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = fusionRockets lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = exoticReactions title = Exotic Fusion Reactions description = With enough research funding, we can buy newer materials to bombard with high energy particles. cost = 4000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_exoticReactions anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticFusionReactions pos = -354,1751,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advFusionReactions lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = quantumReactions title = High Density Fusion Reactions description = Measuring and applying the most complex fusion reactions out there. cost = 10000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_quantumReactions anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticFusionReactions pos = -163,1751,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = exoticReactions lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = antimatterPower title = Antimatter Power description = Harnessing the power of really small particles to create alarmingly large explosions. cost = 4000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_antimatterPower anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_antimatterPower pos = -354,1635,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advFusionReactions lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = unifiedFieldTheory title = Unified Field Theory description = Unifying all of the theories of physics into one long, ridiculous, blackboard-destroying equation has been quite profitable for us. cost = 10000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_unifiedFieldTheory anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_unifiedFieldTheory pos = -163,1693,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = exoticReactions lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = antimatterPower lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = ultraHighEnergyPhysics title = Ultra High Energy Physics description = Turns out, it is science fiction! cost = 10000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_ultraHighEnergyPhysics anyToUnlock = True icon = RDicon_science-experimental pos = -163,1180,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = antimatterPower lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = appliedHighEnergyPhysics lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ========================= // Nuclear Propulsion Branch // ========================= RDNode { id = improvedNuclearPropulsion title = Improved Nuclear Propulsion description = Hotter cores, and better engines. cost = 550 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_improvedNuclearPropulsion anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_improvedNuclearPropulsion pos = -1118,1693,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = nuclearPropulsion lineFrom = TOP lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = advNuclearPropulsion title = High Efficiency Nuclear Propulsion description = Research into increasing the power of our nuclear engines. It's unlikely to get any better than this, boss! cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advNuclearPropulsion anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_highEfficiencyNuclearPropulsion pos = -927,1693,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = improvedNuclearPropulsion lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = expNuclearPropulsion title = Experimental Nuclear Propulsion description = It's been said that nuclear power is basically a really expensive way of boiling water. We beg to disagree - we can boil almost* anything* now! cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_expNuclearPropulsion anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_experimentalNuclearPropulsion pos = -736,1693,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advNuclearPropulsion lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = experimentalRocketry lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = exoticNuclearPropulsion title = Exotic Nuclear Propulsion description = Research into the strangest, weirdest, all all-out craziest forms of nuclear propulsion. cost = 2250 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_exoticNuclearPropulsion anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticNuclearPropulsion pos = -545,1693,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = expNuclearPropulsion lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = giganticRocketry lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = fusionRockets title = Fusion Rockets description = These rockets are going to do their best to make everything else obsolete. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_fusionRockets anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_fusionRockets pos = -736,1751,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advNuclearPropulsion lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Rocketry Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = experimentalRocketry title = Experimental Rocketry description = Don't take "experimental" lightly. cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_experimentalRocketry anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_rocketry-experimental pos = -927,1635,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = veryHeavyRocketry lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = highPerformanceFuelSystems lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = giganticRocketry title = Gigantic Rocketry description = Despite our detractors' repeated claims to the contrary, we CAN build it bigger. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_giganticRocketry anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_giganticRocketry pos = -736,1635,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = experimentalRocketry lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = colossalRocketry title = Colossal Rocketry description = Another one-up on our competitors. We may need a larger launch pad... cost = 2250 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_colossalRocketry anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_colossalRocketry pos = -545,1635,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = giganticRocketry lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Fuel Storage Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = specializedFuelStorage title = Specialized Fuel Storage description = Due to fuel seeping through the sides of some of our tanks, we've planned several improvements to fuel containment systems. cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_specializedFuels anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_specializedFuelStorage pos = -927,1470.2,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = highPerformanceFuelSystems lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = exoticFuelStorage title = Exotic Fuel Storage description = Storing those really expensive and really fancy fuels could get really expensive and really fancy. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_exoticFuels anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticFuelStorage pos = -736,1470.2,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = specializedFuelStorage lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = exoticAlloys lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = extremeFuelStorage title = Extreme Fuel Storage description = Storing fuel under extreme conditions - like compressed to the density of neutron stars. cost = 2250 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_extremeFuelStorage anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticFuelStorage pos = -545,1470.2,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = exoticFuelStorage lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Construction Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = exoticAlloys title = Exotic Alloys description = Only the toughest and lightest of alloys are allowed into this exclusive club. cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_exoticAlloys anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticAlloys pos = -927,1412,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = nanolathing lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = offworldManufacturing title = Off-World Robotics description = Research into how to create complex robotic systems, including factory assembly lines... in space! cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_offworldManufacturing anyToUnlock = True icon = RDicon_robotics pos = -927,1300,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = metaMaterials lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = experimentalActuators lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = orbitalMegastructures title = Orbital Megastructures description = The biggest and heaviest Kerbal construction projects. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_orbitalMegastructures anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_orbitalMegastructures pos = -736,1355,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = orbitalAssembly lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = orbitalAssembly title = Orbital Assembly description = Building things on Kerbin is overrated. Building things in orbit is now merely overly expensive. cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_orbitalAssembly anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_orbitalAssembly pos = -927,1355,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = metaMaterials lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Robotics Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = advActuators title = Advanced Actuators description = Advanced techniques for making everything mobile with the help of motors. cost = 300 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advActuators anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advancedActuators pos = -1309,1300,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = actuators lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = experimentalActuators title = Experimental Actuators description = You can never have too much mobility. cost = 550 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_experimentalActuators anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_experimentalActuators pos = -1118,1300,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = composites lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = advActuators lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Aero Tech Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = subsonicFlight title = Subsonic Flight description = Sometimes, it's not enough to be fast. cost = 90 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_subsonicFlight anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_subsonicFlight pos = -1724,1240,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = aviation lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = efficientFlightSystems title = Efficient Flight Systems description = Who would have thought? Sometimes, we want to go slower and use a teensy bit less fuel. cost = 160 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_efficientFlightSystems anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_efficientFlight pos = -1519,1240,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = subsonicFlight lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = specializedFlightSystems title = Specialized Flight Systems description = Sometimes, you need a little less jet. cost = 550 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_specializedFlightSystems anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_specializedFlight pos = -1118,1240,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = efficientFlightSystems lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = expAircraftEngines title = Experimental Aircraft Engines description = Engines intended for planes, not rockets. I guess you could get creative, though. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_expAircraftEngines anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_experimentalAircraftEngines pos = -736,1180,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = aerospaceTech lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = aerospaceComposites title = description = cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_aerospaceComposites anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_aerospaceComposites pos = -927,1120,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = experimentalAerodynamics lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = advAerospaceEngineering title = Advanced Aerospace Engineering description = Pointy shapes, blunt shapes and how they interact with airflow. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advAerospaceEngineering anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advAerospaceEngineering pos = -736,1120,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = aerospaceComposites lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Command Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = enhancedSurvivability title = Advanced Aerospace Engineering description = Pointy shapes, blunt shapes and how they interact with airflow. cost = 45 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_enhancedSurvivability anyToUnlock = False icon =CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_enhancedSurvivability pos = -1946,930,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = survivability lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = simpleCommandModules title = Simple Command Modules description = Command modules for those baby steps into space. cost = 90 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_simpleCommandModules anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_simpleCommandModules pos = -1724,930,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = enhancedSurvivability lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = heavyCommandModules title = Heavy Command Modules description = Big spacecraft need bigger command modules. cost = 300 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_heavyCommandModules anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_heavyCommandModules pos = -1309,930,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = commandModules lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = specializedCommandModules title = Specialized Command Modules description = Fancy, purpose-built spacecraft need fancy, purpose-built command modules. cost = 550 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_specializedCommandModules anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_specializedCommandModules pos = -1118,930,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = heavyCommandModules lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Mining Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = advOffworldMining title = Advanced Off-World Mining description = Mining facilities with more than one drill have opened up huge possibilities. We're looking into hiring oil rig workers to help out. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advOffworldMining anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_fuelSystems-advanced pos = -736,870,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = experimentalScience lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = resourceExploitation title = Resource Exploitation description = There's money to be made here! Drill baby drill! cost = 2250 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_resourceExploitation anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_fuelSystems-advanced pos = -545,870,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advOffworldMining lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Science Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = specializedScienceTech title = Specialized Science Tech description = Science technology whose instruction manuals are thicker than the devices themselves. cost = 550 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_specializedScienceTech anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_specializedScienceTech pos = -1118,810,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = scienceTech lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = longTermScienceTech title = Long Term Science Tech description = Some science experiments require ludicrously long durations. The data analysis might take longer! cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_longTermScienceTech anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_telescope pos = -927,810,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = specializedScienceTech lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = scientificOutposts title = Scientific Outposts description = Entire bases dedicated to science sound like great ideas to us. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_scientificOutposts anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_scientificOutposts pos = -736,810,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = longTermScienceTech lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = highEnergyScience title = High Energy Science description = Doing science inside a particle accelerator since 2001. cost = 2250 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_highEnergyScience anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_science-experimental pos = -545,810,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = scientificOutposts lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = appliedHighEnergyPhysics title = Applied High Energy Physics description = Applying the techniques of high-energy science to our physics research techniques results in some considerable gains. cost = 4000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_appliedHighEnergyPhysics anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_science-experimental pos = -354,810,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = highEnergyScience lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Robotics Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = mechatronics title = Mechatronics description = The rumours of robot-led world domination are greatly exaggerated. cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_mechatronics anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_robotics pos = -927,620,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = automation lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = artificialIntelligence title = Artificial Intelligence description = Smarter computers to help with the "good decisions" our pilots make. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_artificialIntelligence anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_unmannedTech pos = -736,680,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = largeUnmanned lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ======================= // Electric Engines Branch // ======================= RDNode { id = advIonPropulsion title = Advanced Ion Propulsion description = The R&D department has assured us that these technologies will make great publicity photos. cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advIonPropulsion anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advancedIonPropulsion pos = -927,751,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = ionPropulsion lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = plasmaPropulsion title = Plasma Propulsion description = We've discovered a fourth state of matter! It's only very slightly dangerous to handle. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_plasmaPropulsion anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_plasmaPropulsion pos = -736,765,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advIonPropulsion lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = advEMSystems title = Advanced Plasma Propulsion description = After studying how electricity behaves with magnets, we now can use these results to direct jets of searing hot gas. cost = 2250 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advEMSystems anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advancedPlasmaPropulsion pos = -545,765,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = plasmaPropulsion lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = specializedPlasmaGeneration title = Specialized Plasma Propulsion description = Advanced techniques for generating, confining and monetizing high energy plasmas. cost = 4000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_specializedPlasmaGeneration anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_specializedPlasmaPropulsion pos = -354,765,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advEMSystems lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = exoticPlasmaPropulsion title = Exotic Plasma Propulsion description = While plasma itself is an exotic state of matter, we can think of some exotic ways to use that exotic nature. cost = 10000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_exoticPlasmaPropulsion anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_specializedPlasmaPropulsion pos = -163,765,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = specializedPlasmaGeneration lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = advGriddedThrusters title = Advanced Electrostatic Thrusters description = Some engineers wanted to call this covalent propulsion, but luckily we convinced them not to bond with that idea. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advGriddedThrusters anyToUnlock = False icon =CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advancedElectrostaticPropulsion pos = -736,725,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advIonPropulsion lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = expGriddedThrusters title = Experimental Electrostatic Thrusters description = In the dark future of the third millennium, there is only ion propulsion. cost = 2250 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_expGriddedThrusters anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_experimentalElectrostaticPropulsion pos = -545,725,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advGriddedThrusters lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Solar Tech Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = advSolarTech title = Advanced Solar Technology description = The discovery of the lens has our electrical engineers all abuzz about the possibilities for solar energy generation. cost = 550 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advSolarTech anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advSolarTech pos = -1118,470,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = largeElectrics lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = advPVMaterials title = Advanced Photovoltaic Materials description = New, stronger, intentionally bendy photovoltaic cells! cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advPVMaterials anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advPVMaterials pos = -927,500,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advSolarTech lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = cuttingEdgeSolarTech title = Cutting-Edge Solar Technology description = These new panels are well grounded in reality. cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_cuttingEdgeSolarTech anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_cuttingEdgeSolar pos = -927,440,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advSolarTech lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = exoticSolarTech title = Exotic Solar Technology description = It folds, it bends, it's cheap, you can put it ANYWHERE! cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_exoticSolarTech anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticSolarTech pos = -736,440,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = cuttingEdgeSolarTech lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Electrics Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = highTechElectricalSystems title = High Tech Electrical Systems description = Unifying electrical systems for distribution and power. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_highTechElectricalSystems anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_highTechElectricalSystems pos = -736,560,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = experimentalElectrics lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = highPowerElectricalSystems title = High Power Electrical Systems description = Distributing megawatts of power through ships, stations and bases requires advanced cabling technologies. cost = 2250 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_highPowerElectricalSystems anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_highPowerElectricalSystems pos = -545,560,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = highTechElectricalSystems lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = experimentalElectricalSystems title = Experimental Electrical Systems description = Junction boxes, powered switches, insulated cables... man, this power distribution thing is complicated! cost = 4000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_experimentalElectricalSystems anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_expElectricalSystems pos = -354,560,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = highPowerElectricalSystems lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = exoticElectricalSystems title = Exotic Electrical Systems description = Super high tech transmission and distribution systems for the most advanced spacecraft. cost = 10000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_exoticElectricalSystems anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticElectricalSystems pos = -163,560,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = experimentalElectricalSystems lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = microwavePowerTransmission title = Microwave Power Transmission description = Using a really long cable, we plan to... nah, just kidding. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_microwavePowerTransmission anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_microwavePower pos = -736,500,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = experimentalElectrics lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = advPVMaterials lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ====================== // Heat Management Branch // ====================== RDNode { id = heatManagementSystems title = Heat Management Systems description = Research into heat radiators to keep the snacks from overheating. cost = 160 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_heatManagementSystems anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_heatManagementSystems pos = -1520,380,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = electrics lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = advHeatManagement title = Advanced Heat Management description = More advanced heat management technologies to keep the A/C running. cost = 550 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advHeatManagement anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advancedHeatManagement pos = -1118,380,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = heatManagementSystems lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = specializedRadiators title = Specialized Radiators description = Impressive, unwieldy radiators for immediate release! cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_specializedRadiators anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_specializedRadiators pos = -736,380,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advHeatManagement lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = exoticRadiators title = Exotic Radiators description = Research into exotic materials and techniques for heat rejection. cost = 4000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_exoticRadiators anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticRadiators pos = -354,380,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = specializedRadiators lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Life Support Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = recycling title = Recycling description = Reducible, reusable, recyclable technologies. cost = 90 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_recycling anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_recycling pos = -1724,320,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = basicScience lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = hydroponics title = Hydroponics description = Growing things without getting soiled! cost = 160 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_hydroponics anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_hydroponics pos = -1520,320,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = recycling lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = storageTech lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = shortTermHabitation title = Short Term Habitation description = A Kerbal, a tiger, a zebra, a chimpanzee and a hyena all walk into a space capsule... cost = 550 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_shortTermHabitation anyToUnlock = True icon = RDicon_evaTech pos = -1118,320,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = hydroponics lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = logistics lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = longTermHabitation title = Long Term Habitation description = Advanced psychological and material studies dedicated to the advancement of Kerbalkind. cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_longTermHabitation anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_start pos = -927,320,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = shortTermHabitation lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = colonization title = Colonization description = When spreading Kerbalkind through random explosions is just not enough. cost = 2250 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_colonization anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_start pos = -545,320,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = longTermHabitation lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = advLogistics lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = advColonization title = Advanced Colonization description = Everything you need for a fully autonomous Kerbal colonization effort - just add water! cost = 4000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advColonization anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_start pos = -354,320,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = colonization lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Logistics Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = storageTech title = Storage Technology description = For those times when a cardboard box just won't do! cost = 90 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_storageTech anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_storageTech pos = -1724,260,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = basicScience lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = logistics title = Logistics description = Making bigger and better cardboard boxes! cost = 300 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_logistics anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_logistics pos = -1309,260,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = storageTech lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = advLogistics title = Advanced Logistics description = Moving boxes from place to place... in space! cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advLogistics anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advancedLogistics pos = -736,260,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = logistics lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } } Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FreeThinker Posted July 12, 2017 Author Share Posted July 12, 2017 (edited) 55 minutes ago, trias702 said: @FreeThinker In order to make your life easier with the backport going forward, I have gone ahead and taken the 1.3 Community Tech Tree, and backported it to 1.22. This will allow you to use all of the new research nodes between the 1.3 master versions, and 1.22 backports. It will just make life a lot easier and you won't have to change them all back and forth. Reveal hidden contents @TechTree { // DX (row) = 191 // DY (row) = 80 // Unhide Nanolathing @RDNode:HAS[#id[nanolathing]] { @hideEmpty = False //pos = -1118,1406,-1 @pos = -1118,1412,-1 } // Adjust positions of lower tree // ============================== @RDNode:HAS[#id[veryHeavyRocketry]] { //pos = -1118,1635,-1 @pos = -1118,1635,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[actuators]] { //pos = -1519,1355,-1 @pos = -1519,1300,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[survivability]] { //pos = -2209,975,-1 @pos = -2209,930,-1 } // Aerodynamics row 1 @RDNode:HAS[#id[stability]] { //pos = -2170,1201,-1 @pos = -2170,1180,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[aviation]] { //pos = -1946,1201,-1 @pos = -1946,1180,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[aerodynamicSystems]] { //pos = -1723,1243,-1 @pos = -1723,1180,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[supersonicFlight]] { //pos = -1521,1278,-1 @pos = -1521,1180,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[highAltitudeFlight]] { //pos = -1310,1278,-1 @pos = -1310,1180,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[hypersonicFlight]] { //pos = -1118,1278,-1 @pos = -1118,1180,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[aerospaceTech]] { //pos = -956,1278,-1 @pos = -927,1180,-1 } // Aerodynamics row 2 @RDNode:HAS[#id[advAerodynamics]] { //pos = -1519,1207,-1 @pos = -1519,1120,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[heavyAerodynamics]] { //pos = -1310,1207,-1 @pos = -1310,1120,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[experimentalAerodynamics]] { //pos = -1120,1207,-1 @pos = -1120,1120,-1 } // Landing row @RDNode:HAS[#id[landing]] { //pos = -1723,1142.4,-1 @pos = -1723,1050,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[advLanding]] { //pos = -1519,1142.4,-1 @pos = -1519,1050,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[heavyLanding]] { //pos = -1309,1142.4,-1 @pos = -1309,1050,-1 } // Flight row @RDNode:HAS[#id[flightControl]] { //pos = -1946,1051.4,-1 @pos = -1946,1020,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[advFlightControl]] { //pos = -1723,1051.4,-1 @pos = -1723,990,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[specializedControl]] { //pos = -1521,1082.2,-1 @pos = -1521,990,-1 } // Motors row @RDNode:HAS[#id[fieldScience]] { //pos = -1309,1067,-1 @pos = -1309,990,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[advancedMotors]] { //pos = -1118,1067,-1 @pos = -1118,990,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[experimentalMotors]] { //pos = -952,1067,-1 @pos = -927,990,-1 } // Command row @RDNode:HAS[#id[commandModules]] { //pos = -1520,1020.4,-1 @pos = -1520,930,-1 Parent { parentID = simpleCommandModules lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // Science row @RDNode:HAS[#id[spaceExploration]] { //pos = -1723,963.9,-1 @pos = -1723,870,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[advExploration]] { //pos = -1519,963.9,-1 @pos = -1520,870,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[scienceTech]] { //pos = -1309,963.9,-1 @pos = -1309,870,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[advScienceTech]] { //pos = -1118,963.9,-1 @pos = -1118,870,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[experimentalScience]] { //pos = -952,963.9,-1 @pos = -927,870,-1 } // Ion row @RDNode:HAS[#id[ionPropulsion]] { //pos = -1118,905.2,-1 @pos = -1118,751,-1 } // Probes row @RDNode:HAS[#id[basicScience]] { //pos = -1946,846.9,-1 @pos = -1946,620,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[miniaturization]] { //pos = -1723,846.9,-1 @pos = -1723,680,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[precisionEngineering]] { //pos = -1519,846.9,-1 @pos = -1520,680,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[unmannedTech]] { //pos = -1309,846.9,-1 @pos = -1309,680,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[advUnmanned]] { //pos = -1118,846.9,-1 @pos = -1118,680,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[largeUnmanned]] { //pos = -952,846.9,-1 @pos = -927,680,-1 } // Electronics/automation row @RDNode:HAS[#id[electronics]] { //pos = -1309,777.6,-1 @pos = -1309,620,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[automation]] { //pos = -1118,777.6,-1 @pos = -1118,620,-1 } // Electrics row @RDNode:HAS[#id[electrics]] { //pos = -1723,711.1,-1 @pos = -1723,560,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[advElectrics]] { //pos = -1519,711.1,-1 @pos = -1520,560,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[largeElectrics]] { //pos = -1309,711.1,-1 @pos = -1309,560,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[specializedElectrics]] { //pos = -1118,711.1,-1 @pos = -1118,560,-1 } @RDNode:HAS[#id[experimentalElectrics]] { //pos = -952,711.1,-1 @pos = -927,560,-1 } // ==================== // Nuclear Power Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = nuclearPower title = Nuclear Power description = Nuclear reactors can make power too! Start your own with this handy kit. cost = 300 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_nuclearPower anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_nuclearPower pos = -1309,1809,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = nuclearPropulsion lineFrom = TOP lineTo = BOTTOM } } RDNode { id = nuclearFuelSystems title = Nuclear Fuel Systems description = Because that nuclear fuel won't just recycle itself. Or move itself. Or do much of anything except stare at us angrily, really. cost = 550 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_nuclearFuelSystems anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_nuclearFuelSystems pos = -1118,1751,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = nuclearPower lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = largeNuclearPower title = Improved Nuclear Power description = Remember, don't place your reactors too close to your habitats. You don't want your Kerbals glowing in the dark for Halloween! cost = 550 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_largeNuclearPower anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_improvedNuclearPower pos = -1118,1809,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = nuclearPower lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = advNuclearPower title = High Energy Nuclear Power description = Fry an egg in seconds. In fact, fry anything in seconds. cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advNuclearPower anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_highEnergyNuclearPower pos = -927,1809,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = largeNuclearPower lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = expNuclearPower title = Experimental Nuclear Power description = Experimenting with different core geometries and core states to produce more heat in less space. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_expNuclearPower anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_highEnergyNuclearPower pos = -736,1867,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advNuclearPower lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = exoticNuclearPower title = Exotic Nuclear Power description = Well, here we are, pushing the boundaries of fission reactor technology into new and interesting states. cost = 2250 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_exoticNuclearPower anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_highEnergyNuclearPower pos = -545,1867,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = expNuclearPower lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = fusionPower title = Fusion Power description = The holy grrraiiiil of power generation. Cheap fuel and lots of power. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_fusionPower anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_fusionPower pos = -736,1809,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advNuclearPower lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = advFusionReactions title = Advanced Fusion Reactions description = Turns out you can fuse nearly anything, including Jeb's cheese sandwich! cost = 2250 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_fusionPower anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advFusionReactions pos = -545,1751,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = fusionPower lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = fusionRockets lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = exoticReactions title = Exotic Fusion Reactions description = With enough research funding, we can buy newer materials to bombard with high energy particles. cost = 4000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_exoticReactions anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticFusionReactions pos = -354,1751,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advFusionReactions lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = quantumReactions title = High Density Fusion Reactions description = Measuring and applying the most complex fusion reactions out there. cost = 10000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_quantumReactions anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticFusionReactions pos = -163,1751,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = exoticReactions lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = antimatterPower title = Antimatter Power description = Harnessing the power of really small particles to create alarmingly large explosions. cost = 4000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_antimatterPower anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_antimatterPower pos = -354,1635,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advFusionReactions lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = unifiedFieldTheory title = Unified Field Theory description = Unifying all of the theories of physics into one long, ridiculous, blackboard-destroying equation has been quite profitable for us. cost = 10000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_unifiedFieldTheory anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_unifiedFieldTheory pos = -163,1693,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = exoticReactions lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = antimatterPower lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = ultraHighEnergyPhysics title = Ultra High Energy Physics description = Turns out, it is science fiction! cost = 10000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_ultraHighEnergyPhysics anyToUnlock = True icon = RDicon_science-experimental pos = -163,1180,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = antimatterPower lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = appliedHighEnergyPhysics lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ========================= // Nuclear Propulsion Branch // ========================= RDNode { id = improvedNuclearPropulsion title = Improved Nuclear Propulsion description = Hotter cores, and better engines. cost = 550 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_improvedNuclearPropulsion anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_improvedNuclearPropulsion pos = -1118,1693,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = nuclearPropulsion lineFrom = TOP lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = advNuclearPropulsion title = High Efficiency Nuclear Propulsion description = Research into increasing the power of our nuclear engines. It's unlikely to get any better than this, boss! cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advNuclearPropulsion anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_highEfficiencyNuclearPropulsion pos = -927,1693,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = improvedNuclearPropulsion lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = expNuclearPropulsion title = Experimental Nuclear Propulsion description = It's been said that nuclear power is basically a really expensive way of boiling water. We beg to disagree - we can boil almost* anything* now! cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_expNuclearPropulsion anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_experimentalNuclearPropulsion pos = -736,1693,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advNuclearPropulsion lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = experimentalRocketry lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = exoticNuclearPropulsion title = Exotic Nuclear Propulsion description = Research into the strangest, weirdest, all all-out craziest forms of nuclear propulsion. cost = 2250 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_exoticNuclearPropulsion anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticNuclearPropulsion pos = -545,1693,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = expNuclearPropulsion lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = giganticRocketry lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = fusionRockets title = Fusion Rockets description = These rockets are going to do their best to make everything else obsolete. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_fusionRockets anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_fusionRockets pos = -736,1751,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advNuclearPropulsion lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Rocketry Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = experimentalRocketry title = Experimental Rocketry description = Don't take "experimental" lightly. cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_experimentalRocketry anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_rocketry-experimental pos = -927,1635,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = veryHeavyRocketry lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = highPerformanceFuelSystems lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = giganticRocketry title = Gigantic Rocketry description = Despite our detractors' repeated claims to the contrary, we CAN build it bigger. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_giganticRocketry anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_giganticRocketry pos = -736,1635,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = experimentalRocketry lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = colossalRocketry title = Colossal Rocketry description = Another one-up on our competitors. We may need a larger launch pad... cost = 2250 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_colossalRocketry anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_colossalRocketry pos = -545,1635,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = giganticRocketry lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Fuel Storage Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = specializedFuelStorage title = Specialized Fuel Storage description = Due to fuel seeping through the sides of some of our tanks, we've planned several improvements to fuel containment systems. cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_specializedFuels anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_specializedFuelStorage pos = -927,1470.2,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = highPerformanceFuelSystems lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = exoticFuelStorage title = Exotic Fuel Storage description = Storing those really expensive and really fancy fuels could get really expensive and really fancy. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_exoticFuels anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticFuelStorage pos = -736,1470.2,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = specializedFuelStorage lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = exoticAlloys lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = extremeFuelStorage title = Extreme Fuel Storage description = Storing fuel under extreme conditions - like compressed to the density of neutron stars. cost = 2250 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_extremeFuelStorage anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticFuelStorage pos = -545,1470.2,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = exoticFuelStorage lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Construction Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = exoticAlloys title = Exotic Alloys description = Only the toughest and lightest of alloys are allowed into this exclusive club. cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_exoticAlloys anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticAlloys pos = -927,1412,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = nanolathing lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = offworldManufacturing title = Off-World Robotics description = Research into how to create complex robotic systems, including factory assembly lines... in space! cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_offworldManufacturing anyToUnlock = True icon = RDicon_robotics pos = -927,1300,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = metaMaterials lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = experimentalActuators lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = orbitalMegastructures title = Orbital Megastructures description = The biggest and heaviest Kerbal construction projects. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_orbitalMegastructures anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_orbitalMegastructures pos = -736,1355,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = orbitalAssembly lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = orbitalAssembly title = Orbital Assembly description = Building things on Kerbin is overrated. Building things in orbit is now merely overly expensive. cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_orbitalAssembly anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_orbitalAssembly pos = -927,1355,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = metaMaterials lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Robotics Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = advActuators title = Advanced Actuators description = Advanced techniques for making everything mobile with the help of motors. cost = 300 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advActuators anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advancedActuators pos = -1309,1300,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = actuators lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = experimentalActuators title = Experimental Actuators description = You can never have too much mobility. cost = 550 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_experimentalActuators anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_experimentalActuators pos = -1118,1300,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = composites lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = advActuators lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Aero Tech Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = subsonicFlight title = Subsonic Flight description = Sometimes, it's not enough to be fast. cost = 90 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_subsonicFlight anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_subsonicFlight pos = -1724,1240,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = aviation lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = efficientFlightSystems title = Efficient Flight Systems description = Who would have thought? Sometimes, we want to go slower and use a teensy bit less fuel. cost = 160 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_efficientFlightSystems anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_efficientFlight pos = -1519,1240,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = subsonicFlight lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = specializedFlightSystems title = Specialized Flight Systems description = Sometimes, you need a little less jet. cost = 550 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_specializedFlightSystems anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_specializedFlight pos = -1118,1240,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = efficientFlightSystems lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = expAircraftEngines title = Experimental Aircraft Engines description = Engines intended for planes, not rockets. I guess you could get creative, though. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_expAircraftEngines anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_experimentalAircraftEngines pos = -736,1180,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = aerospaceTech lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = aerospaceComposites title = description = cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_aerospaceComposites anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_aerospaceComposites pos = -927,1120,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = experimentalAerodynamics lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = advAerospaceEngineering title = Advanced Aerospace Engineering description = Pointy shapes, blunt shapes and how they interact with airflow. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advAerospaceEngineering anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advAerospaceEngineering pos = -736,1120,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = aerospaceComposites lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Command Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = enhancedSurvivability title = Advanced Aerospace Engineering description = Pointy shapes, blunt shapes and how they interact with airflow. cost = 45 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_enhancedSurvivability anyToUnlock = False icon =CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_enhancedSurvivability pos = -1946,930,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = survivability lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = simpleCommandModules title = Simple Command Modules description = Command modules for those baby steps into space. cost = 90 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_simpleCommandModules anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_simpleCommandModules pos = -1724,930,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = enhancedSurvivability lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = heavyCommandModules title = Heavy Command Modules description = Big spacecraft need bigger command modules. cost = 300 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_heavyCommandModules anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_heavyCommandModules pos = -1309,930,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = commandModules lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = specializedCommandModules title = Specialized Command Modules description = Fancy, purpose-built spacecraft need fancy, purpose-built command modules. cost = 550 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_specializedCommandModules anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_specializedCommandModules pos = -1118,930,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = heavyCommandModules lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Mining Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = advOffworldMining title = Advanced Off-World Mining description = Mining facilities with more than one drill have opened up huge possibilities. We're looking into hiring oil rig workers to help out. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advOffworldMining anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_fuelSystems-advanced pos = -736,870,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = experimentalScience lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = resourceExploitation title = Resource Exploitation description = There's money to be made here! Drill baby drill! cost = 2250 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_resourceExploitation anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_fuelSystems-advanced pos = -545,870,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advOffworldMining lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Science Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = specializedScienceTech title = Specialized Science Tech description = Science technology whose instruction manuals are thicker than the devices themselves. cost = 550 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_specializedScienceTech anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_specializedScienceTech pos = -1118,810,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = scienceTech lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = longTermScienceTech title = Long Term Science Tech description = Some science experiments require ludicrously long durations. The data analysis might take longer! cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_longTermScienceTech anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_telescope pos = -927,810,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = specializedScienceTech lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = scientificOutposts title = Scientific Outposts description = Entire bases dedicated to science sound like great ideas to us. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_scientificOutposts anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_scientificOutposts pos = -736,810,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = longTermScienceTech lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = highEnergyScience title = High Energy Science description = Doing science inside a particle accelerator since 2001. cost = 2250 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_highEnergyScience anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_science-experimental pos = -545,810,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = scientificOutposts lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = appliedHighEnergyPhysics title = Applied High Energy Physics description = Applying the techniques of high-energy science to our physics research techniques results in some considerable gains. cost = 4000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_appliedHighEnergyPhysics anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_science-experimental pos = -354,810,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = highEnergyScience lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Robotics Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = mechatronics title = Mechatronics description = The rumours of robot-led world domination are greatly exaggerated. cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_mechatronics anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_robotics pos = -927,620,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = automation lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = artificialIntelligence title = Artificial Intelligence description = Smarter computers to help with the "good decisions" our pilots make. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_artificialIntelligence anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_unmannedTech pos = -736,680,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = largeUnmanned lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ======================= // Electric Engines Branch // ======================= RDNode { id = advIonPropulsion title = Advanced Ion Propulsion description = The R&D department has assured us that these technologies will make great publicity photos. cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advIonPropulsion anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advancedIonPropulsion pos = -927,751,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = ionPropulsion lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = plasmaPropulsion title = Plasma Propulsion description = We've discovered a fourth state of matter! It's only very slightly dangerous to handle. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_plasmaPropulsion anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_plasmaPropulsion pos = -736,765,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advIonPropulsion lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = advEMSystems title = Advanced Plasma Propulsion description = After studying how electricity behaves with magnets, we now can use these results to direct jets of searing hot gas. cost = 2250 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advEMSystems anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advancedPlasmaPropulsion pos = -545,765,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = plasmaPropulsion lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = specializedPlasmaGeneration title = Specialized Plasma Propulsion description = Advanced techniques for generating, confining and monetizing high energy plasmas. cost = 4000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_specializedPlasmaGeneration anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_specializedPlasmaPropulsion pos = -354,765,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advEMSystems lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = exoticPlasmaPropulsion title = Exotic Plasma Propulsion description = While plasma itself is an exotic state of matter, we can think of some exotic ways to use that exotic nature. cost = 10000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_exoticPlasmaPropulsion anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_specializedPlasmaPropulsion pos = -163,765,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = specializedPlasmaGeneration lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = advGriddedThrusters title = Advanced Electrostatic Thrusters description = Some engineers wanted to call this covalent propulsion, but luckily we convinced them not to bond with that idea. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advGriddedThrusters anyToUnlock = False icon =CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advancedElectrostaticPropulsion pos = -736,725,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advIonPropulsion lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = expGriddedThrusters title = Experimental Electrostatic Thrusters description = In the dark future of the third millennium, there is only ion propulsion. cost = 2250 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_expGriddedThrusters anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_experimentalElectrostaticPropulsion pos = -545,725,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advGriddedThrusters lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Solar Tech Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = advSolarTech title = Advanced Solar Technology description = The discovery of the lens has our electrical engineers all abuzz about the possibilities for solar energy generation. cost = 550 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advSolarTech anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advSolarTech pos = -1118,470,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = largeElectrics lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = advPVMaterials title = Advanced Photovoltaic Materials description = New, stronger, intentionally bendy photovoltaic cells! cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advPVMaterials anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advPVMaterials pos = -927,500,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advSolarTech lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = cuttingEdgeSolarTech title = Cutting-Edge Solar Technology description = These new panels are well grounded in reality. cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_cuttingEdgeSolarTech anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_cuttingEdgeSolar pos = -927,440,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advSolarTech lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = exoticSolarTech title = Exotic Solar Technology description = It folds, it bends, it's cheap, you can put it ANYWHERE! cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_exoticSolarTech anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticSolarTech pos = -736,440,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = cuttingEdgeSolarTech lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Electrics Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = highTechElectricalSystems title = High Tech Electrical Systems description = Unifying electrical systems for distribution and power. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_highTechElectricalSystems anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_highTechElectricalSystems pos = -736,560,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = experimentalElectrics lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = highPowerElectricalSystems title = High Power Electrical Systems description = Distributing megawatts of power through ships, stations and bases requires advanced cabling technologies. cost = 2250 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_highPowerElectricalSystems anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_highPowerElectricalSystems pos = -545,560,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = highTechElectricalSystems lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = experimentalElectricalSystems title = Experimental Electrical Systems description = Junction boxes, powered switches, insulated cables... man, this power distribution thing is complicated! cost = 4000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_experimentalElectricalSystems anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_expElectricalSystems pos = -354,560,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = highPowerElectricalSystems lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = exoticElectricalSystems title = Exotic Electrical Systems description = Super high tech transmission and distribution systems for the most advanced spacecraft. cost = 10000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_exoticElectricalSystems anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticElectricalSystems pos = -163,560,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = experimentalElectricalSystems lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = microwavePowerTransmission title = Microwave Power Transmission description = Using a really long cable, we plan to... nah, just kidding. cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_microwavePowerTransmission anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_microwavePower pos = -736,500,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = experimentalElectrics lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = advPVMaterials lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ====================== // Heat Management Branch // ====================== RDNode { id = heatManagementSystems title = Heat Management Systems description = Research into heat radiators to keep the snacks from overheating. cost = 160 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_heatManagementSystems anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_heatManagementSystems pos = -1520,380,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = electrics lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = advHeatManagement title = Advanced Heat Management description = More advanced heat management technologies to keep the A/C running. cost = 550 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advHeatManagement anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advancedHeatManagement pos = -1118,380,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = heatManagementSystems lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = specializedRadiators title = Specialized Radiators description = Impressive, unwieldy radiators for immediate release! cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_specializedRadiators anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_specializedRadiators pos = -736,380,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = advHeatManagement lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = exoticRadiators title = Exotic Radiators description = Research into exotic materials and techniques for heat rejection. cost = 4000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_exoticRadiators anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_exoticRadiators pos = -354,380,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = specializedRadiators lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Life Support Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = recycling title = Recycling description = Reducible, reusable, recyclable technologies. cost = 90 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_recycling anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_recycling pos = -1724,320,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = basicScience lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = hydroponics title = Hydroponics description = Growing things without getting soiled! cost = 160 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_hydroponics anyToUnlock = True icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_hydroponics pos = -1520,320,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = recycling lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = storageTech lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = shortTermHabitation title = Short Term Habitation description = A Kerbal, a tiger, a zebra, a chimpanzee and a hyena all walk into a space capsule... cost = 550 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_shortTermHabitation anyToUnlock = True icon = RDicon_evaTech pos = -1118,320,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = hydroponics lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = logistics lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = longTermHabitation title = Long Term Habitation description = Advanced psychological and material studies dedicated to the advancement of Kerbalkind. cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_longTermHabitation anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_start pos = -927,320,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = shortTermHabitation lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = colonization title = Colonization description = When spreading Kerbalkind through random explosions is just not enough. cost = 2250 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_colonization anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_start pos = -545,320,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = longTermHabitation lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = advLogistics lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = advColonization title = Advanced Colonization description = Everything you need for a fully autonomous Kerbal colonization effort - just add water! cost = 4000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advColonization anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_start pos = -354,320,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = colonization lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } // ==================== // Logistics Branch // ==================== RDNode { id = storageTech title = Storage Technology description = For those times when a cardboard box just won't do! cost = 90 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_storageTech anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_storageTech pos = -1724,260,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = basicScience lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = logistics title = Logistics description = Making bigger and better cardboard boxes! cost = 300 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_logistics anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_logistics pos = -1309,260,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = storageTech lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } RDNode { id = advLogistics title = Advanced Logistics description = Moving boxes from place to place... in space! cost = 1500 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_advLogistics anyToUnlock = False icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_advancedLogistics pos = -736,260,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = logistics lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } } } Excelent work, I will add it with the req :NEEDS[!CommunityTechTree,!HPTechTree,!ETT,!SensibleTechTree] As a script to the patch folder and overwrite the CommunityTechTree.cfg in the CTT in 1.2.2 releases Edited July 12, 2017 by FreeThinker Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Loren Pechtel Posted July 12, 2017 Share Posted July 12, 2017 1 hour ago, ArmchairPhysicist said: Quick question, are there any plans for non rocket launch capabilities in this pack? It would be nice to put cargo in orbit with a space gun. And how would the cargo survive the fire? Think of what would happen if you were coming back from Eeloo and re-entered with your periapsis at zero. A space gun would be worse. The only workable system that I can think of that wouldn't cause KSP to simply fall over would be a space elevator. The elevator cable couldn't have a reality in the physics model but you could have a properly modeled base station, a modeled synchronous station and a line drawn between them and move the rocket along the line rather like HyperEdit's lander does. I doubt you could make it possible to dock with the line other than at a station but that would be an awfully tricky maneuver to pull off anyway. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackMoons Posted July 12, 2017 Share Posted July 12, 2017 (edited) "Deployable Microwave Phased Array Relay Transceiver" starts deployed and refuses to retract if you have RemoteTech installed. deleting WarpPlugin\Patches\RemoteTechFix.cfg seems to fix it (Although who knows what issues that causes) Edited July 12, 2017 by BlackMoons Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArmchairPhysicist Posted July 12, 2017 Share Posted July 12, 2017 40 minutes ago, Loren Pechtel said: And how would the cargo survive the fire? Think of what would happen if you were coming back from Eeloo and re-entered with your periapsis at zero. A space gun would be worse. The biggest hazard with a mass driver wouldn't be atmospheric drag (unless its putting a package into an escape trajectory) it's the g-forces. Space guns could easily put a drone into orbital altitude, where it could be retrieved by a station or another drone, or it can stabilize its own orbit. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Loren Pechtel Posted July 12, 2017 Share Posted July 12, 2017 47 minutes ago, ArmchairPhysicist said: The biggest hazard with a mass driver wouldn't be atmospheric drag (unless its putting a package into an escape trajectory) it's the g-forces. Space guns could easily put a drone into orbital altitude, where it could be retrieved by a station or another drone, or it can stabilize its own orbit. So far the drag issue is a total showstopper with mass driver launches from bodies with a meaningful atmosphere. And note that you must still do a circularization burn with a mass driver launch. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackMoons Posted July 12, 2017 Share Posted July 12, 2017 Using 2 500EC/second solar panels to transmit power via microwave, microwave says 2KW wall beam power. I assume the 1KW vs 2KW discrepancy is because of the game using its own inverse square curve but.. I thought 1000EC = 1MJ? From some quick tests it seems 1,000,000EC = 1MJ? 2KW is nearly useless except to keep some life support running. Even if I put it close enough to the sun for 100x power, 200KW is still near useless, especially after some transmission losses. Also means 1MW of power is completely OP in EC. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arivald Ha'gel Posted July 12, 2017 Share Posted July 12, 2017 Hello, At the beginning I'd like to thank FreeThinker for a job well done Currently I'm using KSPI-E 1.14.15 backported to 1.2.2 (upgraded today) and I see a problem: "Thermal Electric Generator" have a flawed upgrade (perhaps more parts do). What I mean is that even with both upgrade technologies researched I still see it as a "Brayton Cycle Gas Turbine", however it does have "Max Efficiency: at 0.64", however for some reason "Interstellar Thermal Mechanics Helper" gives "Resting Generator Efficiency at 30% power" at around 19% with 19.60GW radiator Maximum Dissipation. It seems that both upgrades and ITMH was somewhat adversely affected by recent versions. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ansenagy Posted July 12, 2017 Share Posted July 12, 2017 14 hours ago, FreeThinker said: mmm, it appears Near Future scaling isn't functional with the Kerbtein, I will fix it ASAP You are the best, man. I will add some info: this is only happening with the version 0.8.7 (1.22 KSP) of "Near Future Electrical". It does not happen in version 0.9.x (1.3 of KSP). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maelstrom Vortex Posted July 12, 2017 Share Posted July 12, 2017 On 7/11/2017 at 2:29 PM, FreeThinker said: @Maelstrom Vortex Nice, where are those flower radiator from? Those are Nertea's massive solar panels from I think Near Future Solar or Electric. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackMoons Posted July 13, 2017 Share Posted July 13, 2017 "Thermal Radiator Wrap-Around Full" Costs 8000, Other rads of similar output are like 200~1000. a full wrap around set of 4 of them costs $32,000. While they are slightly more weight efficient then other rads, and look really nice, I still think they should cost more like $800~1500 each (To reflect the 'slightly better then regular rads' specs, but still make them not super inflate the costs of things that use them, since they really don't dissipate much unless you use a LOT of them) The half wrap around is also overpriced IMO. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackMoons Posted July 13, 2017 Share Posted July 13, 2017 (edited) Bug: There is no limit on the thrust a 0.6m Launch nozzle can produce. Used 7.5m liquid salt reactor (fully upgraded) I got 20,000KN of thrust or something crazy. similarly got a thermal Ramjet nozzle in liquid fuel mode to produce 10,000KN as well. Both will spool the powerplant to 100% and not kersplode even with just 4 tiny rads attached to the ship. In fact they lift the salt reactor into the air.. Does anything upgrade thermal launch nozzle btw? Did some testing with ramjets/etc. Seems 1st upgrade improves thrust (but not ISP?) about 10% but only on the thermal ramjet/turbojet? Also it seems 400MW is not enough to make a 1.25m ramjet run liquid fuel mode. Will run a 0.6m one however. Interesting how you have to choose a nozzle that is not too big for your power received. Running oxidiser+fuel in the launch gives thrust even at lower power levels it seems as I would hope. I assume the upgrade that unlocks nuclear engine oxidizer usage also unlocks it for thermal nozzles. Tory upgrade increases thrust (at sea level) by 30% and ISP by 10% Edited July 13, 2017 by BlackMoons Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dankis Posted July 13, 2017 Share Posted July 13, 2017 Bug report: Mk2 thermal power receiver GEO relays don't connect when my plane is flying horizontally. As soon as I start pitching up to vertical position, relays connect. Seems like active sides of Mk2 are top and bottom instead of sides. Thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FreeThinker Posted July 13, 2017 Author Share Posted July 13, 2017 12 hours ago, BlackMoons said: Does anything upgrade thermal launch nozzle btw? CUrrently only connected reactor but I;m thinking about having thermal control thechnology have an effect on spool up/down time as well Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackMoons Posted July 14, 2017 Share Posted July 14, 2017 Is there anything I can edit on my end to change the EC/MJ conversion to 1:1000? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FreeThinker Posted July 14, 2017 Author Share Posted July 14, 2017 (edited) 5 hours ago, BlackMoons said: Is there anything I can edit on my end to change the EC/MJ conversion to 1:1000? Yes, you can modify the values of USI_NF_Mode.cfg anf replace 0.002 by 0.001 and 500 by 1000 Edited July 14, 2017 by FreeThinker Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackMoons Posted July 14, 2017 Share Posted July 14, 2017 2 minutes ago, FreeThinker said: Yes, simply modify the values of USI_NF_Mode.cfg anf replace 0.002 by 0.001 Im not using Near Future electric. I just want to change the conversion of MJ to EC in relation to microwave beamed power. I do like the whole MJ system. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FreeThinker Posted July 14, 2017 Author Share Posted July 14, 2017 (edited) 4 minutes ago, BlackMoons said: Im not using Near Future electric. I just want to change the conversion of MJ to EC in relation to microwave beamed power. I do like the whole MJ system. I don't understand, the default conversion from EC to MJ is already 1:1000 Edited July 14, 2017 by FreeThinker Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FreeThinker Posted July 14, 2017 Author Share Posted July 14, 2017 On 13-7-2017 at 9:50 AM, BlackMoons said: Did some testing with ramjets/etc. Seems 1st upgrade improves thrust (but not ISP?) about 10% but only on the thermal ramjet/turbojet Technically what it does is improve the speed thrust curve, allowing the turbojet/ramjet to perform better at low or higher than optimal speed. Secondly, it reduces the spool up and down time. On 13-7-2017 at 9:50 AM, BlackMoons said: Also it seems 400MW is not enough to make a 1.25m ramjet run liquid fuel mode. Will run a 0.6m one however. 1 Ramjet nozzles are optimised for maximum flow (of air), their nozzle throat is wide, they can run in propellant mode but usually only in the vacuum because the static thrust is often too high to overcome. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackMoons Posted July 14, 2017 Share Posted July 14, 2017 Stellarator Fusion Reactor does not actually need any power to start up (will startup at 0EC/0MJ). Its missing the very cool startup charge mechanic like the Magnetized Target Fusion reactor has. Production/consumption of materials responds incorrectly to timewarp (both physical and non physical) in reactor control menu. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackMoons Posted July 14, 2017 Share Posted July 14, 2017 Why are lithium reserves/consumption listed in a magnetized target fusion reactor in liters, Yet everything else is listed in kg? Am I producing or consuming lithium in this screenshot? Seems to be producing but hard to convert. Also it seems power output depends directly on lithium storage, even in "Cold Deuterium-Deuterium" mode. Interesting that it breeds its own lithium (from deuterium?) and requires it as a product, but shouldn't it not be affected by it in "Cold Deuterium-Deuterium" mode? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackMoons Posted July 14, 2017 Share Posted July 14, 2017 Also, whats the difference between Deuterium and Lithiumdeuteride? the reactors seem to run on either the same and consider both "Deuterium reserves"? Stellarator Fusion reactor starts at 3.75 when placed, once scaled up to 5m can't be scaled down, a tech node says upgrades let you scale it down to 3.75? Its default specs are clearly for the 3.75m model. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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