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[1.8.1-1.12.x] Modular Launch Pads v2.8.1: Launch clamps evolved: Real-style launch bases and towers [17 March 2025]


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1 hour ago, x170doom said:

thanks, trying to make my own gave me a headache


Making a MM patch for the pads is actually quite simple, the following is just an example of the syntax:



// Put the internal part name (from the "part = xxxx" line in the cfg) in the PART[]; the GameData folder name of the mod goes in the NEEDS[] if desired. Don't forget the curly brace :) 

node_stack_bottom02 = 0.0, -5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 5 

//  The new stack node goes here, use a name that isn't being used already, and the 2nd value is the Y axis position in meters; use a large enough value so the node will clear the bottom of the tank (or engine mount) and any engine or whatever is attached to it.  The last value is the node size, 5 is real big and is what the bigger pads use.


//  Don't forget the closing curly brace too.

Save it with some name as .cfg extension somewhere in GameData.



Furthur progress on the strongback tower:


I've changed my mind and will include an alternate animation set, one that allows the tower to be brought in closer to the rocket (with the umbilicals turned off) so a partial retraction of a few degrees can be done before launch, then the rest of the retraction done at launch.  This will be manual-activation only, the staged animation via Animated Decouplers will be the full fallback as seen here.

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Now with the alternate 2-step retraction method, with the partial pre-launch retract and the launch-time fallback:

The method type is selected with a B9PS switcher, it actually switches between two whole copies of the strongback, with the 2-step version lacking the umbilicals.  Keeps the game objects for one animation method disabled when the other is selected.

The 2-step method is manual only, and best done by action groups.


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19 hours ago, AlphaMensae said:

Making a MM patch for the pads is actually quite simple, the following is just an example of the syntax:



// Put the internal part name (from the "part = xxxx" line in the cfg) in the PART[]; the GameData folder name of the mod goes in the NEEDS[] if desired. Don't forget the curly brace :) 

node_stack_bottom02 = 0.0, -5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 5 

//  The new stack node goes here, use a name that isn't being used already, and the 2nd value is the Y axis position in meters; use a large enough value so the node will clear the bottom of the tank (or engine mount) and any engine or whatever is attached to it.  The last value is the node size, 5 is real big and is what the bigger pads use.


//  Don't forget the closing curly brace too.

Save it with some name as .cfg extension somewhere in GameData.



Furthur progress on the strongback tower:


I've changed my mind and will include an alternate animation set, one that allows the tower to be brought in closer to the rocket (with the umbilicals turned off) so a partial retraction of a few degrees can be done before launch, then the rest of the retraction done at launch.  This will be manual-activation only, the staged animation via Animated Decouplers will be the full fallback as seen here.

thanks. i'm gonna start a second attempt now. ill see if i get anything working then post them here.

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The strongback now has the upper clamp, opened/closed separately:


The clamp is sized for 2.5m tanks only.  In fact, I don't think I'll make alternate heights, this thing is like the shuttle pad in that it's a specialty part designed and intended for a specific rocket type. The clamp and umbilical group will have deploy-limit sliders for adjustment, but otherwise will be as-is;  a Falcon 9 is pretty tall to begin with, so there's plenty of height already. :)

On another matter, I've realized way too late the simple way to eliminate the insert for the Saturn launcher base:  just put the center of the exhaust hole the origin (X=0, Z=0).  It'll mean the base will be well off-center when placed and so will have to be offset into the proper position, but that's a small price for getting rid of the insert and integrating its functions into the base itself.


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Added two craft files for the strongback and Tundra Exploration Ghidorah+Fairing to the Craft Files folder in the AlphaDev branch on the Github.

Both use the Small General Pad, and require Tundra Exploration and its dependencies (just Kerbal Reuseablity Expansion actually...I think).

The 1-step file is set up for the one-step fallback method with umbilicals.

The 2-step file is set up for the two-step method with no umbilicals.

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New version of the Saturn Launcher Base (v2C) is now on the Github, along with a modified SaturnLauncherBase.dds file.  Assets are in the 3D_Assets_Dev folder, the .cfg is in v2_Saturn

For now it's a new separate part.  The folder structure will also change soon, as I transfer all the Saturn and Shuttle parts to their own folder.

No longer need the insert part, it's been integrated into the base itself now.  I also added the general pads' node symmetry switch, which makes it easier to select between different symmetries for different kinds of accessories. :)


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30 minutes ago, Natokerbal said:

so set an action group for seperate and fallback at the same time?

No, don't do them at the same time....I don't know what would happen.

The partial retract is done pre-launch, then at liftoff comes the full fallback.

For IRL Falcon 9 lauches, the small partial retract is done I think to get the upper clamp assembly clear of the rocket.


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5 hours ago, AlphaMensae said:

No, don't do them at the same time....I don't know what would happen.

The partial retract is done pre-launch, then at liftoff comes the full fallback.

I mean go from partial to full retract right at liftoff where the pad lets go of the rocket. How do I do that? Action group or stage it

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New Mini General Launch Pad:


It acts as a bridge between the small American Launch Stands and the Small General Launch Pad, and able to handle full tri-core rockets of 1.875m, 1.5m and 1.25m sizes, as well as single-cores of those sizes.  It's basically a beefier version of the launch stands, with a full deck upon which small towers can be attached.

Shown with the Mothra One from Tundra Exploration.

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The new Mini General Pad is now on the Github, AlphaDev Branch.

The other general pads and all the associated textures have been revised as well.

All the general pads now have a blank animation reference (literally an empty animation clip) for ModuleLaunchClamp, as being launch clamps, a release animation is expected, so adding a blank one will prevent possible problems.

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Just uploaded to the Github the new general pad access elevator, something also long-delayed.  It's an elevator to allows Kerbal access to the pad decks from the ground, necessary if a crew elevator is mounted on the pad and not to the side.  Has four height options--2.5m, 5.0m, 7.5m and 10.0m--but the 2.5m one will probably fit most pad heights unless the pad is put in a high position.


It attaches to one of the tower nodes on the general pads, use left-shift with the offset gizmo to move into the desired position.

The elevator pad when all the way down should be almost flush with the VAB floor (the collider is a thin plate at the top of the visual mesh):



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I've also created a new branch on the Github for the v2 General Pads (which includes the Saturn Launch Stand and tower), called v2_General_Pads.

All new and updated general pad parts and assets will go there now, no more need to download the whole AlphaDev branch, just download the v2_General_Pads branch, which will give you a v2_General_Pads folder; replace the existng one in the GameData/AlphaDev folder with the updated one.

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6 hours ago, Irenicus said:

Good mod, tnx. But using this mod I have to low frame rate:( When I begin building a launch pad for Saturn rocket (for example) I lose 20 FPS or more.... 

I will admit that the version 1 pads are not optimized very much--in fact, not at all--and can cause lag on slower systems.  I was transitioning from custom-welding models in .cfg files to 3D modeling parts and working in Unity, so the Saturn and Soyuz pads were assembled in Unity from quite a lot of small objects that I modeled in Wings 3D.

Try using the v2 Saturn parts on my Github, as they are now largely properly modeled as single (or 2-3) objects.  Some of them are still not the best they can be, and I'm currently going back and revising them yet again, cutting down the number of separate objects used to the minimum needed.

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4 minutes ago, AlphaMensae said:

Try using the v2 Saturn parts on my Github



Okay, I will try. But where this version? Can you give a direct link, please?


My system it is 16Gb RAM and 6Gb video card. Core 3.8 Gz

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6 minutes ago, Irenicus said:



Okay, I will try. But where this version? Can you give a direct link, please?


My system it is 16Gb RAM and 6Gb video card. Core 3.8 Gz


Click the green "Clone or Download" button, download the repository as a .zip file, and from the .zip, copy the AlphaDev folder to your GameData folder; do not put it in the existing Modular Launch Pads folder, as it's a stand-alone dev build (but still needs the plugins the full mod has).

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5 minutes ago, AlphaMensae said:

Click the green "Clone or Download


I am a programmer :) I have own GitHub profile :)  I am web developer. My primary lang is C# :)


Thank you, I will try :)

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