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[1.4+] Balanced History (ABANDONED)


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I thought some parts from Making History (specifically the round pods) were overpowered so I made this little modlet to fix that.

Downloads, documentation, source code, issue tracker, place to fork it and try your hand at my code, etc - all on Github.

Requires ModuleManager. Get that on Github or via CKAN.


Questions I will likely be or am frequently asked (TL;DR FAQ):

Is it on CKAN? - No. I'll try to get it on, but I need to learn how and would appreciate support in that aspect.

Does this break saves? - Maybe. Currently, be careful if you have one of the round pods in flight (particularly the Pea and Pomegranate - size changed) as they have their mass and size changed to match the Mk1, Mk2 and Mk1-3 pods.

(When) Will you update to KSP x.y.z? - It should work with all KSP versions 1.4+ (but not below because Making History didn't exist back then), just modify the version file so under KSP_VERSION it says:



"MAJOR" = x

"MINOR" = y

"PATCH" = z

for KSP version x.y.z


I've found a bug! - Report it on Github

How can I trust a mod made by a wibbly lander? - (wobble, wobble) (kraken) (flies to pieces)

Full list of changes? - Not many, just 3 parts with 5 changes at the moment - all in my documentation.


NOTE: Thanks to @RoboRay's fantastic explanation of the balance of the new pods, I have decided I do not want to continue the mod. Feel free to use it, but consider it abandoned. Thread will remain open for discussion and if anyone wants to take the mod over, but no support will be provided by myself and I will get the thread locked should it spiral out of control.


Edited by TDplay
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Not much detail to go on here.  You say you've changed part sizes - but no pics to show what you've done.  Your mod does something - can't tell what - I went to github to look for documentation - no details on the landing page - went to the wiki - only details are:


Current changed part sizes:

Pea is now 1.875m

Pomegranate is now 2.5m

Is that all it does?  Basically if the author is not interested in sharing what the mod actually does, I'm not interested in installing it to try to figure it out

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9 minutes ago, fourfa said:

Not much detail to go on here.  You say you've changed part sizes - but no pics to show what you've done.  Your mod does something - can't tell what - I went to github to look for documentation - no details on the landing page - went to the wiki - only details are:

Is that all it does?  Basically if the author is not interested in sharing what the mod actually does, I'm not interested in installing it to try to figure it out

Agreed. I'm left thinking "Why does this exist? Why does OP think they're unbalanced? What balance did he try to achieve? Why am I even still in this thread?".

OP, I'd appreciate it if you could answer the above questions, well, except for why I was still here.. That's a mystery of the universe.

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15 hours ago, fourfa said:

Not much detail to go on here.  You say you've changed part sizes - but no pics to show what you've done.  Your mod does something - can't tell what - I went to github to look for documentation - no details on the landing page - went to the wiki - only details are:

Is that all it does?  Basically if the author is not interested in sharing what the mod actually does, I'm not interested in installing it to try to figure it out

Will add pics when I can get back on KSP. So far, it's really just a little modlet, and yes that's all it really does.

All that's happened is the Pea is now 1.5x scale, 1.875m, to match mk2 pod, and the Pomegranate is now 2x scale, 2.5m, to match mk1-3 (or old mk1-2) pods.

15 hours ago, Jognt said:

Agreed. I'm left thinking "Why does this exist? Why does OP think they're unbalanced? What balance did he try to achieve? Why am I even still in this thread?".

OP, I'd appreciate it if you could answer the above questions, well, except for why I was still here.. That's a mystery of the universe.

I thought these parts were unbalanced because 2 or 3 Kerbals in one 1.25m pod was a bit overpowered. I was trying to balance them against the other command pods (I have never seen a stock or modded pod that stores 3 Kerbals in such a small space) which are (AFAIK) usually balanced against when mod devs are developing their own mods. As for why you're still here - IDK, unless you're interested as to the function of my modlet. If you don't like the modlet, I'm not forcing you to use it, you can just ignore it.

Have added more info to the wiki

Edited by TDplay
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9 minutes ago, TDplay said:

I thought these parts were unbalanced because 2 or 3 Kerbals in one 1.25m pod was a bit overpowered. I was trying to balance them against the other command pods (I have never seen a stock or modded pod that stores 3 Kerbals in such a small space) which are (AFAIK) usually balanced against when mod devs are developing their own mods.

Cheers! Honestly, this bit of reasoning is one of the most important things when sharing mods (except for the download link). Without knowing what you changed and why, it's quite impossible for viewers to decide whether they agree with it and wish to make use of it.

As for the "why I'm still here" question. Like I said, some things are a mystery of the universe. That comment was written by late-night Jognt who was annoyed because he couldn't sleep. Don't take it personally please :).

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6 minutes ago, Jognt said:

Cheers! Honestly, this bit of reasoning is one of the most important things when sharing mods (except for the download link). Without knowing what you changed and why, it's quite impossible for viewers to decide whether they agree with it and wish to make use of it.

As for the "why I'm still here" question. Like I said, some things are a mystery of the universe. That comment was written by late-night Jognt who was annoyed because he couldn't sleep. Don't take it personally please :).

It's OK, probably the reason I didn't clarify a lot of the mod's function is because I was half asleep at the time of writing :( sorry that I didn't give the comprehensive list off the bat.

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Just now, TDplay said:

It's OK, probably the reason I didn't clarify a lot of the mod's function is because I was half asleep at the time of writing :( sorry that I didn't give the comprehensive list off the bat.

If only we were Kerbals that didn't require snacks or sleep.. We'd all be so productive :P

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16 minutes ago, Jognt said:

If only we were Kerbals that didn't require snacks or sleep.. We'd all be so productive :P

If only it were true lol :)

Except Kerbals under the influence of Life Support mods :P

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22 minutes ago, TDplay said:

I thought these parts were unbalanced because 2 or 3 Kerbals in one 1.25m pod was a bit overpowered. I was trying to balance them against the other command pods (I have never seen a stock or modded pod that stores 3 Kerbals in such a small space)

Only the base is 1.25 m.  The spherical shape expanding above the base does physically fit three kerbals in it.  The Mk2 Passenger Cabin has only a slightly larger internal volume and fits four.

They also lack subsystems (reaction wheels and RCS) and have less resource storage than other comparable pods.

The balance comes from the tech tree as the higher-capacity versions come later.  You will notice that engines also get better, not just bigger, as you work through the tech tree.


Edited by RoboRay
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22 minutes ago, RoboRay said:

Only the base is 1.25 m.  The spherical shape expanding above the base does physically fit three kerbals in it.  The Mk2 Passenger Cabin has only a slightly larger internal volume and fits four.

They also have lack subsystems (reaction wheels and RCS) and have less resource storage than other comparable pods.

The balance comes from the tech tree as the higher-capacity versions come later.  You will notice that engines also get better, not just bigger, as you work through the tech tree.

I do see that now. I don't know whether I personally want to keep using this mod myself. :/ It was really just a little experiment when I started it - would I prefer this or stock? Right now I'm leaning toward the stock ones thanks to how you've explained their balance. Thanks for explaining it so clearly, it wasn't very clear when I just looked at the part.

But anyone who does want it - feel free to use it :).

Which is a reason I've got this mentality: It is your game, your choice.

43 minutes ago, TDplay said:

If you don't like the modlet, I'm not forcing you to use it, you can just ignore it.

I will keep this thread open if people want to talk about the mod or take it over - but I will get it locked by a mod if it spirals out of control.

Consider the mod abandoned.

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28 minutes ago, MaximumThrust said:

You may find this video interesting: 

IIRC, the Russians fitted 3 people in a capsule originally designed for only 1.

I'm playing in the 1.3.1, but I would probably look for a mod like yours or simple remove this parts, I hate inconsistences like this in the game.

Well, feel free to use this mod but remember that I don't support it anymore.

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