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Ground vs Base (or any other craft really) -- FIGHT!

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Is there ANY way the devs could somehow fix the fighting that goes on between the ground and other objects?

This has been a constant frustration for me since I first booted up the game and I don't want to come off like a nag or anything, but I can't put a plane on the runway without it shifting and turning and sliding over the ground.  I can't put a base on a planet without it doing likewise.  I just don't understand this.  This seems like a pretty basic function for the game and yet it continues on and on.

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21 hours ago, pquade said:

Is there ANY way the devs could somehow fix the fighting that goes on between the ground and other objects?

This has been a constant frustration for me since I first booted up the game and I don't want to come off like a nag or anything, but I can't put a plane on the runway without it shifting and turning and sliding over the ground.  I can't put a base on a planet without it doing likewise.  I just don't understand this.  This seems like a pretty basic function for the game and yet it continues on and on.

People asked for more detail.  Here's Round 1.  More to follow as time allows.

You may need to watch it full screen to see it, but as soon as the load-in settles, the legs begin to dance on the runway and shake the entire craft to destruction just seconds later.


Edited by pquade
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1 hour ago, FleshJeb said:

Have you tried this? Also, I find reducing spring and damper settings helps.




Yes.  It doesn't fix the issue.

Besides which, this should NOT be something players have to be fiddly with and make a lot of adjustments for.  This ought to be something the game is able to deal with natively.

The biggest foe in a game should not be dealing with the programming inadequacies.

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 Unfortunately, this looks like a repeat of what happened the last time KSP moved to a new version of Unity. If that's the case, there's nothing the devs can do about it because the problem is in the physics engine rather than KSP. We're all stuck in the same boat (or more accurately 'bouncy castle') until Unity issues a patch.


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