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Kerbin Side Remastered [1.0.1] [1.7.3]


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@zerberr I always found the sometimes the waypoint generator in contract configurator would get the randomly generated wayponts used for rescue type missions worng.  I just canceled the contract and allowed it to reset.  

Edited by Caerfinon
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Hello, I've been looking into this mod recently but I am not sure whether or not I should download it, as I just have the feeling it may break something. Are there any things I should know about this mod before using it? I play the game with MANY mods, just to make it clear.

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3 hours ago, scopex said:

Hello, I've been looking into this mod recently but I am not sure whether or not I should download it, as I just have the feeling it may break something. Are there any things I should know about this mod before using it? I play the game with MANY mods, just to make it clear.

Every single mod can break things, no matter what they say. Modding scene, by definition, is chaotic and it's very hard to foresee every single possible interaction between you work and someone else's.

The best advice I can give to you is to fully duplicate your KSP installment, install this on the duplicate and toy with it, fooling around to see what happens. If after some time nothing bad happens, it's probably good to go.

Kerbin Side Remastered relies on Kerbal Konstructs to work - if KK is working in your rig, than this should work too. I remember even installing this and the older Kerbin Side just to see what happens (TL;DR: the KSC assets overlapped each other, pretty messy but not game crashing). And you can always hit CTRL-K and edit things yourself - what's the essence of modding! :)


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