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kepler 62 f ... Where would be Life ?


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You see I remebered this planet and it got me thinking, the "goldilocks zone"  on the planet itself (because it is tidal-locked) would only limit the diverisity, right?


I thought of the mutation of life- one organism can go into hotter ares than the others, they reproduce and have babbies that have the same gene, a better adapted for warmth gene ,   or the normal resistance. This can go the "oppisite" (adaptaions for cold) way too so ... same. This proccess happens all the time, right ? and  if so wouldn't that mean the limit of life going towards the extremes (poles) is only limited by the amount of time life has had to evolve.


I guess this would be a hypothesis, huh?

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No, not really. Life can take advantage of the area only if it contain enough resources. Consider Antarctica. It was frozen solid for tens of millions of years. A lot of time for animals to evolve traits helping them to adapt, right? And yet Antarctica has very little of life inland. Seals and penguins and seabirds inhabit only shores. There are some algae and lichens on the rocks - and that's pretty much all there is. Same for the extreme desert areas, with very little water and nutrients available.

Sure, there will be some life - but not much of it, because higher animals and plants need food and water and certain environmental conditions to survive. Outside of that "goldilocks zone" you will find only extremophiles. Which are absolutely fascinating in their own right, but... well, do not expect them to create an equivalent of Amazonian rainforest in terms of biodiversity.

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Life at Kepler 62F could be most probably found at the places of the previous (alien) life researcher landings. Evolved from the leftover snacks and still alive.
It cannot be that only humans were asking "Is there a life on Kepler 62F", somebody should research it every several million years.

Though, this is not only about Kepler 62F...


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15 hours ago, Scotius said:

Outside of that "goldilocks zone" you will find only extremophiles.

Or Supreme Ruler Of The Universe.

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There is a LOT we don’t know about Kepler-62f: it’s mass, atmosphere, greenhouse effect, surface gravity, etc. Depending on the planet’s atmosphere it could be significantly warmed up to 270-290 K, similar to Earth’s average temperature. However, it could also have a thin atmosphere (not very likely though) that traps in very little heat, causing the planet to freeze. It’s also unknown whether Kepler-62f has any land masses, or if it’s entirely covered in water like TRAPPIST-1d. If the planet has a significant greenhouse effect (similar to Earth’s or somewhat stronger) and solid land masses, life could develop similar to that on Earth, but at a generally slower rate. Given the system’s age of about 7 billion years, any life that started on Kepler-62f has likely reached a complex multicellular stage. It probably has a rather stable climate, as one study found that its axial tilt likely tips over at no more than 30*, and another found that Kepler-62f likely suffered a moon-forming impact in its past. 

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1 hour ago, ProtoJeb21 said:

Snippy; and another found that Kepler-62f likely suffered a moon-forming impact in its past. 


About the Moon-forming part, wasn't there a study or something similar that talked about how a planet could appear to be bigger than it really is during a transit due to a Moon? If that's the case, could Kepler 62f be smaller than 1.4 Earth radii? I wonder how that would affect ESI or potential habitability.

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