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[WIP][RSS/RO] Alternate Apollo


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46 minutes ago, species said:

Im sorry for my ineptitude, please be sure it comes from my next to no knowledge about how KSP modding work(ive tried, its just not my department) and not from any malicious or entitled reasons.


No you are fine no reason to apologize.  I realized you may not have know what was needed so I posted what I did.  Thanks for the more details.  *I* am sorry if my post seemed brusque.  

I find it interesting that even NOT deployed they are blowing up.      I don't do RSS/RO so I won't be much of a help there.     BUT maybe it is some of the same problems we were having with these chutes in Stock play.

However, it seems to me that the aerodynamic model in RSS/RO is seeing the chutes when they should be hidden.  One thing I would suggest is editing the .cfg part for the parachutes.  Delete the Drag cube line in it.   I don't know if that will work for RSS/RO but in stock it eliminated all the problems we were having with the chutes.

Does RSS/RO use RealChutes?   If so set the Chute to Kevlar instead of Nylon when building the part.  I feel that Nylon is "Under" appreciated in Realchutes.  AKA it burns too easily / KSP Physics applies forces to it with too much acceleration.     

I am appending in the hidden line below my version of the parachute file for the D-2.  Just copy what I have done and save it over the top of the existing parachute (it is a direct replacement.)  


    name = ApolloD2_parachute
    module = Part
    author = mcdouble
    mesh = model.mu
    scale = 1
    node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
    node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0

    rescaleFactor = 0.625
    buoyancyUseCubeNamed = PACKED
    sound_parachute_open = activate
    sound_parachute_single = deploy
    TechRequired = survivability
    entryCost = 2800
    cost = 400
    category = Utility
    subcategory = 0
    title = Apollo D-2 Parachute
    description = Landing parachute for the D-2 descent capsule. Only one side is deployed, the other is a backup.
    attachRules = 1,0,0,1,0
    mass = 0.1
    dragModelType = default
    angularDrag = 3
    crashTolerance = 12
    maxTemp = 2500 // = 3100
    emissiveConstant = 0.7
    breakingForce = 100
    breakingTorque = 50
    bodyLiftMultiplier = 0
    stageOffset = -1
    bulkheadProfiles = srf
    tags = #autoLOC_500932 //#autoLOC_500932 = arrest blue canopy chute decel descen drag entry fall landing re- return safe slow

//    {
//        cube = PACKED, 0.6356,0.6276,0.7027, 0.6356,0.6276,0.7027, 1.116,0.7271,0.523, 1.116,0.9385,0.163, 0.6356,0.6287,0.7027, 0.6356,0.6265,0.7027, 0,0.2645,0, 1.233,0.6659,1.233
//        cube = SEMIDEPLOYED, 23.3,0.1434,1.65, 23.31,0.1434,1.65, 9.4,0.6506,18.06, 9.4,0.645,18.5, 23.31,0.1445,1.65, 23.31,0.1424,1.65, 0,9.231,-1.073E-06, 3.459,18.6,3.459
//        cube = DEPLOYED, 63.54,11.04,6.008, 63.54,11.04,6.008, 115.9,22.12,18.44, 115.9,21.86,18.73, 63.54,11.07,6.008, 63.54,11,6.008, 0,9.235,-9.537E-07, 12.15,18.61,12.15
//    }

        name = ModuleParachute
        invertCanopy = true
        autoCutSpeed = 0.5
        capName = cap
        canopyName = canopy
        semiDeployedAnimation = semiDeployLarge
        fullyDeployedAnimation = fullyDeployLarge
        stowedDrag = 0.22
        semiDeployedDrag = 1
        fullyDeployedDrag = 500
        minAirPressureToOpen = 0.04
        clampMinAirPressure = 0.04
        deployAltitude = 3000
        deploymentSpeed = 0.12
        semiDeploymentSpeed = 0.5
        chuteMaxTemp = 650
        name = ModuleTestSubject
        useStaging = True
        useEvent = False
        situationMask = 8
            type = ATMOSPHERE
            value = True
            type = SPEEDENV
            test = LT
            value = 200
            prestige = Trivial
            type = SPEEDENV
            test = GT
            value = 100
            prestige = Trivial
            type = SPEEDENV
            test = LT
            value = 100
            prestige = Significant
            type = SPEEDENV
            test = GT
            value = 50
            prestige = Significant
            type = SPEEDENV
            test = LT
            value = 50
            prestige = Exceptional
            type = SPEEDENV
            test = GT
            value = 20
            prestige = Exceptional
            type = DENSITY
            test = GT
            value = 0.2
            prestige = Trivial
            type = DENSITY
            test = GT
            value = 0.1
            prestige = Significant
            type = DENSITY
            test = GT
            value = 0.02
            prestige = Exceptional
            type = ALTITUDE
            test = GT
            value = 1000
            type = ALTITUDEENV
            test = GT
            value = 4000
            prestige = Trivial
            type = ALTITUDEENV
            test = LT
            value = 8000
            prestige = Trivial
            type = ALTITUDEENV
            test = GT
            value = 2000
            prestige = Significant
            type = ALTITUDEENV
            test = LT
            value = 4000
            prestige = Significant
            type = ALTITUDEENV
            test = GT
            value = 1000
            prestige = Exceptional
            type = ALTITUDEENV
            test = LT
            value = 2000
            prestige = Exceptional
            type = SPEED
            test = LT
            value = 300
            body = _Home
            type = SPEED
            test = LT
            value = 1000
            body = _NotHome
            type = REPEATABILITY
            value = ALWAYS
            prestige = Trivial
            type = REPEATABILITY
            value = BODYANDSITUATION
            prestige = Significant
            type = REPEATABILITY
            value = ONCEPERPART
            prestige = Exceptional
        name = ModuleDragModifier
        dragCubeName = SEMIDEPLOYED
        dragModifier = 1
        name = ModuleDragModifier
        dragCubeName = DEPLOYED
        dragModifier = 58


As you can see All I did is comment out the Drag Cube section.  It works fine on my game (but I am playing 2.5x Stock)

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2 hours ago, Pappystein said:

As you can see All I did is comment out the Drag Cube section.  It works fine on my game (but I am playing 2.5x Stock)

You rock sir! I did a quick test by hyperediting the spacecraft into lunar orbit in sandbox and did the rest of the mission(even gave the crew 18g reentry, they loved it)using your config. The temperature gauges didnt even appear + the chutes didnt got "red hot" so i think its as you said, its now ignoring em :>  Thank you!!!

Everything else seems to be also working fine, tried opening the chute in higher speeds and it tear up as it should, opening the second one worked like a charm :>

Also yea RO/RP-1 is using real chutes.

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4 minutes ago, species said:

You rock sir! I did a quick test by hyperediting the spacecraft into lunar orbit in sandbox and did the rest of the mission(even gave the crew 18g reentry, they loved it)using your config. The temperature gauges didnt even appear + the chutes didnt got "red hot" so i think its as you said, its now ignoring em :>  Thank you!!!

Everything else seems to be also working fine, tried opening the chute in higher speeds and it tear up as it should, opening the second one worked like a charm :>

Also yea RO/RP-1 is using real chutes.

Cool I actually DO know something about RO/RP-1 :)

Glad that helped.   In my experience any problems with Parachutes is caused by the Drag cubes being "off"


Feel free to use the info posted above as needed!

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Here comes my "guessing cause can't test now" moment: does the capsule use a separate heat shield, or does the part itself have the ablator? I have had all in one parts end up transferring too much heat to attaches parts inappropriately. 

Now , I only mention it as somewhere in my head it has this pod with integrated heat shield... But between that and the drag cube fix above... I'm probably talking out my behind! :P

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10 hours ago, komodo said:

 I have had all in one parts end up transferring too much heat to attaches parts inappropriately.

Yes that can be a concern Komodo,  But it appears that mcdouble has done a great job of balancing the heat conductivity max heat values of the core capsule and we are not seeing MUCH in the way of problems.  Just the pesky drag cube in the chutes.   IDK why they cause the issue but this is the 3rd set of chutes that had a drag cube that had something go wonky on it in my memory.. in the last year... I have been playing KSP since 0.21 so I KNOW there are more out there. 

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  • 9 months later...


Not sure if anyone is interested but I finally got around to cleaning up the models and textures for this thing, so it should all be a lot more consistent (and hopefully be able to fit with other parts better). It's up on the 1.8.1 branch here, should be working with stock 1.8.1 and RSS/RO 1.7.3:


Also with regards to parachute issues above, I was having a few problems getting them to work this time around so I deleted the drag cubes from the config and it seems to work ok now, but not entirely sure... if anyone wants to test that out it would be great.




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13 hours ago, mcdouble said:

Not sure if anyone is interested but I finally got around to cleaning up the models and textures for this thing, so it should all be a lot more consistent (and hopefully be able to fit with other parts better). It's up on the 1.8.1 branch here, should be working with stock 1.8.1 and RSS/RO 1.7.3:

Ah, cool!  I will download it and rotate it back into my flight planning.

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  • 1 month later...

So I downloaded the new partset for the Capsule.    While the dual Parachutes might have been more accurate in the past the new single Parachute part makes more sense in how KSP works.      I have flown this pod with the Mk2 top and using BDB's Probe (to match the BDB Drogues on my already orbiting stations.)      

However I do have a very small suggestion.    Add the tags D2, GE and Apollo to your part list when you get a chance.    Makes it easier to find the correct parts (I am running 2 massive part mods (BDB + SSTU) and several smaller part mods on my current game.      

Launched on a Titan 23D-4 (UA1204s on a basic Titan 23D stack)




And about here is where I realized that While I had patched the fuel tank to LH2/O...   The AJ10 was still set as LF/O!   DOH!

Edited by Pappystein
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm so glad someone is doing Alternate Apollo this is amazing and the quality is the same as Blue Dog and Near Future, flawless.

Have you looked at the expansion section of NASSP's wiki?


There are tons of original technical drawings on Apollo concepts that might help.

Alternate history also has "Eyes Turned Skywards" which hypothesizes what a continuation of the Apollo program might look like. Its even approved by Atomic Rocket! I've included its image section.


P.S. I research this stuff as a hobby to let me know if you anything specific.

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  • 1 month later...
On 4/9/2020 at 12:56 AM, MonkeyCan'tDock said:

I'm so glad someone is doing Alternate Apollo this is amazing and the quality is the same as Blue Dog and Near Future, flawless.

Have you looked at the expansion section of NASSP's wiki?


There are tons of original technical drawings on Apollo concepts that might help.

Alternate history also has "Eyes Turned Skywards" which hypothesizes what a continuation of the Apollo program might look like. Its even approved by Atomic Rocket! I've included its image section.


P.S. I research this stuff as a hobby to let me know if you anything specific.

Most of the stuff you are referring to is POST GE Apollo "cancellation"  And thus not part of this branch of the Apollo program.  Rather you should be looking to

and the, hopefully obvious:

For your Apollo Advanced Applications and EtS needs.   Between these three mods (including THIS ONE) I am able to run almost any Apollo mission....   Some are kludgy (LEM-SpaceLab)  And some are less than perfect (LEM Shelter)   But all are there and working.

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  • 8 months later...

so i ran this little script:


grep -hrA 4 PART ../GameData/AlternateApollo/ |grep name | cut -d = -f 2|sort|uniq > x

for i in `cat x`
  if ! `grep -rq $i ../GameData/AlternateApollo/RO_config/*` ; 
      echo "$i"


And found configs were missing for:


I'll see what I can do and post the results here

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Ah, it seems I had pulled from the 1.8.1 branch and not from master. Apart from moving Olympus to ApolloLab are there any signinficant things I should be looking out for?

nuts, master had some intresting updates. This might have been for nothing but I spent at least 2 hours at, so perhaps useful to someone, additional patches for RO



// RP0 config
    %TechRequired = secondGenCapsules
    %cost = 50
    %entryCost = 500
    RP0conf = true


    %TechRequired = lunarOrbiterCapsules // lunarLanding
    %cost = 750
    %entryCost = 1200
    RP0conf = true


	%TechRequired = lunarOrbiterCapsules // lunarLanding
	%cost = 6000
	%entryCost = 300000
	RP0conf = true

	{ name = ModuleTagAvionics }
	{ name = ModuleTagHabitable }
	{ name = ModuleTagHumanRated }
	{ name = ModuleTagReentry }
		name = ModuleAvionics
		massLimit = 5

    %TechRequired = lunarOrbiterCapsules // lunarLanding
    %cost = 1500
    %entryCost = 3500
    RP0conf = true

    %TechRequired = lunarOrbiterCapsules // lunarLanding
    %cost = 15
    %entryCost = 350
    RP0conf = true

	%TechRequired = spaceStationPrototypes
	%cost = 6000
	%entryCost = 300000
	RP0conf = true

	{ name = ModuleTagAvionics }
	{ name = ModuleTagHabitable }
	{ name = ModuleTagHumanRated }
	{ name = ModuleTagReentry }
	{ name = ModuleStationPart }

		name = ModuleAvionics
		massLimit = 5

    %TechRequired = maturePower
    %cost = 1200
    %entryCost = 25000
    RP0conf = true

// RealismOverhaul config
    %RSSROConfig = True
    %rescaleFactor = 1

    @title = D-2 4.5m Interstage
    %manufacturer = General Electric

    @mass = 0.2
    @CoMOffset = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

    %maxTemp = 900
    %skinMaxTemp = 2000
    %emissiveConstant = 0.6
    %thermalMassModifier = 1.0
    %skinMassPerArea = 4

    !RESOURCE,* {}

    %RSSROConfig = true
    %rescaleFactor = 1
    @mass = 0.03
        @antennaType = DIRECT
        @antennaCombinable = True
        %antennaCombinableExponent = 1
        @antennaPower = 5750000000
        @packetInterval = 1.0
        @packetSize = 1.28
        @packetResourceCost = 0.01


    %RSSROConfig = True
    %rescaleFactor = 1

    @mass = 2.6
    @buoyancy = 0.4

    @CoMOffset = 0.0, -0.3, 0.0

    %maxTemp = 900
    %skinMaxTemp = 3600
    %emissiveConstant = 0.6
    %thermalMassModifier = 1.0
    %skinMassPerArea = 4

    !RESOURCE,* {}

        @minimumCrew = 0
            name = ElectricCharge
            rate = 1.0

    !MODULE[ModuleReactionWheel] {}

        name = CoMShifter
        DescentModeCoM = 0, 0, -0.062

        name = ModuleFuelTanks
        type = ServiceModule
        volume = 300.0
        basemass = -1
            name = ElectricCharge
            amount = 16000
            maxAmount = 16000
            name = MMH
            amount = 46.9
            maxAmount = 46.9
            name = NTO
            amount = 56.1
            maxAmount = 56.1
            name = Oxygen
            amount = 350
            maxAmount = 350
            name = Water
            amount = 2.5
            maxAmount = 2.5
            name = Food
            amount = 3
            maxAmount = 3
            name = LithiumHydroxide
            amount = 20
            maxAmount = 20
            name = CarbonDioxide
            amount = 0
            maxAmount = 100
            name = Waste
            amount = 0
            maxAmount = 7.5
            name = WasteWater
            amount = 0
            maxAmount = 7.5

        @thrusterPower = 0.15
        !resourceName = DELETE
        @resourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH
            name = MMH
            ratio = 0.456
            name = NTO
            ratio = 0.544
            @key,0 = 0 260
            @key,1 = 1 100
            !key,4 = DELETE

    %RSSROConfig = True
    %rescaleFactor = 1
    @mass *= 2

    @CoMOffset = 0.0, -1.4, 0.0

    %maxTemp = 900
    %skinMaxTemp = 2000
    %emissiveConstant = 0.6
    %thermalMassModifier = 1.0
    %skinMassPerArea = 4

    !RESOURCE,* {}
    !MODULE[ModuleReactionWheel] {}
    !MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter] {}

        name = ModuleFuelTanks
        type = ServiceModule
        volume = 500.0
        basemass = -1
            name = ElectricCharge
            amount = 1000
            maxAmount = 100
            name = MMH
            amount = 117.25
            maxAmount = 117.25
            name = NTO
            amount = 140.25
            maxAmount = 140.25

    %RSSROConfig = True
    %rescaleFactor = 1
    @mass = 0.002

	%RSSROConfig = True

	@maxTemp = 773.15
	%skinMaxTemp = 873.15
	%radiatorMax = 0.192 // 873.15 * 0.192 = 167.64 , above this temperature it receives cooling by radiators
	@scale = 1.00
	@rescaleFactor = 1
	@mass = 12

			@rate = 5.2 //200W for life support base

	!RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] {}
	!RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] {}

	// based on RN_Salyut
		@PitchTorque = 0.5
		@YawTorque = 0.5
		@RollTorque = 0.5

			@rate = 0.3

		name = ModuleFuelTanks
		volume = 5933.2000424
		type = ServiceModule
		basemass = -1
			name = ElectricCharge
			amount = Full
			maxAmount = 210000
			name = Food
			amount = Full
			maxAmount = 810.191093199999
			name = Water
			amount = Full
			maxAmount = 459.1082812
			name = Oxygen
			amount = Full
			maxAmount = 170140.12936
			name = Waste
			amount = 0
			maxAmount = 810.191093199999
			name = WasteWater
			amount = 0
			maxAmount = 459.1082812
			name = CarbonDioxide
			amount = 0
			maxAmount = 170140.12936
			name = UDMH
			amount = Full
			maxAmount = 529.502390098

			name = NTO
			amount = Full
			maxAmount = 953.697609902

	!MODULE[ModuleScienceContainer] {}
	//!MODULE[ModuleScienceConverter] {} // Kerbalism will do this and add a lab

		@PacketInterval = 0.10
		@PacketSize = 2
		@PacketResourceCost = 4.0

    !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter],* {}
        name = ModuleRealAntenna
        antennaDiameter = 0.8

    %RSSROConfig = True
    @mass = 0.2
    %rescaleFactor = 1
        @chargeRate = 2.94 // 7 times the D2 panel

// Kerbalism
    // Lifesupport Similar to DOS
        name = Habitat
        %volume = 17.97
        %surface = 40.38

        name = ProcessController
        resource = _Scrubber
        title = Scrubber
        capacity = #$/CrewCapacity$
        toggle = true
        running = true

        name = Configure
        title = Life Support
        slots = 2

            name = LiOH Scrubber
            desc = A Lithium Hydroxide scrubber that sequesters <b>CarbonDioxide</b> from the internal atmosphere.
            mass = 0.0
            cost = 0

                type = ProcessController
                id_field = resource
                id_value = _Scrubber
            name = O2 Pressure Controller
            desc = Use <b>Oxygen</b> to maintain the internal atmosphere at a comfortable pressure.
            mass = 0.0
            cost = 0

                type = ProcessController
                id_field = resource
                id_value = _PressureControlOxygen

    // basic science
    %capsuleTier = SecondGen
    !MODULE[HardDrive] {}
        name = HardDrive
        title = Data Storage
        dataCapacity = #$@KERBALISM_HDD_SIZES/gemini/data$
        sampleCapacity = #$@KERBALISM_HDD_SIZES/gemini/samples$



Edited by MacLuky
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no rp config for ApolloLab_cbm 
no rp config for ApolloLab_hab 
no rp config for ApolloLab_node 
no rp config for ApolloLab_node2
no rp config for ApolloLab_prop 
no rp config for ApolloLab_reactor 
no rp config for ApolloLab_science 
no rp config for ApolloLab_tug 
no rp config for ApolloLab_tug_engine 
no rp config for ApolloLab_tug_rcs 

Missing a few in rp0 but they have ro configs


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Here's what my other script generated. I haven't tested it yet:

  %TechRequired = improvedCapsules
	@description ^=:$: <color=green>From AlternateApollo mod.</color>
	@cost *= 1.2
	%entryCost *= 3
	%RP0conf = True

  %TechRequired = improvedCapsules
	@description ^=:$: <color=green>From AlternateApollo mod.</color>
	@cost *= 1.2
	%entryCost *= 3
	%RP0conf = True

  %TechRequired = improvedCapsules
	@description ^=:$: <color=green>From AlternateApollo mod.</color>
	@cost *= 1.2
	%entryCost *= 3
	%RP0conf = True

  %TechRequired = improvedCapsules
	@description ^=:$: <color=green>From AlternateApollo mod.</color>
	@cost *= 1.2
	%entryCost *= 3
	%RP0conf = True

  %TechRequired = improvedCapsules
	@description ^=:$: <color=green>From AlternateApollo mod.</color>
	@cost *= 1.2
	%entryCost *= 3
	%RP0conf = True

  %TechRequired = improvedCapsules
	@description ^=:$: <color=green>From AlternateApollo mod.</color>
	@cost *= 1.2
	%entryCost *= 3
	%RP0conf = True

  %TechRequired = improvedCapsules
	@description ^=:$: <color=green>From AlternateApollo mod.</color>
	@cost *= 1.2
	%entryCost *= 3
	%RP0conf = True

  %TechRequired = improvedCapsules
	@description ^=:$: <color=green>From AlternateApollo mod.</color>
	@cost *= 1.2
	%entryCost *= 3
	%RP0conf = True

  %TechRequired = improvedCapsules
	@description ^=:$: <color=green>From AlternateApollo mod.</color>
	@cost *= 1.2
	%entryCost *= 3
	%RP0conf = True

  %TechRequired = improvedCapsules
	@description ^=:$: <color=green>From AlternateApollo mod.</color>
	@cost *= 1.2
	%entryCost *= 3
	%RP0conf = True

  %TechRequired = improvedCapsules
	@description ^=:$: <color=green>From AlternateApollo mod.</color>
	@cost *= 1.2
	%entryCost *= 3
	%RP0conf = True


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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, and ablator is not enough for a lunar return. RP0 comparable size heat shields carry 563 units rather than 200. I wanted to create an upgrade patch for the D2 but found it to complex so I just edited the cfg 

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  • 1 month later...
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