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[1.10] Rocket Emporium 1.8.5 (2020-07-15)


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Great ideas! I didn't have time to think much about balancing so I will put that in. I think they everything costs the same at the moment, lulz.

EDIT: I put those in, except I felt like the Spce Container could go in Large Probes. Or is that too restrictive? And I put the decouplers under Specialized Construction.

What do you think of masses over all? I would like that it is possible to make realistic probes for real scale. Like, many stock items are incredibly heavy. The Luna 9 lander sphere was only 99kgs in real life with equipment.

Edited by Katten
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@Katten I didn't play much with them, I put them in a new carrer and haven't unlocked them yet :P So I just check if they were working with a sandbox save. I'm leaving on vacation tomorrow, when I get home next week I'll look into it! While I agree that the sotck parts are heavy,  My rockets end up with a lesser paylod/rocket mas ratio than real rockets due to the smaller planet and atmosphere.

  On 5/20/2018 at 8:44 AM, Katten said:

Or is that too restrictive?


I don't think so, it's a big part, the player would have to unlock some big rocket to use it and have a lot of thing unlocked to put inside of it too. Also, I see it been used more for interplanetary mission, so later in the game. :) 

I also liked the decouplers under Specialized Constrution!

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  On 5/22/2018 at 12:06 AM, The Minmus Derp said:

Spacedock plz? Also, can you put a probe module into the spherical probe capsule? It would fit. Also, I am using this for my ScienceBall. This will certainly get a LOT of use from me.


I rather not put a probe core into it, because I think it is more in the spirit of KSP to have the user decide what core they want in there. It's about building, after all =) But, I could do a remake of the capsule to open up the space inside it... 

I will think about SpaceDock, but likely not, sorry =S

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v.1.3.0 - Insight Inspired Stuff
* Added a flat structural 2.5m hex platform for building probes on
* Added a 1.25 hex struct with removable lid
* Added lander legs (without proper leg suspension - simple animation only! Put them manually the action group gears for convenience)
* Moved around stuff in the tech tree
* Included @caipi's metallic Textures Unlimited config for two of the spheres - not tested. Simply installing Texture Unlimited should activate the config
* Probe containers moved to Payload 


Also, added a new great artwork to the original post from Atubara!

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A bit (very...) late on the decoupler force but it is possible to tweak the decoupling force in the editors by specifying:

ejectionForcePercent = 100

In the ModuleDecouple module. This will add a slider where you can set the force, e.g. if you have a 100 kN ejection force then you can set the force in any integer value between 0 and 100 kN. You can also change this config value to any other value between 0 (0%) and 100 (100%) to start with a default multiplier.

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  On 5/23/2018 at 8:41 AM, Phineas Freak said:

A bit (very...) late on the decoupler force but it is possible to tweak the decoupling force in the editors by specifying:

ejectionForcePercent = 100

In the ModuleDecouple module. This will add a slider where you can set the force, e.g. if you have a 100 kN ejection force then you can set the force in any integer value between 0 and 100 kN. You can also change this config value to any other value between 0 (0%) and 100 (100%) to start with a default multiplier.


Thanks for the suggestion of the default slider value!
The slider is already visible, but my problem so far is that the ejection force doesn't get applied properly, or at all. Maybe because the attachment point is inside the bounding box?

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  On 5/24/2018 at 8:32 PM, The Minmus Derp said:

Moar stuff. @Katten


Hehe, any requests?
Trying to fix the suspension on the legs now, and planning to fix the ejection force next... I'd like to fill in the spheres with a 2.5m version, but not sure what niche it would fill.. Some even smaller probe legs would be fun too. 

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  On 5/24/2018 at 9:52 PM, The Minmus Derp said:

I mean insight style science parts.


Aha, yes why not, the best would be if there would be a way to add the arm... but I dont think it would be possible in stock to get it to attach to other objects.. irl it lifts two items to the ground.. I dont know the other parts on it tho

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