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Brachistochrone trajectory planning?

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So I'm playing in a highly modded career and am about to go interstellar using RoverDude's Karborundum torch drives. The problem is that orbit lines start disappearing once the craft's Ap is out of the solar system. Focusing on the target system doesnt help, so navigation is a challenge.  Is there any tool or technique to make these burns more accurate? Or do I treat this like a giant skeet shoot and simply lead my target a bit using a Mk 1 eyeball? We're talking 40 km/s ejection burns, and my first attempt resulted in a 15 km/s correction burn once I entered the new system's SOI.

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Hmmmm, no clue what those drives are, but my two cents are to use a warp drive for going interstellar. Just point at the target and go. Especially nice because transit doesn’t take thousands of years.

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24 minutes ago, Not Sure said:

Hmmmm, no clue what those drives are, but my two cents are to use a warp drive for going interstellar. Just point at the target and go. Especially nice because transit doesn’t take thousands of years.

In my 2.5x GPP/GEP career, I've calculated that I can get the Gael to Nodens transit time down to 5 years or less. That said, warp drives will be in the next career. :-)

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