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Kerbal Parachute Deployment Problem

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Under what condition(s) do the Kerbal personal chutes activate when a Kerbal is in a command seat?

I'm having a problem under the following scenario.  A command seat vehicle is attached to an aircraft with a radial decoupler.  A Kerbal boards the command seat and craft takes off.  In the air, I use normal spacebar sequencing to detach the command seat vehicle with radial decoupler.  At this point, the kerbal chute deploys and I don't want it to do that.


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It would seem this is a bug...  if I use spacebar staging to detach a radial decoupler while a Kerbal is in the command seat, it also instantly deploys the Kerbal's parachute.

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@Not Sure @bewing 

I'll have to check that this evening...  thanks!

So assuming this is my issue...   

When a Kerbal enters a command seat, their associated parachute(s) just automagically appear in any associated staging?  ...and this is the preferred behavior and correct by design?  Maybe something to do with an assumption around prolific use of jet-powered parafoils?

Or have I missed something on the command seat itself?  Maybe at design time I can just specify that it's ignored by staging?




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6 minutes ago, XLjedi said:

When a Kerbal enters a command seat, their associated parachute(s) just automagically appear in any associated staging?  ...and this is the preferred behavior and correct by design?

Well, it's the temporary current behavior by design in the 1.4 release, I think. It may be changing. But you can take advantage of it while it exists.


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29 minutes ago, bewing said:

Well, it's the temporary current behavior by design in the 1.4 release, I think. It may be changing. But you can take advantage of it while it exists.


Well...  it's not really something I can take advantage of.  ...but at least, for now, I think I know how to work around it.  Only downside is, it will likely prevent me from posting a craft design in the near future because too many people will not understand why the kerbal parachutes are deploying.  Hopefully, it will be fixed in an update here soon.

Thanks for feedback!

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@bewing@Not Sure  

Just checked it...  there is definitely, positively... no kerbal chute listed in the staging sequence. 

Checked pre-launch, in flight, in the command seat.  The chute does not appear, but deploys when the radial decoupler is activated via staging.

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