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Making History on Sale

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FYI, Making History expansion is 20% off for the next two days (ends June 4). Get it while it's hot.



Keep in mind the current rating of the expansion: 

39% of reviews in the last 30 days are positive, which Steam deems as "mostly negative".

52% of total reviews for the product are  positive, which Steam deems as "mixed".

A few seem to be EULA-related reviews, but most are rather genuine reviews of the expansion itself.  The EULA hate is mostly confined to reviews of the base game (which is now sitting at 21% positive for the last 30 days, a "mostly negative" score)  Yikes.

Caveat Emptor.

Edited by klesh
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45 minutes ago, klesh said:

FYI, Making History expansion is 20% off

What a coincidence, bug #17984 is "20% done". Until it reaches 100%, I'll just have to keep ignoring these invitations to buy @SQUADs latest offering. At this rate it looks like I'll never buy it, regardless of discount.
Sad perhaps, but I'm not the one who threw GNU/Linux users under the bus to get their money-grubbing DLC out the door on time.

Make it "100% off", and I might be inclined to forgive the "100% broken" state of input handling in the rest of the game. A measly 20%? You have to be kidding.


45 minutes ago, klesh said:


Stab your loyal customers in the eye with an obnoxious all-consuming legal document they must agree to in order to play a horrifically buggy money-grab DLC release, and one can expect a good dose of "Yikes".
Add a couple of "fixes" that break the base game some more for the sake of the money-grab DLC, and "Yikes" intensifies.

44 minutes ago, klesh said:

now sitting at 21% positive for the last 30 days, a "mostly negative" score

Excellent. Perhaps someone at @SQUAD will finally take note if it gets low enough.
At this point I'm tempted to sign up for steam, see if I can help to bring "20% off" to that "21% positive" too.

Edited by steve_v
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