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Station that moves in all directions

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Basically - RCS on a space station is a bad plan.  It's nearly impossible to have the RCS jets positioned perfectly around the CoM, and then the RCS starts to fight the SAS, the oscillations begin, and boom.


Just use reaction wheels for positioning space stations, and don't overdo it either.  Slow and steady.  If you have a really big station, it's probably better to maneuver the docking ship around the station than to bother moving the station.


RCS usage is really best for docking procedures and small orbital corrections.  I stopped using it for rotation long ago, even for docking.

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3 hours ago, Julien_kerman said:

Okay, so I do not have to use a RCS but a giroscope to guide it?

Sorry for Google Translate

Yes, use the reaction wheel parts. Make sure they are equally distanced from the station’s COM. If they’re unbalanced, that can lead to stability issues.

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59 minutes ago, RealKerbal3x said:

Yes, use the reaction wheel parts. Make sure they are equally distanced from the station’s COM. If they’re unbalanced, that can lead to stability issues.

Ok I will try

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