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I 've been binge watching Space 1999 season 1,  tried to imitate the eagle transporter :



I should stick to Spaceplanes perhaps.

It has one NERV on the back.  The lift engines are a terrier at the front and 3 sparks to the rear.   The lift engines are toggled with RCS action group,  when landing burn retrograde and toggle lift engines to keep descent rate and deck angle reasonable.   It is well balanced at least,  CoM is smack bang amidships with no shift as fuel is used,  little or no torque from use of engines.   Just about enough lift engine fuel for landing and plenty nerv delta V for LKO -> Munar ops.

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  On 11/9/2018 at 3:58 PM, Scarecrow said:

 Fireball Junior on Mun




Never saw the show but the theme song's cool :-)

Wrong thread for it I guess,  but I think I could make an SSTO XL-5.       Small engines a mix of Junos and Sparks,  a center Whiplash,  and I'll have to figure  a place for a NERV or two or three.     Was going to use Big S main wings,   and big S strake orientated vertically on the wing tips instead of cockpits like you used.   Hope the CoM works out ok....      the takeoff looks scary too... not building a ramp like it used in the show...  perhaps a dolly with some Solids to push it off the ground?

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@AeroGav Good luck with that.  I messed around a lot with my version so that each part, Fireball and Fireball Jnr, were capable of atmospheric flight independently, as well as joined together.  To balance the CoL and CoM of each part required that some fuel tanks only be partially fuelled, which is why on KerbalX where you can download the craft file, I recommend switching on infinite fuel before launching.

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  On 12/17/2018 at 11:51 PM, Scarecrow said:

@AeroGav Good luck with that.  I messed around a lot with my version so that each part, Fireball and Fireball Jnr, were capable of atmospheric flight independently, as well as joined together.  To balance the CoL and CoM of each part required that some fuel tanks only be partially fuelled, which is why on KerbalX where you can download the craft file, I recommend switching on infinite fuel before launching.


1.6 broke my KSP but after deleting the folder and re-downloading I am in business again.    So,  here is the maiden voyage of my Fireball XL5 replica -


My name isn't Azimech so I didn't give it a full launch ramp,  I just slummed it with a pair of Thumpers stuck on the bottom with the landing gear,  that are jettisoned after horizontal takeoff.    One Whiplash,  and six Junos clustered around it.

Non airbreathing propulsion is handled by a single NERV (clipped into the Whiplash) and the four Sparks you can see out on the wingtips.


The fwd oxidizer tanks are mostly left empty.     It's not exactly blessed with thrust but there is decent delta V left  over, which befits an interplanetary ship if not the name.     I didn't bother with the separating thing - that would probably add too much drag for the weak engines to overcome.   



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Posted elsewhere but fits better here! (hope thats ok?)

 My rock hopper MK1. This little beauty has landed on mun, minmus and ike(pictured), I also currently have one en route to gilly. Operates out of stations in orbit.


Also The Duna Dart, lands on schutes with a small touchdown burn, capable of ascent and kerbin return with little margin for error, can dock and refuel on orbit for more comfortable margins


Edited by SecondChance
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I've been using robotic parts in career mode mainly to have probes and the like fold up to fit better inside fairings. If you don't like part clipping, look away.


This Surveyor-inspired lander uses hinges to move the legs to a wider angle for a more stable base (added to the gear action group, works perfectly), a piston to extend the solar panels and antenna, a hinge to increase the antenna's extension from 90 to 180 degrees, and a servo to rotate the panels around to match the sun - a problem I used to have with static solar panels on landers. The servo rotates with the left/right translation controls, which works great. I just right click a panel and hit J/L until it gets to maximum sun exposure.


I could also use the servo to point the dish at Kerbin or passing Mun orbit relays, but that has no in-game effect of course.

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How about this?



I always liked the MoonScoot 3000 from the Exploring Gilly scenario and was annoyed when i found it was not on the list of stock spacecraft in sandbox mode. This is a modified version, i dropped the ion thruster and solar panels to save mass and added another monopropellant tank. It works, i landed it Minmus from 9K orbit but it's hard to pilot because it doesn't have an 'engine' so the SAS doesn't know which way to point it.

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  On 6/17/2019 at 4:18 PM, phantom000 said:

Does that actually work? I have been trying to design a lander using the MK2 Lander Can but i can't seem to give it enough Delta-V.


Hmm, from memory it had about 2.5k deltaV. Enough to land on the Mun, do some science and get back into orbit ^_^! I actually just got the Kerbals back from this mission! I had an orbital tanker module that I re-docked with and used the lander to push it back to Kerbin. (It’s a bit of a pain to refuel because you need to click on every tank and there’s 12 >_<

(I could be wrong about the DV, I’ll double check tomorrow arvo! Still got me back into orbit whatever it was :))

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  On 6/17/2019 at 7:51 PM, sturmhauke said:

Yeah, that's right. Your stock dV readout on the staging bar shows 600m/s but that seems low. Is it set for sea level or vacuum? I see you have KER installed also; personally I still use that.


@phantom000 see the DeltaV button down the bottom right of the screen? (The one with “triangle v” did you know you can click on that and set it to show “vacuum”? I’m guessing your delta V would be closer to 2k 

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