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KSP terms, what they REALLY mean


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Since there are a lot of terms being thrown around in the forum, I thought I'd collect some of the more common one and explain them.

All in fun, hope you enjoy a good laugh. :)

WARNING - Put down your drink and swallow before reading further. You're screen will thank you.

Craft File - Could Really Ask For Testing, Fugit I'll Launch Test.

Often heard in banter amongst Kerbil Engineers, when talking about their designs. This "can do" attitude is the reason KSC is known as Ker-SPLAT Central.

EVA - Eventually Viewed as Art

After a Kerbal drifts away into the emptiness of space and after several failed rescue attempts, a screen-shot is taken of the doomed Kerbal, usually with a pretty background image of Kerbol, to commemorate the epic failure.

JATO - Jeb-assisted Take Off

When a rocket or plane has problems getting off the ground, KSC often sends Jeb to solve the problem. Jeb always has the same solution, strap on a bunch of SRBs and launch!

KSC - Kerbal Splatter Center

A location on Kerbin, usually surrounded with debris and Kerbil-craters. Sometimes affectionately know as Ker-SPLAT! Central.

LKO - Life as we Know it is Over.

A mantra repeated over and over again by Jeb's co-pilots as Jeb contemplates what to do once he reaches orbit around Kerbin. Also, the place where that mantra is often heard. Once you leave Kerbin, your next stop is LKO. (See: Ker-SPLAT central and Mun)

Mun - Although most think this is simply a name, it's origins are actually an acronym of the three most repeated words when attempting to safely land there.




part.cfg - Put Another Remark There, Can't Find the Guide

The part.cfg is a repository of configuration data for Kerbil Engineers, supposedly created to allow for adjustments to the parts using an obscure code. However there is usually more chatter than configuration, and no one has any idea of what parameters are available or how they are used. To use a part.cfg in proper Kerbal fashion you must place at least eleven lines of text preceded by "//" then create arcane references with capitalizations only in the middle.

SRB - Strategically-placed Radial Bomb

These are large explosive charges often loosely strapped to the outside of rockets or space planes to give them an extra boost. They have the unique feature of containing a wobble detonator, a safety device designed to destroy the SRB if it wobbles too much and strikes other parts of the craft. Bob suggests putting these as far away from the capsule as possible, Jeb scoffs at Bob's comment and says "MOAR SRBs!!!1!".

SSTO - Single Scream to Orbit

A term generally used to describe launch vehicles that only have one stage, hence there is no between-stage time to stop screaming and catch your breath.

Edited by CrashnBurn
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