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[1.12] Real Solar System


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So far as I can tell from a 5-minute test, RSS works fine with KSP 1.4.3. The planets all load in map view and I cheated the Kerbal X to orbit and a test re-entry went fine. I used Kopernicus 1.4.3-2 with its included Module Manager and Modular Flight Integrator, RSS 13.1, and the 2048 textures.

Are there any known issues or feature omissions with RSS on KSP 1.4.3? The only glitches I noticed were the Making History launch sites are in their Kerbin positions, and the lighting seems a bit dim. (Neither of those being a real problem).

On a possibly related note, what does the RealSolarSystem.dll actually do?

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  On 7/18/2018 at 6:27 PM, cantab said:

Are there any known issues or feature omissions with RSS on KSP 1.4.3?


There are some issues with "flying tiles" (Earth surface PQS quads breaking up and appearing in random places/altitudes) upon reentry but there is not enough info to properly debug it (happens randomly and not for all users). Other than that, awaiting till KSP becomes "stable" again.

  On 7/18/2018 at 6:27 PM, cantab said:

On a possibly related note, what does the RealSolarSystem.dll actually do?


A range of things:

  • Automatically enable the "Use Earth Time" user option (we are on Earth, right?)
  • Add custom warp rates (stock ones are too slow)
  • Add custom near & far clipping camera modifiers (what objects should be rendered on a given distance)
  • Add custom AtmosphereFromGround nodes (deprecated since Kopernicus takes care of that now)
  • KSP version checking (locking the above features and displaying the compatibility popup message)
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If I wanted to run a game with RSS and perhaps RP-0 (or RP-1) but without RO, what's the minimum list of mods required to actually make it playable? I.e. engines, tanks and fuels that can actually make it to orbit and beyond with useful payloads.


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@strudo76 - I would say any of the engine packs on the OP + Real Fuels mod (in order to get them going) + Procedural Parts mod (for tanks) - all of those engines have realistic performances and will enable you to get to orbit, otherwise stock engines are too weak.

EDIT: I'm not entirely sure how RP-0 plays without RO, but if it is playable, it should do with only the required mods bundled in the CKAN installation.

Edited by hypervelocity
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  On 7/19/2018 at 1:22 PM, strudo76 said:

If I wanted to run a game with RSS and perhaps RP-0 (or RP-1) but without RO, what's the minimum list of mods required to actually make it playable? I.e. engines, tanks and fuels that can actually make it to orbit and beyond with useful payloads.



RP-0 is a complete addition to RO, you can’t run it on your own, it’s a hard dependency. 

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  On 7/19/2018 at 6:18 PM, Theysen said:

RP-0 is a complete addition to RO, you can’t run it on your own, it’s a hard dependency. 


Ah ok. In that case are the standard contracts suitable for a RSS setup, or is there another contract pack I can use for RSS? I was hoping to mostly just use the contracts from RP-0.

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  On 7/26/2018 at 9:05 PM, JoCRaM said:

Any fixes for the runway steps?


that's a stock problem and not fixable in RSS. The stock runway is made of "pieces" and they don't line up 100% correctly. However, the misalignment is so small you can't tell. When RSS makes everything larger this misalignment gets worse and breaks the runway. You can get around this by either using the grass next to the runway, or by installing a mod like kerbal konstructs and adding new runways or adding the real KSC mod.

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  On 7/29/2018 at 12:11 AM, raidernick said:

that's a stock problem and not fixable in RSS. The stock runway is made of "pieces" and they don't line up 100% correctly. However, the misalignment is so small you can't tell. When RSS makes everything larger this misalignment gets worse and breaks the runway. You can get around this by either using the grass next to the runway, or by installing a mod like kerbal konstructs and adding new runways or adding the real KSC mod.


I'm not entirely sure that's correct - if the runway positioning was simply scaled then the pieces would be separated from each other - whatever is doing the scaling is only scaling the height. If instead of newHeight=10 * oldHeight it decided on a reference height for each collection of statics, then used newHeight=10 * referenceHeight  + (oldHeight - referenceHeight) the runway should be no worse than in stock.

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Hi Guys!

I'm a (relativly) new player to KSP. And now i really want to try out the beautiful Solar System you've created. After long searches for an older Version than 1.4.3, I finally found the 1.3.1 installer on the KSP-Site Download section. (last time I look in, it wasn't there. I swear!)

But now i get a little bit konfuse about the install of the clouds and everything. If i understand it right I need the RSSVE-Mod to have the beautiful skyes, like i did in my KSP-OPM with SVE.

This thread here for your KSP-1.3.1 is linked to the RSSVE from PhineasFreak. But in his thread he write clearly "RSSVE is compatible with Kerbal Space Program version 1.2.2. Older or newer versions are not supported."!

So, now i don't know what i have to do to get this thing to work properly... (I install manual without CKAN.)

Thanks a lot! For your answer and this Mod in every way!


(and to all those who asking for the update to 1.4x: What is the problem to take it at it is? And it is just for 1.3... Maybe I-m wrong - but also I can not see the issue for an update when this mod will change everything anyway...)


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@Interstate The RSSVE thread was locked before a KSP 1.3 compatible version was released. To install it you just have to follow the instructions provided by the wiki: https://github.com/PhineasFreak/RSSVE/wiki. And yes, it is only compatible with KSP 1.3.1 now.

RSS and the rest of the realism mods will be updated due time. FAR is one of the dependencies that are holding back this updating process, along with some game-breaking changes that were introduced with the latest Kopernicus backport (1.3.1-11).

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