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[1.12.3] Kerbal Wind Tunnel


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  On 11/30/2020 at 4:02 AM, Booots said:

I finally found where the race condition was happening and I fixed the last of the issues with the new .Net parallelization!


Excellent news!  Your efforts and the update on them is much appreciated.

  On 11/30/2020 at 4:02 AM, Booots said:

Priority is getting a stable release, then FAR support, then spinning things.


Seems very reasonable to me.  I can appreciate how props could be a challenge and a working wind tunnel without will be way better than none.

Until you've got it cracked, I suggest a visual cue to indicate what parts it's ignoring or treating as static, eg red and white stripes overlaid, or a thick outline, whatever might be easy.  Even a text note to point out part types it's found and ignored.  (Only if that's not a massive project in itself, of course!)

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I've got it solved! The last of the multithreading issues are fixed and I've finally gotten it back to doing everything it used to do - but more reliably and in a way that, if it does fail, will be easier to find the problem and won't crash the game!

I'm going to do a bit more testing tomorrow and put out a pre-release. I'm optimistic that I can get FAR working in the next week and so I'm putting off a full release until that is done.

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  On 12/7/2020 at 4:09 PM, Linkageless said:

I'll glady test on Linux 1.10.1 with MH & BG for you, just say where from and I'll be on it.


Here it is! https://github.com/DBooots/KerbalWindTunnel/releases/tag/1.2.5.-1

It's compiled against KSP 1.9.1 still since I wanted to get it working before updating KSP versions (just in case). From the release notes I'm not aware of any reason 1.10 will break it, though, so go ahead!

FAR support is going to be a bit further out than I thought. Some complications came up with that.

With FAR off the table for the next release, I can't actually think of anything still outstanding. I'll let you guys try to break it for a few days and then I'll release across Github and SpaceDock.

Question: What should my priority order be among the following three items: FAR Support, Propeller support, or a re-entry/gliding envelope mode?


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  On 12/9/2020 at 10:05 PM, Linkageless said:

I vote for BG Propeller support, then re-entry.  That's simply because I don't currently use FAR.


Wow, propellers in KSP are hard. Not to simulate (that's just a matter of creating a rotating reference frame), but to design! Getting the right blade pitch for a given speed and RPM is a fine balancing act. For the purposes of wind tunnel, though, it's basically impossible to adjust the blade pitch across the flight envelope (I could add a module to optimize that, but it would make the rest run really slow). @Linkageless do your propeller planes use variable pitch? Any suggestions on how to account for that?

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  On 12/15/2020 at 3:19 AM, Booots said:

@Linkageless do your propeller planes use variable pitch? Any suggestions on how to account for that?


Yes, typically I bind pitch to the up/down translation keys and regularly adjust while watching the aero gui so I can maximise the -ve drag while they're in use.  I have built some in-atmosphere fixed props, or at least preset to a pitch that gives me sufficient takeoff thrust while still allowing a reasonable top speed and service ceiling, but any vessel of mine that leaves Kerbin with a BG prop I'll be wanting to tweak the pitch on the fly.

All I've achieved in this respect is through iteration, and you're absolutely right, it can be hard work!  All I can suggest is that you either have it optimise blade AoA  (around 3-4deg from the PAW readout seems to be it) to provide maximum -ve drag from those parts, or have it do calculations based on just the current build preset pitch.   The latter would require us to iterate adjusting it for different scenarios and then recalculating, perhaps resulting in much of the calculated graph each time not matching the actual performance.   The former approach does indeed sound rather processing intensive.

Could you separately calculate an optimal pitch based on certain increments for various forward airspeeds on blades sharing an axis?  Perhaps those values could be provided as a simplified 'thrust' in place of the rotor.  Would that be any easier in any way?  How many situations would that not suit?

At this point, I'm sorry I feel I must mention rotors that aren't pointed 'into wind' (eg for VTOL or helicopters).  There's also something I often use now, ducted fans in bays.  Again, I suppose you'd just take the current build default state of the bay into account for that.

If it's all too much, a simple approach might be to calculate for static blades, set those calculations aside and only include them if someone ticks the 'include static rotor blades' box.  That way we could at least see how our vessel performs without the rotors or with no power to them (albeit as a glider in many cases).

Wouldn't it have been simple if they just created rotors as pre-built thrust units?  But then perhaps that's not Kerbal enough. :)

ugh... and then there's the rotor rpm, not always up at 440... 400 seems to be a fairly stable value, but if I'm after saving power I'll nudge up the pitch and drop the max rpm a little.   The motor might not be able to provide sufficient torque or you may have throttled that back, so rpm will drop lower than max from that.

The more I think about this, the more I'm amazed that rotors work at all in KSP!  :D

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  On 12/15/2020 at 6:17 PM, Linkageless said:

The more I think about this, the more I'm amazed that rotors work at all in KSP!  :D


Sometimes I'm amazed they even work in real life! And I did a master's in propeller aerodynamics! I had the luxury of disregarding all the linkages that actually make variable pitch possible in the real world - getting mechanical power to a rotating component at several tens of hundreds of RPM... craziness!

If we hand-waved actually adjusting the prop angle of incidence, I wouldn't have to iteratively find the optimal angle. I could just grab the peak from the propeller's lift curve and use that as the Coefficient of Lift and use the same point on the drag curve. This won't give you the most efficient prop disc, but it will maximize thrust. I could add an option for best Thrust/power instead of best Thrust, of course. As I write this, I'm liking this option more and more. Maximizing prop thrust will also work for the rotor case, which is good because I try to always program for the general case.

On that note, I've been building this so far in a construct that would theoretically support nested rotor components (spinning things on top of spinning things) because... Kerbal. :confused: If we go this route of just picking the best thrust, I'd apply that only to the lowest level of nesting. There also isn't an easy way of making sure the chosen prop angle is actually within the range of the prop's motion. Optimal prop angle is actually only a function of speed and RPM (assuming roughly perpendicular airflow), so I could add an output to say the ideal angle. Actually... *checks if anyone has already made a lightweight prop control mod* *not quite* *has new plans for tomorrow night - make a mod that will optimize propeller blade pitch for thrust or efficiency*

Fun things to think about! :)

Programming is actually paused for a few days because I got really mad at KSP. For some reason, I'm experiencing weird crashes to desktop with no error logging when I use this mod on other craft besides my go-to test craft. Has anyone else experienced a CTD, or is it just me? I even reverted to the version I put on GitHub which seemed stable and reinstalled the game but I'm still having crashes. So yeah, that's gonna be tricky to solve. :huh:

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  On 12/16/2020 at 11:17 PM, Booots said:

If we hand-waved actually adjusting the prop angle of incidence, I wouldn't have to iteratively find the optimal angle. I could just grab the peak from the propeller's lift curve and use that as the Coefficient of Lift and use the same point on the drag curve.


Ah, of course!  No need to iterate like we have to do when controlling it.  Manual control won't get you exactly what's predicted, but be something to aim for at least.

  On 12/16/2020 at 11:17 PM, Booots said:

I've been building this so far in a construct that would theoretically support nested rotor components (spinning things on top of spinning things) because... Kerbal. :confused: If we go this route of just picking the best thrust, I'd apply that only to the lowest level of nesting.


As you no doubt know, a common kerbal way of torque cancellation is to use contra-rotating blades, the first rotor just freewheeling in reaction to the second.  (Engineering it that way in real life must be an extra challenge, much like variable pitch props or heli rotor swashplates.)   Would this the best thrust or power need to be applied to the whole nested approach would be needed to cater for such a setup?   Perhaps only to the second (or predefined number of) nested rotor, as when more nesting is applied we're getting into ksp physics exploit-ish territory.  (I understand there's a Unity RPM limit not far above what a standard BG rotor can achieve.)

  On 12/16/2020 at 11:17 PM, Booots said:

I could add an option for best Thrust/power instead of best Thrust, of course.


Yes, come to think of it, max rotor power is what is needed eventually for top speed.  Something I suppose we to work to maximise if transitioning to rocket power for orbital ascent.  (ie Max rotor power output => max speed under rotor power => less dv to orbit.)  Correct me if I'm wrong. 

Would I also be right in saying that initially, we want max thrust for acceleration purposes?

  On 12/16/2020 at 11:17 PM, Booots said:

Optimal prop angle is actually only a function of speed and RPM (assuming roughly perpendicular airflow), so I could add an output to say the ideal angle. Actually... *checks if anyone has already made a lightweight prop control mod* *not quite* *has new plans for tomorrow night - make a mod that will optimize propeller blade pitch for thrust or efficiency*


That would be awesome.  It does get a bit grindy tweaking those blades as I go, and I still don't know if I'm getting it right basing my adjustments on maximising -ve drag.  I suppose by doing that I'm maximising rotor thrust but not necessarily power, in which case there may be a slightly higher top speed and/or service ceiling I'm missing out on!


  On 12/16/2020 at 11:17 PM, Booots said:

Has anyone else experienced a CTD, or is it just me?


Alas, yes, I've started having them when I click on the wind tunnel icon.  First time, my machine was even more overloaded than usual at the time with a lot of active pages in Firefox and I had a large vessel, but now I find it happens every time even with no vessel loaded, like it's remembering it's broken again.    Frustrating!

To test again, I built a simple Flea powered plane, then hit the wind tunnel.... here's the log output:

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I tried again from my sandbox save I use for craft development (where I hadn't had a problem thus far) and experienced similar results when building the same craft, although there were 3957 lines from that - I'm guessing it got slightly further through the calculations.

Anything I can do to improve/tailor the log verbosity for you?  Perhaps the verbosity of logging is causing KSP trouble.

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  On 12/16/2020 at 11:17 PM, Booots said:

Has anyone else experienced a CTD, or is it just me?


Yes, I get CTD with the beta version at https://github.com/DBooots/KerbalWindTunnel/releases/tag/1.2.5.-1. I have never had any other version of Wind Tunnel in this playthrough, so leftover files from a prior version can't be an issue.

My current playthrough before Wind Tunnel has been very stable. KSP 1.10.1 under Windows 10. Primary mods are JNSQ, Kopernicus Bleeding Edge (for 1.10.1 compatibility), Scatterer, EVE, BDB (parts), Airplane Plus (parts), and others. I have a total of 60 folders in GameData.

My first reload after installing Wind Tunnel: I loaded craft #1 and WT worked, loaded craft #2 WT still worked, clicking load on craft #3 gave an instant CTD. Note that my "crashes" folder is empty.

I restarted KSP and tried loading craft #3 that caused the CTD. It opened and WT worked. Then I tried to open craft #2, which worked before, and WT crashed. It looks like it's not a problem with a specific craft, but maybe garbage accumulates every time a craft loads with WT. Here's a log https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gfS-X1Fl6hK9G5ehnJc4BP-a2ckThcCA/view?usp=sharing

I am using Craft Manager to load craft. Are you also using that?

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Alright, thanks for confirming the crashes for me. I guess this beta still needs debugging. Ugh, I hate chasing down weird bugs.

  On 12/17/2020 at 2:04 PM, Linkageless said:

As you no doubt know, a common kerbal way of torque cancellation is to use contra-rotating blades, the first rotor just freewheeling in reaction to the second.  (Engineering it that way in real life must be an extra challenge, much like variable pitch props or heli rotor swashplates.)   Would this the best thrust or power need to be applied to the whole nested approach would be needed to cater for such a setup?   Perhaps only to the second (or predefined number of) nested rotor, as when more nesting is applied we're getting into ksp physics exploit-ish territory.  (I understand there's a Unity RPM limit not far above what a standard BG rotor can achieve.)

Yes, come to think of it, max rotor power is what is needed eventually for top speed.  Something I suppose we to work to maximise if transitioning to rocket power for orbital ascent.  (ie Max rotor power output => max speed under rotor power => less dv to orbit.)  Correct me if I'm wrong. 

Would I also be right in saying that initially, we want max thrust for acceleration purposes?


I haven't built any successful propeller craft myself yet. For these contra-rotating setups, do you mount the second hub to the front of the first or you do mount it to the same part as the first hub and then offset it to the front? I.e. do the two rotating hubs have the same parent or is one a parent to the second? If the second hub is a child of the first, do you have to make sure to de-rate the max RPM of the first to half the RPM of the second?

These questions all feed into my plan for how to recognize scenarios where we can take the shortcut. The rule was going to be if the rotor hub had no children except for control surfaces (which is how the game classifies propeller blades) and whitelisted parts (nose cones), it would apply the maximum CL AoA to the lifting surfaces. Otherwise it would use the angle configuration set in the editor. We're also making an implicit assumption that the effect of the inflow vector is averaged out across various blades - an assumption that should hold for symmetrical hubs (any N-symmetry works). I'm sure there are edge cases and abuses but honestly, if you're gaming the prediction algorithm that's your own loss. :p

Yeah, for top speed and max acceleration you want max -ve drag/max thrust. But if you're fuel-conscious you may want to reduce the torque of your motor and you'd then want best thrust/torque. For a fixed blade length (God help you if you're using extending servos within your blade setup), this equates to Thrust/angular component of drag which I'm intending to approximate as just Thrust/Drag - I haven't done the math yet on how accurate that approximation is for high forward speeds. How fast are you really intending to get on propeller power? Have you seriously built a propeller-powered spaceplane?! If so, can I see a picture of this wacky thing?

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  On 12/18/2020 at 7:30 PM, Booots said:

For these contra-rotating setups, do you mount the second hub to the front of the first or you do mount it to the same part as the first hub and then offset it to the front?


Mostly in use for helis, I think Brikoleur has demonstrated this at various points.  A motor is mounted without being motorised, blades attached, then another motorised motor attached on top, with blades attached.  The motorised motor on top is powered up, and the torque is split across the two rotors, in contra-rotating directions.

  On 12/18/2020 at 7:30 PM, Booots said:

How fast are you really intending to get on propeller power? Have you seriously built a propeller-powered spaceplane?! If so, can I see a picture of this wacky thing?


Myself, no.  I've only build hybrid vessels, usually that tuck their blades away by closing bay doors to dodge the drag when the rocket engines are engaged.  I know Stratzenblitz75 and Bradley Whistance have exhibited some amazing stock prop designs that might achieve near orbital velocity.  One might consider these corner cases, even exploit-ish and certainly don't use the BG blades.  They still work but I don't know if I'd be insisting that's something you must cater for.

Here's a selection of mine, for your amusement, none of which can be categorised simply as prop planes:

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Edited by Linkageless
trying and failing to get a imgur post embedded
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  On 12/18/2020 at 10:44 PM, Linkageless said:

Mostly in use for helis, I think Brikoleur has demonstrated this at various points.  A motor is mounted without being motorised, blades attached, then another motorised motor attached on top, with blades attached.  The motorised motor on top is powered up, and the torque is split across the two rotors, in contra-rotating directions.

Myself, no.  I've only build hybrid vessels, usually that tuck their blades away by closing bay doors to dodge the drag when the rocket engines are engaged.  I know Stratzenblitz75 and Bradley Whistance have exhibited some amazing stock prop designs that might achieve near orbital velocity.  One might consider these corner cases, even exploit-ish and certainly don't use the BG blades.  They still work but I don't know if I'd be insisting that's something you must cater for.


Oh. Oh... See, I was just going to rotate each rotating sub-component at its max RPM as set in the part menu. That sort of clever torque-splitting on a freewheeling one wouldn't propagate back upwards, and making it so would require a complete re-write and much more expensive computations. There are compatible contra-rotating setups that can be used with this mod, but that won't be one of them.

I think basic propeller/rotor support is the most I'll be able to do. If I can figure out the vector math, I'll have it used optimized blade pitch angles, though. I need a bigger whiteboard by my computer...

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You weren't kidding about props being difficult.   Again, it's a wonder they work at all, eh?

Hopefully this is not too naive... How about if you calculate potential max thrust/power and allow the user to apply their estimated percentage of that across the board.  This is assuming there will be a linear relationship between what is calculated and 'real life'.  Oversimplification, I know, but if by testing they find practical thrust they achieve is only 50% of what is calculated, they can feed that back in.  Perhaps the scale would need to go up to 200% if you think the opposite could be true.

On the subject of of the CTDs, I'm wondering if I clear out references to 'WindTunnel' or whatever in settings, persistent.sfs, etc, I wonder if this will reset whatever apparently accumulated issue it is.  Maybe through this I could narrow down the problem.  What should I be looking for and where?

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  On 12/27/2020 at 11:04 AM, Linkageless said:

You weren't kidding about props being difficult.   Again, it's a wonder they work at all, eh?

Hopefully this is not too naive... How about if you calculate potential max thrust/power and allow the user to apply their estimated percentage of that across the board.  This is assuming there will be a linear relationship between what is calculated and 'real life'.  Oversimplification, I know, but if by testing they find practical thrust they achieve is only 50% of what is calculated, they can feed that back in.  Perhaps the scale would need to go up to 200% if you think the opposite could be true.

On the subject of of the CTDs, I'm wondering if I clear out references to 'WindTunnel' or whatever in settings, persistent.sfs, etc, I wonder if this will reset whatever apparently accumulated issue it is.  Maybe through this I could narrow down the problem.  What should I be looking for and where?


The CTDs are weird and occur randomly - they're a result of something one of my threads is doing interfering with the Unity game engine. I've resolved them by changing how I access certain information so that I stop doing things the game engine doesn't allow for. Whether a CTD occurs or not shouldn't be a function of accumulating anything but might be made better or worse by an increased or decreased CPU load. But don't worry too much about fixing them on your end, I'll have a new version out soon that will eliminate them completely.

For propellers, I'm going to start by just locking them at the pitch angle they're set to in the editor. Once I finish the thrust-optimization math I'll put out another update to include that.

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  On 12/28/2020 at 7:20 PM, Booots said:

Whether a CTD occurs or not shouldn't be a function of accumulating anything but might be made better or worse by an increased or decreased CPU load.


Certainly, my machine often is running with >2 load average and plenty of cpu use, so this doesn't surprise me.

As ever, looking forward to the fruits of your efforts.

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Alright! I've got rotors and props roughly working. I still need to do some testing to sort out the deployment direction (there's four different flags listed in the API so I have to figure out how they interact).

Question for the users: should the output from rotating part groups (like rotors and props) be shown in the graphs as negative drag or as thrust?

Pros/Cons as I see them are: The drag of the hub and spinner will be hidden if the total is counted as thrust. VS Lift/drag charts get broken if the force is counted as negative drag.

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My gut reaction is to ask for it as the Aerodata GUI shows it, negative drag.  However, I found that counterintuitive initially so suspect others would, too.

Would it be difficult to offer both, or one or the other depending on a tick box?

Could there be situations where the drag of hub, spinner and blades would outweigh the blades thrust, hence show as neagive thrust?


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  On 12/30/2020 at 8:33 AM, Linkageless said:

My gut reaction is to ask for it as the Aerodata GUI shows it, negative drag.  However, I found that counterintuitive initially so suspect others would, too.

Would it be difficult to offer both, or one or the other depending on a tick box?

Could there be situations where the drag of hub, spinner and blades would outweigh the blades thrust, hence show as neagive thrust?


There's also the case where the blade angles are set too shallow and the blade actually makes negative thrust. Using a tick box might be possible, but would complicate the code. I'm leaning towards counting it as thrust, which I think is what most users would expect. I might try a clever trick to count the hub and spinners as drag separately from actual rotating parts.

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New update is released! Propeller thrust and drag is accurately and intuitively shown. Forward and upward propeller forces count as thrust. Backward and downward propeller forces count as drag. Do the vector magnitudes not add up perfectly, maybe, but that's like a rounding error. It'll be fine! Propellers are simulated at the angle they are currently at in the editor. Optional optimization will come later.

Enjoy testing it out while I take a break to update my other mods and maybe make a variable pitch propeller controller PartModule.

Massive performance improvements!
Propeller engine support!
Not likely to crash your game anymore!

*Propeller simulations not as fast as other simulation.

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On the topic of prop plane design difficulties- check out this recent challenge:

Standard procedure for me: a pair of motors set to counter-rotate.  Can be L&R nacelles, front and back facing motors inside a service bay, or axially-inline clipped almost together to simulate a puller or pusher contra-rotating design.  Place one motor, place blades, then copy to the other position NOT using symmetry, then switch rotation on motor and blades on motor #2.

Re: number of blades - first, forget about IRL.  The parts are balanced too weirdly, if you want best speed for fun or gameplay time efficiency, you will end up with crazy numbers of blades.  Max motor speed is 460rpm from Unity limits (50 rad/s?).  I’ve consistently found that best speed occurs with no excess motor torque - ie enough blades to drag RPMs down a bit to ~440rpm on a top speed run.  If it stays pegged at 460rpm, add blades.  If it drops well below 400rpm, I’ve always found more speed by removing blades until you’re just below max RPM.  The combination of motor size and blade size has a lot of different ideal blade numbers (more details in the challenge thread).

My most fervent wish is an automatic blade pitch controller!  I put blade pitch on H/N (or I/K, J/L whatever you like), motor torque on main throttle.  My gut tells me there’s a linear airspeed vs ideal blade pitch curve, or close enough.  But the H/N keys and the angle readout in the PAW are pretty blunt - the tiniest taps can produce visible changes in speed while still rounding to the same 1° increments in the slider.   But typing numbers in when switching to PAW ‘#’ mode is too slow and clumsy.  Simple open-loop blade pitch control from prograde airspeed would be a huge improvement, and would make stall recovery much safer.  Currently you need to rapidly manually unstall the blades after a wing stall, and since top speed runs are always at low altitude, it’s dicey.  Closed-loop control seeking max speed would be fun to play with too.

Motor torque doesn’t get a lot of use, as blade pitch is a much more direct speed control for takeoff and landing.  Currently I’m playing a lot with tilt-engine VTOLS, and the props that get you 300+m/s level flight are absurdly overpowered for VTOL.  Like at top speed I’ll be at 100% torque, 51° blade pitch for 350m/s.  1% power and 1° pitch for VTOL and the craft leaps into the air.  Way too sensitive to key taps for vertical speed control near the ground, so I set the motor brakes to 1% and duty cycle the brake key to slow the motor a bit to make final vertical descent and landing.  Perhaps it’s smarter to put RPM limiter on main throttle instead for these craft...

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  On 1/7/2021 at 7:01 PM, fourfa said:

On the topic of prop plane design difficulties- check out this recent challenge:


My most fervent wish is an automatic blade pitch controller!  I put blade pitch on H/N (or I/K, J/L whatever you like), motor torque on main throttle.  My gut tells me there’s a linear airspeed vs ideal blade pitch curve, or close enough.  But the H/N keys and the angle readout in the PAW are pretty blunt - the tiniest taps can produce visible changes in speed while still rounding to the same 1° increments in the slider.   But typing numbers in when switching to PAW ‘#’ mode is too slow and clumsy.  Simple open-loop blade pitch control from prograde airspeed would be a huge improvement, and would make stall recovery much safer.  Currently you need to rapidly manually unstall the blades after a wing stall, and since top speed runs are always at low altitude, it’s dicey.  Closed-loop control seeking max speed would be fun to play with too.


Oh yes... Excuse me while I use the power of math to crush the competition before releasing my blade pitch control mod. ;)

Maybe this should get its own forum thread, but the automatic blade pitch controller is well underway.

Your gut is absolutely correct - for the special case where the blade pitch axis is orthogonal to, and passes through the disc axis. It's really simple to figure out the inflow triangle (knowing forward velocity and angular velocity X distance) to figure out the relative inflow angle. Then if you know your max lift AoA (trick here is the lift curves in the CFG files are normal force, not lift force so take Cos(AoA) X Cn) you can just add that angle to the inflow angle to get your optimal deployment angle.

The tricky part (and I have three pages of math to address it) is when people go full Kerbal and have swept blades or ?dihedral? blades or blades that are offset transversely from the motor's axis. But it turns out that there's an analytical solution even for that.* As long as the pitch axis actually allows for that AoA to be reached. But there's even an analytical solution to determine that!

Since it actually just boils down to four dot products, a cross product, and solving the quadratic equation, it's actually a reasonable amount of calculation to do each frame. My proof-of-concept mod is working so I'm gonna have a go at this speed run thing. :) Between optimizing blade angles for thrust and using Wind Tunnel to optimize the rest of the plane, I feel like I have a decent shot. I am running into some weirdness with the stock helicopter blades - for some reason they aren't behaving the same way in my mod as normal props in forward or vertical configuration. It's made propeller craft much less frustrating to have the throttle map directly to how much forward thrust my prop is producing.

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