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Video Editing


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Hi everyone. Since there are lots of you guys who make videos for Youtube I thought I would ask here and maybe someone could help me with my problem.

Basically, I have started recording some clips of me playing, for now mostly racing games, but I am having problems when I try to edit and render them. My workflow for now is like this: I record with GeForce Experience in my screens native 1440p resolution and 60FPS. Then I import those clips into DaVinci Resolve 15 where I edit them a bit and then render in 1080p 60FPS for upload to Youtube. However, I have a problem with audio in that audio starts to get more and more choppy as my video progresses. I have even tried putting only one clip inside the project, and it had choppy audio in preview and after rendering, while source clip has audio working just fine.

I have "borrowed" a copy of Vegas Pro just to see if it was software problem and videos rendered in Vegas PRO come out as they should without any stutter in the audio. But I don't want to use illegally obtained software and I don't want to pay those amounts of money for a software that I may not want to use in the future. Resolve 15 is free and that is why it is the best option for me at the time.

Just as a note, I don't think that my PC is not good enough. I have Ryzen 5 1600, 16GB of RAM, GTX 1070 Ti and plenty of HDD space to work with.

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I have tried few different formats and codecs but results are always the same. I am also trying to get as small file as possible at the end because of my poor internet connection (10Mbps download/ 0.6-0.8Mbps upload). I have tried even some lossless formats but it was just the same. Only difference being that in rendered video stuttering in audio started about 2-3 seconds later (that is in a 2 minute clip) while file size was about 100 times larger. The thing is, I have a suspicion that it is not problem with final render but with how Resolve works with my source clips. Even when I just load one clip into the timeline and try to preview it inside Resolve it is all choppy. Video plays fine, but audio is just not working

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I did a little search and came across this forum discussion. It looks like you are not the only one with this issue.


I don't think it is your PC.  I have Premiere Pro on my PC with 16GB ram and a GTX660ti, which is an old card these days. I cut a feature-length documentary on it not long ago, and had no issues.  I think the software is letting you down. Unfortunately, there are a not a lot of really capable free options out there.

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Those are not good news for me. Every video editing tool that I came by costs about 1/3 of my monthly salary and since I don't really want to make a career out of video editing or Youtube it doesn't look like a good investment of my money. Oh well, I'll try to look for some other free software then. Thanks :)

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If you want to investigate Linux, there are a fair few FLOSS suites out there. A bunch of them possess Windows ports as well, so if you're not ready to install Linux or sacrifice a flash drive and a bit of sanity you can probably make use of them. If all else fails, Blender does possess a nonlinear video editor, as well as a slew of other features which you may find useful.

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7 hours ago, Klapaucius said:

It won't have the same capabilities as pro software, but Shotcut is an okay option if it is not too limited for you.



I had quite a few stability issues with it when used it last time (about six months ago). It does appear to have had a few updates in the meantime.

Save often.

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Thanks for all of your comments. While I was at work today I got some time to browse the web so I looked for some free alternatives. I think I will settle for now on OpenShot Video Editor. It is free, it seems simple to use for the things I want to do, it can export 1080p60FPS .mp4 file and when I tried to export 2 clips with which I had problems in Resolve it exported them without any stuttering. Even the file size was great, about 10-20MB smaller than with Reslove for the same clips.

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1 minute ago, Cuky said:

Thanks for all of your comments. While I was at work today I got some time to browse the web so I looked for some free alternatives. I think I will settle for now on OpenShot Video Editor. It is free, it seems simple to use for the things I want to do, it can export 1080p60FPS .mp4 file and when I tried to export 2 clips with which I had problems in Resolve it exported them without any stuttering. Even the file size was great, about 10-20MB smaller than with Reslove for the same clips.

Sorry to rain on your parade, but OpenShot, while the interface is very good, has terrible internal architecture. Just as some background, in real life I work in a public library where we are doing video editing etc. workshops for adults and kids. We were looking for free editors for children to use rather than starting them out with Adobe Premiere, which is quite complex. So, I spent a whole bunch of time trying to find something that would work.  Openshot ticked all the boxes: the interface was clever, it was simple to use etc. Unfortunately, it constantly froze and crashed my system. And as I mentioned above, I run Adobe Premiere on this computer with no problems.

To be fair, I think it was originally developed for Linux and may work much better on that OS.  

Having said all that, give it a try anyway.  It may work for you. Computers are funny things and maybe it just did not agree with my setup.  Best of luck and keep us posted.

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If at some time you decide to throw money at some editing software, then take a look at Vegas Movie Studio (currently $44). I use the pro version of this (pretty happy with it) that's a lot more expensive, but the editing tools are the same. The differences are mostly for more esoteric uses that most people would never use.

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OpenShot seems to work fine for me for now. I don't have any complex projects, I mostly just throw few clips together, cut them if needed and add transitions between. It hasn't frozen or crashed as of yet. As for Vegas Movie Studio, I have downloaded the trial version just to see what it is like. I will try it and if I like it I will probably buy it. It is currently at 39.99 EUR and I when I have registered for Movie Studio Trial I have received a 10 EUR discount coupon that is valid through February 1st 2019. And honestly, 29.99 EUR doesn't look as a bad value, especially if I really start doing this more and more

Edited by Cuky
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Just throwing this out there, but occasionally Humble Bundle has a Vegas Pro bundle offer for like 25 dollars which includes the editing software. That's what I have used in the past for small projects. 

If you found something you like though and it works, that's fine. 

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Cyberlink Power Director crops up on humble bundle quite cheap occasionally to, plus you can often buy older versions cheap.  I have version 9 and it's great, if think they're on about 16 now,  and you can download a demo version from thier website to see how well it works on your system. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

So.. I have been digging a bit more through my issues with Resolve and I am just having more and more dead ends. First, I have updated it to newest 15.1 version. Same problem. Then I have thought: if I copy source clip to my SSD instead of importing it from HDD it might help. No it didn't. Only difference was that stuttering had started about 2-3 seconds later then before. Then I tried converting my source .mp4 file in different formats using different codecs. I used both free and paid (for those trials pirated, I intended to buy one that might help) software to convert my videos and results were still the same, only difference being worse video quality.

So, I tried recording a new clip, just to check that because I used the same clip for all my testing. And it was all the same again.

So, for now I have decided to use freeware OpenShot Studio until I decide to buy Vegas Movie Studio 15

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