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Can you edit/duplicate the Duna SSTV Signal?


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I've thought about making a little mod to add the rest of the storyline to KSP that NovaSilisko originally thought of.  It wouldn't impact the game unless you actively tried to follow the storyline. Nova said there would be an ancient alien race who disappeared to the outer system, and in order to find their planet...


It would require the player to locate several SSTV signals (these and the monuments were the equivalent of what flags are today for Kerbals - a "look, we were here") around the system. Each signal would normally contain a complete list of orbital parameters for the home planet, but over millions of years of degradation, only a snippet would remain. Once the orbital elements of the planet had been found after decoding and analyzing enough signals, its current position could be calculated with reasonable accuracy, and a mission sent out.

I'd like to have multiple SSTV signals throughout the system, and each of them with its own distinct signal. I haven't seen anyone do this, but I was wondering if it has been done, and if so, how to do it. Thanks.

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Were I to do it I'd use Contract Configurator. Look at the Anomaly Surveyor pack and in particular how the monoliths work, including the final one which adds a new orbital element.

Basically there wouldn't actually be any "signals" just contracts that say there are signals.

I don't think there's any way in the game (like, at all. Even with mods like Kopernicus) to make a planet that is hidden and then appears once "found." So that part is going to be rough. I think the best you could do would be to create an asteroid or surface base of some kind somewhere for the final contract.

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Though I haven't seen it in action, apparently Lili does not have an orbital line in the latest GPP. I've thought about looking into Kittopia at the stock Duna, but I'd have to install 1.3.1, according to the people in it's thread. 

I'll check out contract configurator. It might be all I need, but Ideally, the player would have to manually decode the signal and calculate the orbit themselves.

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Nova said...


This planet would not be visible in the map view, or discoverable through any telescope.

I might be able to use ReaserchBodies if you can prevent a planet from being discoverable through telescopes, but I don't think that's a feature.

EDIT: So there is a MaxTrackDistance field for the telescope, which I could probably put the planet outside of to make it un-discoverable. But that still doesn't help me with the SSTV signals.

Edited by EndIris
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