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[1.3.0] Kerbal Engineer Redux (2017-05-28)


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  Tw1 said:
I am having a problem where adding a KER part makes the vessel name disappear in the editors. Could it be related to the other errors?

Same here. I am doing debugging now to try and see what is happening from this end.

EDIT: Ok, I thought it might be happening when MechJeb2 was also on vehicle, but it is not.

I can select pod, all is ok, the craft name box is still there and ksp.log not running amok.

Add the flightengineer part and blam. loss of craft name box, and ksp.log growing like a weed with;

[LOG 12:46:50.904] Untitled Space Craft - Untitled Space Craft

[LOG 12:47:11.413] EngineerChipFlight(Clone) added to ship - part count: 2

[LOG 12:47:11.417] stage count is: 0

[EXC 12:47:11.432] IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.

[EXC 12:47:11.436] IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.

[EXC 12:47:11.450] IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.

[EXC 12:47:11.453] IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.

[EXC 12:47:11.464] IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.

Edited by drtedastro
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The .NET 4.0 method call to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.string.isnullorwhitespace.aspx fails on the Linux distribution of KSP.

Unity3D only fully supports up to Mono 2.6, which in turn only has limited support for .NET 4.0 and apparently does not include this method from System.String as briefly outlined here: http://www.mono-project.com/Compatibility


* http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.string.isnullorwhitespace.aspx

* http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/Manual/MonoUpgradeDetails.html

* http://www.mono-project.com/Release_Notes_Mono_2.6


private void CompareVersions()
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Remote))
hasCompared = true;

Replacing this method call with a simple string operation might save you some network spam to the version check address: http://www.cybutek.net/ksp/getversion.php. It would also reduce local debug log spam for all the Linux/Engineer Redux users -- all 3 of us. ;)

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  Mazen said:
Is it possible to calculate when you have to burn with full throttle to come to a stop as soon as you hit the ground and include it in the surface-tab?

You can do this with manoeuvre nodes, put one where your orbit hits the ground and pull retrograde until you get to about zero speed. The burn time displayed will be approximately how long it'll take to do a suicide burn.

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Sorry to report a bug,

KER locks up frequently while I'm working on rockets, and once it has halted (nothing updates in the KER window as you adjust staging, add/remove tanks/engines/piping etc), nothing will bring it back to life short of restarting the game.

The other one is dropping a KER part onto an existing rocket, sometimes it'll just crash and there will be a tiny grey window with nothing and the game will begin stuttering and hitching, likewise need to restart the game. If it's a big rocket, sometimes KSP will lock up entirely.

Happens with both the multi-threaded and single thread alternate .dll that was released

What info could I provide from these crashes which might help troubleshoot?

Could it be related to the KSPAddon bug

I have the same bug, but my KSP has no mods becides KER. Anyone knows how to reanimate our engineers?

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  GermanB said:
I have the same bug, but my KSP has no mods becides KER. Anyone knows how to reanimate our engineers?

Hey what do ya know I have the exact same problem. Usually it happens when working on extremely large rockets(500+ part, 10k delta v+). It will work perfect from a fresh game load and new craft but as the craft gets bigger and bigger it eventually bugs out and stops working and ui for it starts messing up. Sometimes it will continue to work but will take 3-4 minutes to calculate delta v.

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  Kaleb said:
If you use ModuleManager, you can create a custom cfg that adds this to all the pods/cores. That's what I do. It looks like this:

...only repeated for each pod and core. Make sure the name in the square brackets matches the name in each of the part's cfg files.

If you install sarbian's wildcard extension, you can simplify this to:

@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]] {
name = BuildEngineer

name = FlightEngineer

Which will install it on any command module you add to the game.

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I do love KER, but I've noticed it has some... issues... when dealing with docking ports. Specifically, it gets into Lag City, Population Lag whenever trying to calculate delta-V capacity across multiple docking ports. I can generally sub in decouplers during design to get the dV estimates down and then switch to docking ports after I've taken off KER, but it's been an issue since as long as I can remember.

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I have a few feature requests for KER.

1.) Since KER knows your current speed, and density of the atmosphere at your altitude. The addition of "equivalent mach number" would be a nice frill to have. And an easy at-a-glance frame-of-reference.

2.) Since KER knows your current velocity, and atmospheric pressure, it would also be trivial to add a "Max Q" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Q) indicator. It could read ""Max Q" Dynamic Pressure Record / Altitude of Record". It would be useful if your launch vehicle attains the coveted rank of "Disassembled: Autonomous & Unauthorized" (and you wish to rectify that problem.) Max Q is one of the most likely spots in your flight that you would run into engineering problems.


Speed of sound at 3.101 kPa of pressure: 346.1 meters/sec. Equivalent mach speed: Mach 3.341

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  luchelibre said:
After a bit of testing, I'm finding that KER is incompatible with FAR.

When KER is installed by itself, it functions normally. If you then install FAR, the following happens to the flight computer display at launch.

If the craft is not attached to a pad pylon, then KER will only show a gray bar. However, if the craft is attached to a pad pylon, KER will display properly so long as it's attached to it. You can fire whatever engines you like, and KER will continue updating it's calculations. But as soon as it detaches from the pylon and begins moving, KER's display changes to a solid gray box with no numbers.


Running KSP 21.1.276 (Steam) on Win 7 x64 on Radeon HD 5700 graphics. FAR (same bug on both versions). KER (same bug for both multi- & single-threaded plugins)

KER only closes when the SUR tab is open and while in an atmosphere - FAR changes the atmospheric behaviour and KER cannot comprehend these changes.

Workaround: Keep the SUR tab closed - unfortunately we loose (among other things, but this I miss the most) the indicator for terminal velocity that way.

FAR displays lots of numbers too - but I didnt have the nerve to figure them out yet. ;)

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  NoMrBond said:
Sorry to report a bug,

KER locks up frequently while I'm working on rockets, and once it has halted (nothing updates in the KER window as you adjust staging, add/remove tanks/engines/piping etc), nothing will bring it back to life short of restarting the game.

I am also having this problem! Love the mod, but it's very frustrating having to restart the game every time this happens.k_sad.gif

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Any chance you could add a part that looks a bit more professional? I find the circuitboard funny and all, but I'd like something that genuinly looks good. Or perferable make it so that no additional part is needed.

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Engineer is awesome, and frankly I almost never fly without it.

But I think I've got a tiny bug with TWR. It's calculating a TWR of less than 1 on Minmus for a vehicle massing 6 tons powered by 3.5 MN of thrust. By my math that should yield an acceleration rate of ~0.583 m/s^2 and I just finished shooting a probe with a gravity detector on it to Minmus and confirmed its surface gravity to be 0.491 m/s^2. The correct TWR should be roughly 1.19, not the reported 0.89.

Not a huge bug, but I thought you might be interested at looking into it at some point, or at least pointing out where I made my mistake. Thanks. :)

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  Wice said:
Any chance you could add a part that looks a bit more professional? I find the circuitboard funny and all, but I'd like something that genuinly looks good. Or perferable make it so that no additional part is needed.

You can add the engineer module to existing parts by adding

name = BuildEngineer


name = FlightEngineer

Into the part.cfg of whatever you want to have the functionality, command pods and probes seem to be the popular choice for that

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I think i may have a small issue. Whatever i do, the RDV target list just lists Minmus. Even if i try to manually select another target, it switches instantly to "no target". I am pretty new so i may just not get something.

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Here's a fun one. The mods don't like "modded" craft, so I keep having to uninstall and reinstall the module (just move the folder, right?). Well, last time I reinstalled it, the GUI represents as a small 4 tile box with no inputs, like so:


Last time I had this problem was the last version of KER when 0.21 was released. What is the deal here? no other mods currently installed.

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  birrhan said:
Here's a fun one. The mods don't like "modded" craft, so I keep having to uninstall and reinstall the module (just move the folder, right?). Well, last time I reinstalled it, the GUI represents as a small 4 tile box with no inputs, like so:


Last time I had this problem was the last version of KER when 0.21 was released. What is the deal here? no other mods currently installed.

I've been having similar problems with Engineer...haven't been able to pin down what causes it yet. I also think Engineer has some problems when trying to calculate ship designs that have the engine separated from the fuel by docking ports and decouplers causing a significant amount of CPU stutter, and becoming unresponsive to vessel changes.

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Yes, Engineer got really confused with the craft I built for the "Doing it Apollo style" challenge, which calls for the Munar Module's descent engine to be left behind on the Mun. I attached an engine to the bottom of the craft, and used fuel lines to connect it to tanks above the decoupler. Engineer wouldn't calculate anything properly for that stage, or for any of the stages above it in the stack.

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I have run into a problem. I wrote the configs for MechJeb and RemoteTech for All (which also includes Engineer and Protractor for all). I first wrote them leaving [ModuleCommand] in the configs and splitting the electric resource between the crew=0 remote control requirement for ModuleCommand and between the [ModuleRemoteTechSPU]. In the latest update, I removed the ModuleCommand from the stock probe configs and use just ModuleRemoteTechSPU. MechJeb and Protractor are still showing up but the build engineer won't show up even though it's defined in the cfg. The flight engineer shows up though. There must be a check for ModuleCommand in the build engineer. Would you remove this check? I want to include Engineer in my popular add-on because it's still the only way to get delta-v info for other planets/moons. MechJeb doesn't cut it. But compared to the extra clutter (and CPU & memory, I'm sure) from having both ModuleCommand and ModuleRemoteTechSPU on a part, MechJeb will have to do. You can test this using the Module Compatibility add-on for RemoteTech1. It removes ModuleCommand from all the probes and adds ModuleRemoteTechSPU.

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I've found a strange occurrence while using both Engineer and Ferram. Opening the Surface Display during flight causes the flight engineer window to freak out and stop displaying any information (just becomes a long grey vertical box). This didn't occur until I installed FAR, but I don't know which mod has an issue.

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