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[1.3.0] Kerbal Engineer Redux (2017-05-28)


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  Hyomoto said:
I may have missed it, but did anything come of the KIDS suggestion? I love flight engineer, but what I like most about it is accuracy. I'll continue using it either way, but I've wanted to give KIDS a try.

I did have a look at adding support to the simulation code but it got forgotten about in all the excitement of the 0.25 release... ;)

I'll try to get back to it over the next few days...

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Version 1.0.10 is now available!

Get it here!

UPDATE NOTICE: If you are updating from a previous version of Kerbal Engineer 1.0, please

delete the 'Settings/SectionLibrary.xml' file, or remove the old install first. This will

reset the Flight Engineer sections to their default values and enable the new HUD functionality.

Added: New reaouts to the vessel category:

- Suicide Burn Altitude (height above terrain to start burn)

- Suicide Burn Distance (distance to suicide burn altitude)

- Suicide Burn DeltaV (velocity change required to zero vertical speed)

*** F5 for safety and use at your own risk! ***

Added: HUD type sections to the Flight Engineer.

Added: HUD sections can have a smoked background for easy visibility.

Added: 'Switch to Target' button on the Target Selector readout.

Changed: The default installed readouts to reduce new user brain melt.

Fixed: Flight Engineer not saving its hidden state.

Fixed: Bug in the phase angle calculations.

Fixed: Bug where the Build Engineer would stay locked after hiding with the shortcut key.

P.S. If you really want to keep your old section setup, you can go into the SectionLibrary.xml file, copy and paste out the sections you wish to keep. Then delete the SectionLibrary.xml file. Start the game and enter the flight scene to create a new SectionLibrary.xml with the defaults. You can now exit the game and paste back in your old sections. :)

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  ctbram said:
Is there a way to move the hud windows? The default position of hud2 is really bad for me. I also do not see where you can change the background to smokie.

In the settings (I think right click the toolbar?) there is an option to turn the huds off. I did so, as I couldn't find controls to move them.

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  ctbram said:
Is there a way to move the hud windows? The default position of hud2 is really bad for me. I also do not see where you can change the background to smokie.

You can change the HUD background within the section editor. Go to the toolbar menu and click the 'Edit' button next to the HUD. You will see a button called 'BG' at the top, this is used to toggle the 'smokie' effect. Also whilst you have the editor open you will notice that the HUD windows will have the stock KSP background. Whilst in this mode you are able to move them around. :)

You can also create your own sections by by clicking the create custom section button at the bottom of the toolbar menu. These custom sections can also be turned into HUDs by clicking the HUD button at the top of the editor window. There's no limit to the positioning, number of HUDs or what you can display with them.

It may be useful to know that if you edit any custom section including HUDs and delete the text within the small textbox at the top (the one which is used for describing a section on the control bar). The button for that section on the control bar will be hidden.

Edited by cybutek
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  uraa said:
Hey cybutek, nice work with HUD display.

I have one suggestion though, to add biome situation for HUD readout in some future release.

See the post at the top of this page for info about how to edit the hud displays or even create extra ones of your own...

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  Padishar said:
See the post at the top of this page for info about how to edit the hud displays or even create extra ones of your own...

There is "biome situation"(space low, space high, landed, splashed ...) in KER?

I can't find that readout.

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  uraa said:
There is "biome situation"(space low, space high, landed, splashed ...) in KER?

I can't find that readout.

Ahh, sorry, I though you just meant which biome you are in. It is usually pretty easy to tell which situation you are in (except for the low/high variants) but I would expect it will be easy enough for Cybutek to add a readout for it...

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  Padishar said:
Ahh, sorry, I though you just meant which biome you are in. It is usually pretty easy to tell which situation you are in (except for the low/high variants) but I would expect it will be easy enough for Cybutek to add a readout for it...

Low/high space would be convenient on HUD for science collecting.

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Just checking in to say "thank you" for the HUD development. They are what I've always expected KER to look like if it was ever to be rolled into stock - unobtrusive, configurable and neat.

It would be great if the positioning of the HUDs had a 'snap' feature, so that they were level. Snapping to the top of screen would be great, somehow also snapping to fractions of the horizontal would be awesome... but this is really polishing.

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  cybutek said:
The differences are:

1.0 does not include the EngineerChipFlight part, only ER7500 and EngineerChip which are also only required when not running part-less.

1.0 does not use the BuildEngineer part module as it's always part-less.

The FlightEngineer module is now called FlightEngineerModule.

If your crafts contain parts from 0.6 and do not find them, or the associated part modules, KSP may delete them. The save file tweaking should just be a simple find/replace in notepad changing EngineerChipFlight to EngineerChip, removing 'name = BuildEngineer' and changing 'name = FlightEngineer' to 'name = FlightEngineerModule'. I have not tested this out though, so cannot guarantee any form of success, only that it's technically possible to tweak the save file so it could be compatible. Remember that backing up your save file is always recommended before trying anything like this this out though.

Has someone has actually tried making a 0.6 save compatible with 1.0? And can either confirm my tweak, or say it's a load of codswallop and recommend a better way? :)

This worked for me -- I was willing to try because the only vessels I had in flight on my main save were probes. I used Notepad++ to make the process less painful and less likely to fail horribly (Notepad++ is Windows-only, but I'm sure there are similarly-featured text editors for other operating systems). I selected all of my ships and opened them at the same time, and then used the Replace All in All Open Documents button in the find-and-replace dialog. As a sanity check, there should be twice as many replacements of EngineerChipFlight to EngineerChip as there are replacements of FlightEngineer to FlightEngineerModule, because each chip itself is named twice (once by the parent part, and once by the chip itself) while the module is only named once (within the actual chip). I then found all locations of BuildEngineer and deleted each of the BuildEngineer MODULE blocks. Notepad++'s bracket matching feature came in very handy here!

Editing the save file (persistent.sfs) itself was the tricky part, because when I deleted one BuildEngineer module, all of the line numbers of the subsequent modules changed, so I couldn't just jump directly to them from the search results window as I did the first. In retrospect, I should have started from the bottom and worked my way up. I'm sure there's a way to automate this (Notepad++ has a feature for recording and executing macros, for one thing), but it didn't take more than a few minutes.

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Hi, I am loving the HUD so far! I have been using VOID for my HUD until now, but there are a few bits of info that it has that KER doesn't have yet that I think would be useful.

Orbit - Current sphere of influence.

Surface - Situation (flying/landed/splashed, high/near in space), and surface speed.

Vessel - Delta V Current/Total (on 1 line w/o burn time, saves space and still gives the info you need), heading/pitch/roll, and thrust offset (super useful when you grab an asteroid and need to adjust the claw angle to fly straight). Also, info for the next maneuver node, like delta-v remaining/total, burn time remaining/total, and optimal time to start the burn so it straddles the maneuver node.

The way it is now, if you make HUD with only items that hide themselves when not needed (like terminal velocity and atmospheric efficiency), it basically becomes an invisible HUD that only appears when it's relevant. If the maneuver info hid itself like this, it would effectively be a pop-up HUD that only appeared when you had a maneuver scheduled.

Again, none of these are really my ideas, it's all from VOID, but I think they'd be good additions to KER now that we have HUD options.

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Not sure if this has been reported before but I'm having an issue with the vessel info panel not showing up anymore, the one in the bottom left of the VAB. The resources panel shows up just fine, but the vessel one for some reason just doesn't want to show up.


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  Telanor said:
Not sure if this has been reported before but I'm having an issue with the vessel info panel not showing up anymore, the one in the bottom left of the VAB. The resources panel shows up just fine, but the vessel one for some reason just doesn't want to show up.


Try closing the game and deleting all the Kerbal Engineer settings, then starting the game back up again. If this doesn't not solve it, I'll need to at least see some logs.

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I've noticed that the simulation code does not properly account for multicouplers only having fuel crossfeed in one direction. If a fuel tank is placed on the multiple node side of a multicoupler and an engine is placed on the single node side, the readouts show non-zero TWR and delta-V even though no valid path for the fuel exists. Not a big deal as it's very much an edge case but I thought you'd want to know.

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  cybutek said:
Try closing the game and deleting all the Kerbal Engineer settings, then starting the game back up again. If this doesn't not solve it, I'll need to at least see some logs.

Well that fixed it. Not the first time this has happened, though I have no clue what causes it.

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  Red Iron Crown said:
I've noticed that the simulation code does not properly account for multicouplers only having fuel crossfeed in one direction. If a fuel tank is placed on the multiple node side of a multicoupler and an engine is placed on the single node side, the readouts show non-zero TWR and delta-V even though no valid path for the fuel exists. Not a big deal as it's very much an edge case but I thought you'd want to know.

It certainly should simulate this correctly but I'll take a look. What particular part were you using? Does the part have the NoCrossFeedNodeKey value in the .cfg (and does it actually not allow fuel flow in the game)?

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  Padishar said:
It certainly should simulate this correctly but I'll take a look. What particular part were you using? Does the part have the NoCrossFeedNodeKey value in the .cfg (and does it actually not allow fuel flow in the game)?

The part I tested with is the 2.5m to 1.25m bicoupler. It has this line in the cfg: "NoCrossFeedNodeKey = bottom". The part can feed two engines from one tank but not one engine from two tanks. Give me a few minutes and I'll get some pics and a craft file for you.

Edit: Here you go:

In the VAB, the probe core is the root part, showing non-zero dV and TWR:


On the pad, Flight Engineer gives similar values:


Stage the engine and it doesn't ignite, showing an empty fuel bar even though there's fuel in the tank:


.craft file. All stock.

Edited by Red Iron Crown
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