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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-1117


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sorry fixed the private access thing if u want to take a look and I will disable mj2 and test but also I tried installing manually from copying files in game data etc and still problem occurred  so i don't think it's ckan issue alone maybe  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vqAtfa8rlt5JvVLNNnLZlMEl9qYBn0p6/view?usp=drive_link


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  On 6/29/2023 at 12:00 AM, kmsheesh said:

sorry fixed the private access thing if u want to take a look and I will disable mj2 and test but also I tried installing manually from copying files in game data etc and still problem occurred  so i don't think it's ckan issue alone maybe  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vqAtfa8rlt5JvVLNNnLZlMEl9qYBn0p6/view?usp=drive_link



Note to my future self: we handled this one in PVT to avoid cluttering the thread.

It was really something else that was updated by CKAN and screwed things.

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  On 6/30/2023 at 5:52 AM, HideoKuze said:

I got a problem when tweakscale engines. When I scale the stock and KW engines (including solid engines), the thrust won't be scaled. I have installed realfuel and I don't know whether this error is related. Here is my log file: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ao4ZI6lp9rIGubt3cA5H3iknsr2VtA?e=OxqCFB


Note to my future self: handled on 


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Moved from another thread.

  On 7/3/2023 at 5:50 PM, HideoKuze said:

Thanks for your reply and hard work  for the community! Looking forward for the new version. I have another question, I got a warning from CKAN said something about TweakScale does not support CKAN anymore? I'm not sure, English is not my native language and I didn't read carefully, can I keeping using CKAN to install and update tweak scale?


Unfortunately, yes. I do not support CKAN anymore.

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This doesn't means you are on your own, TweakScale IS SUPPORTED, so any problems you get while using TS will be diagnosed and fixed.

But I will not handle problems created by CKAN itself, as that horrible breakage that happens when CKAN mess up things and renders TweakScale unusable (most of them are caused by KSP itself, but yet…). These problems are time consuming to diagnose and fix, and I'm barely have time to support my own add'ons these days, I need to adjust my workload somehow.

So, if TweakScale was working and then you ran CKAN and it stopped working, this is a CKAN issue and you should ask help to the CKAN guys. I can help if I have time available, but absolutely no promises I will ever be able to respond a post about.

If TweakScale is misbehaving, or is issuing Warnings or Errors about Parts, then this is something related to TweakScale and I will gladly help you on whatever I can to have your problem fixed.

As a Rule of Thumb

  • if you managed to reach the Main Menu and only there TweakScale starts to yell, it's a problem related to TweakScale. Please report and I fill fix it.
  • if TweakScale yells before you reach Main Menu, then this is 99.95% of the time a problem unrelated to TweakScale, and I suggest you reach first the CKAN guys for triage - if they diagnose a problem on TweakScale itself (there're still that 0.05% of chance), I will fix it.


Edited by Lisias
Hit "Save" too soon.
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  On 7/4/2023 at 8:27 AM, Lisias said:



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但我不会处理 CKAN 本身造成的问题,因为当 CKAN 搞砸事情并使 TweakScale 无法使用时会发生可怕的破坏(其中大部分是由 KSP 本身引起的,但......这些问题的诊断和修复非常耗时,而且这些天我几乎没有时间支持自己的附加组件,我需要以某种方式调整我的工作量。




  • 如果您设法到达主菜单并且只有那里TweakScale开始大喊大叫,则这是与TweakScale有关的问题。请报告,我填写修复它。
  • 如果 TweakScale 在您到达主菜单之前大喊大叫,那么这是 99.95% 的时间与 TweakScale 无关的问题,我建议您先联系 CKAN 人员进行分类 - 如果他们在 TweakScale 本身上诊断出问题(仍然有 0.05% 的机会),我会修复它。



Is there a time schedule about when the engine thrust fix will be released?

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  On 7/5/2023 at 2:48 PM, HideoKuze said:

Is there a time schedule about when the engine thrust fix will be released?


I can't make promises about deadlines, but I hope to have at least this one finished in the next 4 weeks. There's already code written, but my window of opportunity early this year was squandered by unrelated problems and then Real Life© kicked, and then I had to stop whatever I was doing.

Keep an eye on this page: https://github.com/TweakScale/Companion_FuelSwitches/releases

It will have a release when MFT and RF are finally implemented - I usually publish early access releases on that page for a couple months before pushing it into CurseForge and SpaceDock, embedded on the TweakScale Companion ÜberPaket.


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  On 7/5/2023 at 2:57 PM, Lisias said:

我不能对截止日期做出承诺,但我希望至少在接下来的 4 周内完成这个截止日期。已经写好了代码,但是今年年初我的机会之窗被不相关的问题浪费了,然后现实生活©开始了,然后我不得不停止我正在做的事情。

请留意此页面: https://github.com/TweakScale/Companion_FuelSwitches/releases

当MFT和RF最终实现时,它将有一个版本 - 我通常会在该页面上发布几个月的抢先体验版本,然后将其推送到嵌入TweakScale Companion ÜberPaket的CurseForge和SpaceDock中。



Ok, that's all I need. I also wander that is there any available old version that I can use, you know, without the RF support issue.

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  On 7/5/2023 at 3:19 PM, HideoKuze said:

Ok, that's all I need. I also wander that is there any available old version that I can use, you know, without the RF support issue.


As a rule of thumb, unless you are playing com a completely vanilla KSP, you should install and keep updated the TweakScale Companion ÜberPaket (downloads on this page). It's published on SpaceDock, so there's a chance that it's indexed by CKAN (but I don't know if it does).

The ÜberPaket consolidates all 3rd party support on a single and convenient package, and it's smart enough to only activate the support that it's needed (so it's safe to install a package for a thing you don't have installed), and this is the Stable version of the Companions - everything available only as a discrete package on Github is something that are still under testings and I'm afraid to push into the ÜberPaket for the mainstream until further testings prove it's safe.

On this specific case, the Companion for Fuel Switches (once it's completed) will be available only on github for a couple months until I'm confident that the thing will not play havoc with the mainstream.


Edited by Lisias
Tyop! Surprised?
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  On 7/5/2023 at 4:15 PM, Lisias said:

根据经验,除非您正在玩完全普通的KSP,否则您应该安装并保持更新TweakScale Companion ÜberPaket(在此页面上下载)。它发布在SpaceDock上,所以它有可能被CKAN索引(但我不知道它是否如此)。

ÜberPaket将所有第三方支持整合到一个方便的软件包中,并且它足够智能,可以只激活所需的支持(因此可以安全地为您尚未安装的东西安装软件包),这是Companions的稳定版本 - Github上仅作为独立软件包提供的所有内容仍在测试中,我害怕将ÜberPaket推向主流直到进一步的测试证明它是安全的。

在这种特定情况下,燃料开关的伴侣(一旦完成)将仅在 github 上提供几个月,直到我相信它不会对主流造成严重破坏。



Yes it is indexed by CKAN and I have already installed it, but I remember that I don't have this RF problem last time I play KSP (maybe one year ago). After that,  I updated TweakScale with CKAN and may installed UberPaket recently, and now I have the RF problem. So I think maybe I can tweakscale the engine correctly by roll back into old version of TweakScale/UberPaket? If I can, do you know which version is available?

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  On 7/5/2023 at 7:55 PM, HideoKuze said:

<…>but I remember that I don't have this RF problem last time I play KSP (maybe one year ago). After that,  I updated TweakScale with CKAN and may installed UberPaket recently, and now I have the RF problem. So I think maybe I can tweakscale the engine correctly by roll back into old version of TweakScale/UberPaket? If I can, do you know which version is available?


Humm… Weird… Let me see what can had gone South from my side...

(hack, hack, slice and hack again)

Nope, I didn't changed anything from my side, and did a superficial peek on RealFuels and I think they didn't neither.

Do you have some other Fuel Switch installed? Things usually go South pretty badly when more than one Fuel Switch is installed on a part (as B9PS and FSFuelSwitch), and TweakScale withdraws itself from these parts to prevent a major borkage...


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  On 7/5/2023 at 10:06 PM, Lisias said:




您是否安装了其他燃油开关?当一个部件上安装多个燃油开关(如 B9PS 和 FSFuelSwitch)时,事情通常会变得非常糟糕,而 TweakScale 会从这些部件中撤出以防止发生重大故障......



Some parts do involve B9PS but the vanilla part shouldn't, I have this problem on both KW and vanilla engines, and I haven't test for other engine parts, but I guess none of them work. I have give u my ksp.log, can you locate the problem with it? Or do you need my mod list?

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  On 7/5/2023 at 10:06 PM, Lisias said:

Humm… Weird… Let me see what can had gone South from my side...

(hack, hack, slice and hack again)

Nope, I didn't changed anything from my side, and did a superficial peek on RealFuels and I think they didn't neither.

Do you have some other Fuel Switch installed? Things usually go South pretty badly when more than one Fuel Switch is installed on a part (as B9PS and FSFuelSwitch), and TweakScale withdraws itself from these parts to prevent a major borkage...



I double checked, for engines without realfuel button, tweakscale works normally on thrust, but for engines with realfuel button, not working

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  On 7/5/2023 at 10:06 PM, Lisias said:

Humm… Weird… Let me see what can had gone South from my side...

(hack, hack, slice and hack again)

Nope, I didn't changed anything from my side, and did a superficial peek on RealFuels and I think they didn't neither.

Do you have some other Fuel Switch installed? Things usually go South pretty badly when more than one Fuel Switch is installed on a part (as B9PS and FSFuelSwitch), and TweakScale withdraws itself from these parts to prevent a major borkage...



I have installed tweakscale in a clean vanilla game environment, all I have installed are KWRocket, RealPlume, RealFuel, TweakScale and their dependences, still can't scale thrust for RF engines, whether I install TweakScale Companion ÜberPaket or not doesn't work.

Edited by HideoKuze
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  On 7/6/2023 at 8:33 PM, HideoKuze said:

I have installed tweakscale in a clean vanilla game environment, all I have installed are KWRocket, RealPlume, RealFuel, TweakScale and their dependences, still can't scale thrust for RF engines, whether I install TweakScale Companion ÜberPaket or not doesn't work.


Support for Real Fuels is not done yet, it will be available when I finish the respective TweakScale Companion.

I don't have the slightest idea about the reason RF and TweakScale worked 12 months ago, and I didn't changed anything related to it in the mean time. Whatever it happened, happened by a 3rd party (perhaps a change on RF that I didn't detected, perhaps a 4th party interfering somehow).

In a way or another, this will be implemented on the next TweakScale Companion release, so there's no need to keep such diagnosing from your part.

Humm… Since we are here, there will be a catch… The TSCoFuel will probably only work with the next TweakScale 2.5 release - I will not further develop the current 2.4 for obvious reasons, but I will keep 2.4 available for some months in parallel in case someone can't use 2.5 for a reason or another (and then I check that reason and fix it on the 2.5).

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  On 7/6/2023 at 11:02 PM, Lisias said:

Support for Real Fuels is not done yet, it will be available when I finish the respective TweakScale Companion.

I don't have the slightest idea about the reason RF and TweakScale worked 12 months ago, and I didn't changed anything related to it in the mean time. Whatever it happened, happened by a 3rd party (perhaps a change on RF that I didn't detected, perhaps a 4th party interfering somehow).

In a way or another, this will be implemented on the next TweakScale Companion release, so there's no need to keep such diagnosing from your part.

Humm… Since we are here, there will be a catch… The TSCoFuel will probably only work with the next TweakScale 2.5 release - I will not further develop the current 2.4 for obvious reasons, but I will keep 2.4 available for some months in parallel in case someone can't use 2.5 for a reason or another (and then I check that reason and fix it on the 2.5).


Nope, none of them works.

I run some further test and hope this will help you, the newest TweakScale works fine with RF v15.0.0 on a part of engines, but can't scale thrust with RF v15.6.0, I'm not sure with version starts to have this problem.


Edited by HideoKuze
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  On 7/9/2023 at 11:29 AM, Cypherthe3rd said:

I have a problem with duplicated properties
version of KSP is 1.12.5 and tweakscale version
here is my ksp.log and a few screenshots



It's the LShipPartsRequired/LBP_tweakableComplete.cfg file.

Unfortunately, these patches didn't aged very well, and this one in particular was impossible to fix "the proper way".

Download this file: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TweakScale/Companion_SMCE/master/GameData/LShipPartsRequired/LBP_tweakableComplete.cfg

And replace the <KSP_ROOT>/GameData/LShipPartsRequired/LBP_tweakableComplete.cfg with it.

This will fix things for you.


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Ive been running into an issue with tweakscale lately, all my resized parts reset when placed again or copied. This is kind of annoying because I cant save subassemblies because all the parts go back to default size once placed again. 
Is there any way to fix this? 

Mod list: 

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Any help would be appreciated :) 

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  On 7/14/2023 at 1:02 PM, KarlJ said:


Ive been running into an issue with tweakscale lately, all my resized parts reset when placed again or copied. This is kind of annoying because I cant save subassemblies because all the parts go back to default size once placed again. 
Is there any way to fix this? 

Any help would be appreciated :) 


Please send me your KSP.log. Without it I'm on the dark!

Wait! Did you have the "Enable Auto Scale" option active, link on this image?


If yes, we found the "problem": deactivate it and I think you will be fine!

If you have the problem even with all the options above UNCHECKED (ie., deactivated), then we have a problem. Send me your KSP.log and I will inspect it!

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  On 7/14/2023 at 3:38 PM, Lisias said:

Please send me your KSP.log. Without it I'm on the dark!

Wait! Did you have the "Enable Auto Scale" option active, link on this image?


If yes, we found the "problem": deactivate it and I think you will be fine!

If you have the problem even with all the options above UNCHECKED (ie., deactivated), then we have a problem. Send me your KSP.log and I will inspect it!


That was indeed the issue! and thank you for responding so quickly.


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This is a NOTAM about a NOTAM

About the problem reported by @AccidentalDisassembly here, I just found that if you keep the scaling parts' PAWs opened (clicking on the pin), then all parts scales all right!


I'm guessing we have yet another new race condition on the Editor (between the numerous ones) (from KSP 1.11.x and forward), and the PAWs being active probably injects some delays somewhere and then the Kraken damned screwing code from Editor "loses" the sweet spot and don't screw up TweakScale anymore - as a matter of fact, it's possible the thing is screwing with KSP-Recall, undoing whatever TweakScale was did on the cloned parts.

Saving and loading the craft "fixes" the problem. Launching directly from VAB ends up with a valid craft on the launch pad - at least using Stock parts.


Still working on it.

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Additionally, I think I diagnosed the problem also reported by @Krazy1 here, and formalised on https://github.com/TweakScale/TweakScale/issues/297 .

When you clone a Part, the attPos is not "refreshed" from the prefab, but used as is. This affects the calculation of the attPos0, but TweakScale uses the prefab as reference to rescale things. The difference between the cloned attPos and the respective prefab appears to explain the end result.


Still working on it².

  On 1/28/2023 at 4:35 PM, Lisias said:


Oh, yeah. I was caught with my pants down again. Further jokes about is not allowed by Forum Rules 2.2.c, d & g. :sealed:

This last release marvellously blew up on my… face. That's the reasons:

  • I forgot a development library as a dependency, allowing it to leak into mainstream
    • I did that before on another add'on, and forgot to echo the fix on TS
    • KSP 1.12.5 was recently released, and I didn't created yet the Acceptance Test test rig for it, so I ended making the smoke tests on a dirty development environment. Not one of my brightest moments.
    • But it ended being for the best.
  • A major bork on scaling Resources was detected by our fellow Kerbonaut @AccidentalDisassembly
    • It was determined that TweakScale is not the cause, as the problem started to happen only on KSP 1.11.x (just have 1.11.2 installed at this point).
    • But yet, it's something that needs to be tackled down somehow.

Another bug on the Auto Scale (and Chain) were detected in the process (and this one is fixed now).

Now, let's talk about what's bitting our SASes right now.

On KSP 1.11.x something changed (again) on Editor that screwed Part Switches and TweakScale by messing up the PartModule's life cycle when the Part being configured have Symmetries Counter Parts. Apparently a PartMessage is not being issued somehow (or issued too soon or too late), and so a chain of events that was happening until 1.10.1 stopped happening (or do it on an useless timeframe) from 1.11.x and forward.

Damn, this is pretty annoying.

By some reason, that crappy code I got rid from TweakScale was masking this problem. I don't have the slightest idea what, where and why. I prefer not to think about too much, I'm still burnt by that AirplanePlus MonkeyPatching problem.

In a way or another, I had nailed down the problem to KSP 1.11.x . The "new" TweakScale code works perfectly from KSP 1.3.1 to KSP 1.10.1.

Another evidence that the root problem is Editor is that by saving the craft (or launching it), the problems detected on the Resources are "magically" fixed. Magically on quotes, because this is evidence that without Editor screwing it, TweakScale is working fine - otherwise things would be still screwed on Flight Scene.

So, TL;DR:

  • TweakScale is innocent, but it's up to me to cope with the mess nevertheless
  • B9PS is also innocent, as it depends of TweakScale for knowing when to do its things,
    • On the bright side, I discovered that at AttachedOnEditor and Attached Recall stunts are not needed when B9PS is installed on the part. Next version of Recall will withdraw itself from parts using it.
  • Saving and loading the craft solves the problem.

Again, this last info states clearly where the problem really is.

I'm unsure if I will be able to fix this one, but since the impact is negligible - crafts are fine when launched, where things really matter - I will call it a day and release with I have at hands now.



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Release is available for downloading, with the following changes:

  • A new Feature was introduced that automatically deactivates the Auto Scale and the Chain Scale features every time the user enters the Editor, creates a new Craft or loads one.
    • Aims to minimize support tickets opened by users that forget the features active and then thinks it's a bug on TweakScale
    • Default is On, can be turned off on the TweakScale Settings dialog.
  • Updates KNOWN ISSUES with workarounds for the following Work In Progress bugs:
  • Updates MMWD to

Now and then an User opens a Support Ticket about an issue on TweakScale that, in essence, it was the Auto Scale or the Chain Scale forgotten active. Since this is happening with some frequency, I decided to code this Feature. Now, every time the user enters the Editor (VAB or SPH), or clicks on the "New" button, or loads a craft, all the TweakScale features are reset to disabled - unless the user unchecks the respective option.


This dialog, as usual, is available by clicking on the TweakScale's button on the Toolbar:

  • Scale_On.png
    • When scaling is available, and no features are enabled.
  • Scale_Auto.png
    • When scaling is available, and at least one feature is enabled
  • Scale_Unsupported.png
    • When there's no TweakScale support for the last part you selected (or opened the PAW).

Know Issues

  • https://github.com/TweakScale/TweakScale/issues/297
    • Under a certain, more or less convoluted, sequence of movements on a Part, TweakScale starts to misbehave the placements of cloned parts of such convolutely edited part.
    • It's a pain in the SAS when it happens, but the work around is simple enough: instead of Alt+Click the displaced part, take a new one from the Part's Palette.
    • I intend to fix this (it's a bug on TweakScale for sure), but I will priorize some TweskScale Companions first.
  • https://github.com/TweakScale/TweakScale/issues/283
    • This one is a crappy one. When scaling parts with resources under symmetry, only the "original" part gets its resources scaled correctly, the cloned ones get the prefab values.
      • This is unrelated to the previous one, by the way - the reason this is happening is completely different, I checked it.
    • However, by saving and loading back the craft, or by launching it from the Editor, the values are "fixed" - this strongly suggests that TweakScale is doing its job right on this one, and since this started to happen only on KSP 1.11.x (I tested only 1.11.2 and 1.12.5), the matter is settled.
      • The freaking bug vanished while I was Smoke Testing this release. Kraken knows why, I'm currently clueless about the reason the problem is "fixed"
        • I don't even know how and why, but I had updated some other add'ons that were smoked tested together.
      • Anyway… Let's see what happens on the field..

Your Attention Please

Due a major screw up of mine (hate you, Windows!!), you will need to manually remove the following files before updating - unless you install things manually, when you will overwrite them anyway!

  • <KSP_ROOT>/GameData/666_ModuleManagerWatchDog.dll


By last, but not the least...

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This Release will be published using the following Schedule:

  • GitHub, reaching first manual installers and users of KSP-AVC. Right now.
  • CurseForge. Right Now.
  • SpaceDock. Right Now.
Edited by Lisias
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  On 7/19/2023 at 12:28 AM, Helios Sinatrya said:

hi @Lisias, i got error while using tweak scale. it says DLL missing.

here's my log https://pastebin.com/SZQRkCyZ


You (too) got bitten by the (in)famous Assembly Loader/Resolver. The trigger this time is Romfarer.

[LOG 07:22:10.566] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Waterfall\Plugins\Waterfall.d
[LOG 07:22:10.575] AssemblyLoader: Loading assemblies
[ERR 07:22:11.032] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'Romfarer': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0
  at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x000e6] in <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0

Additional information about this exception:

 System.TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 01000004 (from typeref, class/assembly ImageEffectBase, Assembly-CSharp-firstpass, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)

 System.TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 01000004 (from typeref, class/assembly ImageEffectBase, Assembly-CSharp-firstpass, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)

Romfarer is a pretty old add'on that as far as I know is not supported since KSP 1.2 times (more or less), so there's no other choice but to remove it from your rig.

Or downgrade KSP to a version where Romfarer works, (almost) everything I maintain runs fine downto 1.7.3, some to 1.4.3 and I managed to make a very few to work too on 1.3.1 - so if Romfarer is very important to you, downgrading KSP is an option.

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