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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-1117


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Various content has been removed, due to:

  • personal remarks
  • insulting language
  • off-topic digressions

Aside from the content that's actually rule-breaking, unfortunately we've had to remove other, perfectly reasonable content as well, simply because it was responding to the stuff that got removed.  Thus making a tangled mess that was impossible to solve without just excising the whole thing, which is a pity, because it means that people won't see some of the actually useful feedback posted.

We hate to remove actually useful content, so I'll summarize:

  • A user raised a question as to why TweakScale has a pop-up with a CKAN message
  • The author expressed the reason why
  • The author helpfully provided a workaround that can suppress the message, if it's bothering people
  • There was back-and-forth chatter about CKAN, which is off-topic here because this thread is about this mod

Folks, please remember:  A mod author owes you nothing.  They're giving you shiny toys, for free, and nobody is forcing you to use them.  It is inappropriate to use insulting language to anyone in the forum, but it's in especially poor taste when directed at the person who's giving you shiny toys for free, because you think it's not shiny enough.

If you have feedback-- for example, "I was wondering about your reason for X" or "I would prefer it if you do Y"-- then that's a perfectly reasonable thing to do.  Mod authors tend to welcome feedback.  :)  However, please do so civilly, politely, and with a reasonable modicum of respect-- and leave the entitled rage at home.

And a general note to everyone:  if you see someone behaving in a way you believe to be unreasonable, please don't engage.  It doesn't help, and it just tends to make a tangled snarl that increases the likelihood that whatever you write will end up needing to get snipped, if a moderator has to step in.

Thank you for your understanding.

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So remember when I said everything was working fine? Turns out I was wrong, after finally getting through the loading screen I got the FATAL ERROR message, and it said I had 397 fatal errors. It said to ask here for help, so here I am, asking for help.

Here is the log and thank you again for helping me out https://www.dropbox.com/s/x41sw5folm3j1y3/KSP.log?dl=0

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1 hour ago, legonutdean said:

So remember when I said everything was working fine? Turns out I was wrong, after finally getting through the loading screen I got the FATAL ERROR message, and it said I had 397 fatal errors. It said to ask here for help, so here I am, asking for help.

Here is the log and thank you again for helping me out https://www.dropbox.com/s/x41sw5folm3j1y3/KSP.log?dl=0


Such a high number of FATALities are almost for sure a symptom of having TweakScale installed multiple times, and in you case it was exactly what happened:

[LOG 06:40:14.776] Applying update GameData/TweakScale- (1)/TweakScale/patches/Squad/Propulsion/@PART[noseConeAdapter]:NEEDS[Squad,TweakScale] to Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/noseConeAdapter.cfg/PART[noseConeAdapter]
[LOG 06:40:19.230] Applying update TweakScale/patches/Squad/Aero/@PART[noseCone]:NEEDS[Squad,TweakScale] to Squad/Parts/Aero/aerodynamicNoseCone/aerodynamicNoseCone.cfg/PART[noseCone]

Remove the directory GameData/TweakScale- (1) and you will be fine!

Additionally, I found this Exception on your log:

[LOG 19:27:48.948] [TweakScaleCompanion.Frameworks] Version /L BETA
[EXC 19:27:48.958] TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 01000029 (from typeref, class/assembly Finder, )
        TweakScaleCompanion.Frameworks.Startup.Start () (at <61373f5e28644a2d9623e47ceccc0688>:0)
        UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

The TSCo Frameworks is at this moment at version , and you will need this newer version to work on TweakScale 2.4.7 series.

I suggest to downloading  the latest TweakScale Companion Überpaket. How about giving the CurseForge Installer a try? It would work out these details for you!

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43 minutes ago, bobbycom said:

Hey everyone this is a long shot, but has anyone encountered the problem of not being able to enter the VAB in KSP 1.12.3 ? it just happened all of a sudden?

I remember a bork of mine preventing crafts from being saved, but preventing entering the VAB is a new.

Post the full KSP.log (remember to exit KSP to prevent it from being truncated) after reproducing the problem and I will check. At very least, I will be able to pinpoint you to who ask for support if not me.

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12 minutes ago, Lisias said:

I remember a bork of mine preventing crafts from being saved, but preventing entering the VAB is a new.

Post the full KSP.log (remember to exit KSP to prevent it from being truncated) after reproducing the problem and I will check. At very least, I will be able to pinpoint you to who ask for support if not me.


There you go thank you so so much!!!!

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Just fixed the final issue stopping me from playing, thank you so much since this is my first chance to play modded KSP

Also you mentioned using the CurseForge Installer, currently I am using the CurseForge desktop app to install and run my modded version so I am unsure what is causing it to make so many version errors but thank you again for helping me out.

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10 hours ago, bobbycom said:


There you go thank you so so much!!!!

Boy, what a collection of exceptions! :0.0: With or without VAB, you surely will experience some glitches while playing...

I noticed that you entered the Settings page and back, but there's no mention on trying to entering the EDIT (VAB or SPH) - for the curious, "Scene Change" from MainMenu to Settings, and back.

So or you did forget to try (unlikely), or the thing is deactivated (or not activated) by KSP's code by some reason and then your clicks on it were bluntly ignored.

We will need to hunt the dirty way: make a full copy of your KSP installation (and I strongly suggest you do a full copy and do the stunt only on the copy, as it's a destructive process) and start to remove things until you get access to the Editor. Once you get access to it, redo a new copy and remove only the last thing you removed on the previous copy to be sure about who is the troublemaker.

Given the messages I found in your KSP.log, I suggest removing:

  • FreeIVA
  • Impossible Innovations
  • Bluedog_DB
  • SpaceY
  • Tantares
  • TantaresSAF

Keep in mind that doing this you may find a trigger and not the cause - it may be something that all of that parts needs that are screwed so just removing the offended partset is not enough (there's too much different things broken, and these things are known to work in other people's rigs!).

Good hunt!


6 hours ago, legonutdean said:

Just fixed the final issue stopping me from playing, thank you so much since this is my first chance to play modded KSP

Also you mentioned using the CurseForge Installer, currently I am using the CurseForge desktop app to install and run my modded version so I am unsure what is causing it to make so many version errors but thank you again for helping me out.

I'm currently unable to check it on MacOS because they ditched Mojave, and I kinda "trapped" into Mojave due some 32 bits programs I still need to use. I will some tests on my Windows rig as time allows.

My best guess is that you may have installed manually sometime in the past, and then CF stopped updating the thing - but it's a wild guess.

This will probably render a bug report on the CurseForge bug track.

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18 hours ago, Lisias said:

Boy, what a collection of exceptions! :0.0: With or without VAB, you surely will experience some glitches while playing...

I noticed that you entered the Settings page and back, but there's no mention on trying to entering the EDIT (VAB or SPH) - for the curious, "Scene Change" from MainMenu to Settings, and back.

So or you did forget to try (unlikely), or the thing is deactivated (or not activated) by KSP's code by some reason and then your clicks on it were bluntly ignored.

We will need to hunt the dirty way: make a full copy of your KSP installation (and I strongly suggest you do a full copy and do the stunt only on the copy, as it's a destructive process) and start to remove things until you get access to the Editor. Once you get access to it, redo a new copy and remove only the last thing you removed on the previous copy to be sure about who is the troublemaker.

Given the messages I found in your KSP.log, I suggest removing:

  • FreeIVA
  • Impossible Innovations
  • Bluedog_DB
  • SpaceY
  • Tantares
  • TantaresSAF

Keep in mind that doing this you may find a trigger and not the cause - it may be something that all of that parts needs that are screwed so just removing the offended partset is not enough (there's too much different things broken, and these things are known to work in other people's rigs!).

Good hunt!


I'm currently unable to check it on MacOS because they ditched Mojave, and I kinda "trapped" into Mojave due some 32 bits programs I still need to use. I will some tests on my Windows rig as time allows.

My best guess is that you may have installed manually sometime in the past, and then CF stopped updating the thing - but it's a wild guess.

This will probably render a bug report on the CurseForge bug track.


thanks so much for your help!!!!

extremely helpful as always!!,

I did as you said, I was getting down to pretty much no mods installed before it would let me into the VAB, so I went and did a fresh install and was extremely selective in my mod installation  and was checking KSP each time I installed something to ensure it didn't mess itup, I am on my final ride in hopefully :) 

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To anyone that could be interested, this is how TweakScale was licensed over the years:

  1. Originally licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA, it was relicensed to WTPL in 2015.
    1. Biotronic's post explaining it
    2. Biotronic's TweakScale OP with the WTFPL license stated.
  2. Pellinor published it also under WTPL, see his thread's OP.
  3. I originally kept the WTFPL, but due uncontrolled copies being published by 3rd Parties (screwing my life doing Support), I changed it to GPLv2 on TweakScale in December 2020
    1. with an Shared Source style license offered as alternative if the end user could not use GPLv2 by some reason.


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2 hours ago, Kakub said:

Is there any way to rescale the Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit parts ? 

Yes. There's the quick&dirty way, and the proper one.

The Q&D is to install All Tweak. It's a bit hacky, but it works most of the time. Be aware, however, that sometimes a part will misbehave terribly by using All Tweak, it's highly recommended that you keep updated backups of your savegames when using it. It's pretty rare to tell you the true, but it happens - some PartModules need special code in order to be safely scaled up and down by TweakScale and since you as an end user can't tell in advance if the Part is using one of that PartModules, the best option is to be pessimistic and keep backups.

The proper way is to write a proper tailored patches for it. I added a task for it on the respective Companion:


Keep an eye on the TweakScale Companion Program'sThread for news: 


Edited by Lisias
Alert about All Tweak, sometimes, being prone to trigger misfeatures on some Parts.
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13 minutes ago, Dovahkiin2132 said:

Can anyone help me fix the KSPIE engines rescaling? I don't know why, but after a few sessions playing the game, the kspie engines can no longer be rescaled.

Are you using Waterfall? KSPIE deactivates scaling engines when WaterFall is installed, because there's a glitch on the TweakScaleCompanion that handles Waterfall that reverts the plumes to default scale if you do a Revert to Launch.

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On 4/24/2023 at 4:30 PM, Lisias said:

Are you using Waterfall? KSPIE deactivates scaling engines when WaterFall is installed, because there's a glitch on the TweakScaleCompanion that handles Waterfall that reverts the plumes to default scale if you do a Revert to Launch.

Yes i am, i'll try disabling it and see if it works now.

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15 minutes ago, Dovahkiin2132 said:

I tried deleting waterfall and reinstalling KSPIE but i'm still missing the tweakscale options for the engines and the reactors from the mod.

When you reinstall KSPIE, it installs its embedded version of WaterFall back. You need to delete the WaterFall directory that it's installed by KSPIE.

This is one of the worst parts of bundles - it's worksome when you don't want a bit of it...


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30 minutes ago, Lisias said:

When you reinstall KSPIE, it installs its embedded version of WaterFall back. You need to delete the WaterFall directory that it's installed by KSPIE.

This is one of the worst parts of bundles - it's worksome when you don't want a bit of it...


I didn't reinstall waterfall, i only put a fresh Warp plugin folder in my gamedata. Anyways, now it appears i can resize the reactors. I deleted the tweakscalewaterfallfx config so it might be what fixed that part, but i still can't rescale the engines.

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21 hours ago, Dovahkiin2132 said:

I didn't reinstall waterfall, i only put a fresh Warp plugin folder in my gamedata. Anyways, now it appears i can resize the reactors. I deleted the tweakscalewaterfallfx config so it might be what fixed that part, but i still can't rescale the engines.

Do a full KSPIE reinstall, then remove WaterFall from the GameData folder. I don't know where are the TweakScale support on the KSPIE bundle, but surely appears not to be on the WarpPlugin as it appears.

I really over my head now, I don't know how KSPIE do things.

Edited by Lisias
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Was trying to Install NSI, and this popped up: "https://imgur.com/a/oPUkVaW"  I tried installing tweakscale VIA web aswell sense I use CKAN. Im scared to continue because i have no idea what im doing :/


KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tfGHEs8r_rekOqR4bEy0IK3nRsdVxuYW/view?usp=sharing

Edited by BronzeShoe20968
didnt put log
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2 hours ago, BronzeShoe20968 said:

Was trying to Install NSI, and this popped up: "https://imgur.com/a/oPUkVaW"  I tried installing tweakscale VIA web aswell sense I use CKAN. Im scared to continue because i have no idea what im doing :/


KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tfGHEs8r_rekOqR4bEy0IK3nRsdVxuYW/view?usp=sharing

You got bitten by the infamous KSP bug inside a thingy called Assembly Loader/Resolver - when something fails to be loaded by any reason, everything else that tries to load a DLL or use a thingy called Reflection gets screwed.

In your case, the problem is really NSI:

[LOG 16:57:01.628] [ModuleManager] Intercepted a ReflectionTypeLoadException. List of broken DLLs:
NextStarIndustries GameData\NSI\Plugins\NextStarIndustries.dll

[LOG 16:57:01.628] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'Startup' from assembly 'TweakScaleCompanion_PKMC'
[ERR 16:57:01.647] [AssemblyLoader] Exception when getting assembly attributes: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.

Additional information about this exception:

 System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type of field 'NextStarIndustries.NSIExplosionModule:weapon' (13) due to: Could not resolve type with token 0100001d (
from typeref, class/assembly BDArmory.Modules.MissileLauncher, BDArmory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null) assembly:BDArmory, Version=1.3.4
.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null type:BDArmory.Modules.MissileLauncher member:(null) signature:<none>

It didn't liked the v1.6.0.2 version you installed. I don't have a clue how to proceed, you need to get further help from the BDArmory guys or from the NSI maintainer.

Good Luck!

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the mod did not work and does not work, it constantly gives an error that throws it to the site where the unsolvable problem is solved. There was an alternative to this mod do not remember what it is called I will come up and install it instead of this [snip]

Edited by Vanamonde
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25 minutes ago, mur said:

the mod did not work and does not work, it constantly gives an error that throws it to the site where the unsolvable problem is solved. There was an alternative to this mod do not remember what it is called I will come up and install it instead of this [snip]

This mod works, and works well - as long something else doesn't breaks something on KSP, what leads to TweakScale to be screwed.

Post your KSP.log and I will diagnose the problem for you.

Additionally - I'm not your employee, and even if I would, I would quit. I suggest some manners while asking for help.

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1 hour ago, Lisias said:

This mod works, and works well - as long something else doesn't breaks something on KSP, what leads to TweakScale to be screwed.

Post your KSP.log and I will diagnose the problem for you.

Additionally - I'm not your employee, and even if I would, I would quit. I suggest some manners while asking for help.

Yes, I'm sorry that I ran over you, it's just that I've been trying to restore my old assembly for 3 days without sleep, and now that my brains are boiling, I decided to take out my anger on you, I'm sorry for that.

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