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[1.12.x] StageRecovery - Recover Funds+ from Dropped Stages


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  On 1/27/2021 at 3:58 PM, Captain828 said:

No worries man, take care of yourself!

It could be that older versions worked fine but here we are with a newer version of KSP, RC and SR.


I will say that after further testing, I'm only noticing the lag if the parachute part count goes over about 3. If there's only 1 or 2 parachutes, I can't see any lag at all. 3 it's there, but so slight it doesn't impact anything. I don't know if that's information that helps or not?

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There seems to be a bug in the latest version of this mod: after entering VAB/SPH, exiting, and then entering again, be it from flight or space center view, every edit done to the ship will result in the game freezing for a half second. This is only fixed by restarting the game.

KSP version: 64-bit, installed from GOG

OS: Manjaro Linux 20.2.1

Mods installed (from CKAN): StageRecovery, with the required ClickThrough Blocker, SpaceTux Library (with bundled ButtonManager and VesselModuleSave, Toolbar Controller, and Zero MiniAVC

Player.log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9c6pxbwvgvb3hcy/BugReport-StageRecovery-1-9-4-Player.log?dl=0

How to reproduce:

  1. Start the game with the listed mods installed.
  2. Create or load a save.
  3. Enter VAB/SPH then leave. Going into flight mode or back to the space center both work.
  4. Enter VAB/SPH again.
  5. Try to create or edit a ship in any way.
  6. Get a short freeze and this in the console:


This behaviour does not seem to be present in version 1.9.3 of this mod.

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  On 2/7/2021 at 7:52 AM, Qyst said:

There seems to be a bug in the latest version of this mod: after entering VAB/SPH, exiting, and then entering again, be it from flight or space center view, every edit done to the ship will result in the game freezing for a half second. This is only fixed by restarting the game.

KSP version: 64-bit, installed from GOG

OS: Manjaro Linux 20.2.1

Mods installed (from CKAN): StageRecovery, with the required ClickThrough Blocker, SpaceTux Library (with bundled ButtonManager and VesselModuleSave, Toolbar Controller, and Zero MiniAVC

Player.log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9c6pxbwvgvb3hcy/BugReport-StageRecovery-1-9-4-Player.log?dl=0

How to reproduce:

  1. Start the game with the listed mods installed.
  2. Create or load a save.
  3. Enter VAB/SPH then leave. Going into flight mode or back to the space center both work.
  4. Enter VAB/SPH again.
  5. Try to create or edit a ship in any way.

Great report, I've already found the problem.

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New release, 1.9.5

  • Changed Monobehaviour to be always loaded.  Necessary to fix a nullref in the OnVesselWas Modified in the editor.  Added benefit is a slight decrease in the time to load the various scenes
  • Removed internal KSP_Log, now using KSP_Log from the SpaceTuxLibrary. This makes SpaceTuxLibrary a dependency
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Unfortunately StageRecovery is no longer recovering my spent boosters in the newest version. I'm using the same ship designs that had successful recoveries before, but now StageRecovery is recording neither successful recoveries nor failed recovery attempts. I'd post my logs, but KSP.log seems to have nothing of interest in it and StageRecovery.log in Logs/SpaceTux is completely empty.

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@linuxgurugamer I can also confirm the latest version appears to not be recovering dropped stages as it used to. I have all dependencies, including the new SpaceTuxLibrary, as it was already needed for another mod I'm using.


Side boosters have parachutes in previous versions these are recovered for reuse.



No recovery is listed when they despawn, and they are not registered as destroyed, no messages are generated in the stock message system either.


I have included the log file for you just in case, even though PocketBrotector before me said there's nothing showing up there.

Also just for full disclosure, I did completely delete the stage recovery folder before adding the new version, I know sometimes some mods have issues if you just drag-drop-overwrite. Wanted to be clear that's not what I did.


https://www.dropbox.com/s/o3lrwyizhr8dlx7/Log for stagerecovery.log?dl=0

Edited by vardicd
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  On 2/8/2021 at 8:45 PM, PocketBrotector said:


Unfortunately StageRecovery is no longer recovering my spent boosters in the newest version. I'm using the same ship designs that had successful recoveries before, but now StageRecovery is recording neither successful recoveries nor failed recovery attempts. I'd post my logs, but KSP.log seems to have nothing of interest in it and StageRecovery.log in Logs/SpaceTux is completely empty.



  On 2/9/2021 at 12:34 AM, vardicd said:

@linuxgurugamer I can also confirm the latest version appears to not be recovering dropped stages as it used to. I have all dependencies, including the new SpaceTuxLibrary, as it was already needed for another mod I'm using.


Side boosters have parachutes in previous versions these are recovered for reuse.



No recovery is listed when they despawn, and they are not registered as destroyed, no messages are generated in the stock message system either.


I have included the log file for you just in case, even though PocketBrotector before me said there's nothing showing up there.

Also just for full disclosure, I did completely delete the stage recovery folder before adding the new version, I know sometimes some mods have issues if you just drag-drop-overwrite. Wanted to be clear that's not what I did.


https://www.dropbox.com/s/o3lrwyizhr8dlx7/Log for stagerecovery.log?dl=0


Craft files would be useful

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  On 2/9/2021 at 1:26 AM, linuxgurugamer said:


Craft files would be useful


2 craft files, Linnea is heavy on the mod parts, but tester is stock and real chutes only. both craft files fail to recover spent stages tester's first stage usually hits the ground before it can despawn, but the second stage also has parachutes and will make it high enough to despawn, and fails to get recovered.


Edited by vardicd
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I haven't taken the time to define the issue enough to officially report it but just a heads-up:  the required number chutes to get the green highlight in the editor varies greatly for me on the same craft in the same session.  My guess is that it might be tweakscale related but not sure.  There are times I'm in the editor and merely move the same chutes from one part of a stage to another and the SR final velocity will change almost by an order of magnitude.  It can be like rolling dice.  Sometimes exiting the editor and coming back in fixes it without changing anything on the craft.  And the same behavior seems to affect flight mode but to a lesser degree.  I'll have a pair of SRBs that have chutes enough in the editor to be recovered at 4.5m/s and they will fail recovery at a speed well over that predicted speed, more like 15 or 20m/s.  Often the incorrect numbers in flight mode reflect the transient incorrect numbers I was seeing in the editor previously.  I'm on 1.11.1 with BG but I've been seeing similar behavior since 1.10.x


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Stage Recovery has completely stopped recovering for me.  I tried completely uninstalling it and reinstalling; same result.  It works the same as I'm used to in the editor, but in flight I get no success or failures to recover.  I can't imagine why reinstalling is having no effect.  Are there files I should look to manually for completely clearing out the previous instance?  Thanks!

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  On 2/11/2021 at 7:49 AM, darthgently said:

Stage Recovery has completely stopped recovering for me.  I tried completely uninstalling it and reinstalling; same result.  It works the same as I'm used to in the editor, but in flight I get no success or failures to recover.  I can't imagine why reinstalling is having no effect.  Are there files I should look to manually for completely clearing out the previous instance?  Thanks!


Yeah we reported that a few days ago, seems the most recent version is borked for some reason at least for some of us, and until the next release and hopefully a fix, just rolling back to the previous version, which you can still download on spacedock restores recovery functionality.

Edited by vardicd
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  On 2/11/2021 at 2:47 PM, münambulist said:

Thanks for the advice - so 1.9.4? And did you leave SpaceTuxLibrary in place, or remove it from GameData?


I have another mod that uses Spacetuxlibrary as a dependency, so I already had it, and left it there, since I still needed it for the other mod, and even if you don't need it for other things, keeping it shouldn't cause you any problems, and keeps you from forgetting it should you upgrade mod versions again.

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  On 2/11/2021 at 9:34 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Fyi, I hope to look at this in the next day or so.  I have a decent idea of what may be going on


That is great, would some logs, info or testing help? FYI: 1.9.5 Does not work for me on KSP_1.10.0.2917 @ Windows 10

  On 2/11/2021 at 11:50 PM, vardicd said:

That's okay, not really a huge rush, we still have functional previous versions to fall back on. 


Exactly, easy to do through CKAN, Spacedock or manually from github releases.

Although I wonder if it is possible to somehow fix this for those who autoupdate, reverting to 1.9.4 on CKAN?, re-releasing 1.9.4 as on CKAN for example. But that might make a mess in versioning... probably best to wait for fix of 1.9.5

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  On 2/12/2021 at 12:56 AM, ronillon said:

That is great, would some logs, info or testing help? FYI: 1.9.5 Does not work for me on KSP_1.10.0.2917 @ Windows 10


Going to be a few days, I'll release a beta before a full release, watch this thread for details.

Re. a CKAN update, I could do a revert and then a new release, but that takes time.

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This may be a bit out there, but how could I configure and/or trick Stage Recovery into allowing multiple Kerbin-side recovery locations?  I want to be able to recover at multiple sites with regards to the distance calculation.  Ideally, the sites would simply be synonymous with the additional CommNet sites on Kerbin or something like that.  But if the only viable way is to go flat-rate I suppose I could do that also. 


On a related note, how well does SR play with RSS and a different location for launches and recoveries, like Florida's KennedySC?  I seem to recall reading that SR alway calculates recovery distance from the stock KerbalSC location on the equator, even in RSS on earth.  Is that the case?  Does KSCSwitcher change the way SR functions in this regard?

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  On 2/18/2021 at 4:54 AM, darthgently said:

This may be a bit out there, but how could I configure and/or trick Stage Recovery into allowing multiple Kerbin-side recovery locations?  I want to be able to recover at multiple sites with regards to the distance calculation.  Ideally, the sites would simply be synonymous with the additional CommNet sites on Kerbin or something like that. 


There is an option in Kerbal Konstructs, which is a dependency of Kerbinside, that enable/disables using additional bases fore recovery calculations. I've always assumed this hooked into stage recovery, but maybe I'm wrong? 


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  • 1 month later...

Something going a little wonky when trying (failing, here) to recover stage bits with the combination of JNSQ, Kerbal Konstructs, Sigma Dimensions (downscaled JNSQ to end up at ~1.6x stock size based on my personal preferences) and Stage Recovery - not sure if this is sufficient information, but is what I found in the log:

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Log is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p96anzx1nsz466g/ksplog_stagerecoveryKKjnsq.log?dl=0

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