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Mod for Empty SRB Plume?

Kroslev Kerman

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Maybe changing the animation from the flameout node in the massiveSRB part cfg?

				prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
				transformName = fxPoint
				oneShot = true
				channel = Ship
				clip = sound_explosion_low
				volume = 1.0
				pitch = 2.0
				loop = false


				prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_veryLarge
				transformName = fxPoint
				oneShot = true
				channel = Ship
				clip = sound_explosion_low
				volume = 1.0
				pitch = 2.0
				loop = false

Where the prefabName is changed to the original fx (or any other fx that you want)

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@Kroslev Kerman

You might be able to use a thrust curve and make it so the SRBs produce a small lingering amount of thrust for a time after jettison.  Once the thrust drops below a certain level, the SRB isn't really producing anything useful at that point.  It just becomes dead weight, so cut it loose.  You should be able to see it continue to burn what little fuel remains as it falls away.  This will waste some fuel, but that might be an unavoidable tradeoff.

A thrust curve gets added to an SRB's engine module.  It should look something like the one below (taken from BetterSRBs).  It gives a thrust multiplier as a function of fuel fraction remaining.  For instance, in the example below you can see that when 4% of the fuel remains, the thrust is 76% of the maxThrust value.  You'll have to experiment and figure out a curve that gives the effect you want.  Maybe do something like have it produce 5% thrust for the last 1% of fuel remaining.

		useThrustCurve = true
			key = 0 0.1 0 33
			key = 0.04 0.76 0.79 0.79
			key = 0.54 1.155 0.79 0.79
			key = 0.65 1.1785 -0.51 -0.51
			key = 1 1 -0.51 -0.51


Edited by OhioBob
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50 minutes ago, Kroslev Kerman said:

how about the mod is there any?

With BetterSRBs there's a period of thrust decay at the end of the burn, with a visible weakening of the exhaust plume.  But I don't know if the effect is as pronounced as you're looking for.  BetterSRBs also makes other changes beyond just the thrust curves, which you may or may not want.  You'll just have to decide for yourself whether you like the mod or not.  If not, maybe I can write a MM patch that will make changes closer to your liking.


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