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Call for serious naming of Kerbin rivers and drainage basins - suggest your hydronyms


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On 11/26/2018 at 4:01 AM, kerbiloid said:
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Let them be named starting with N-.
Anyway in English you can write Kn- or N- as one prefers and read this alike.

Also, Q- can replace Kw-or Kv- in writing.
Kh- and H- are more or less similar.

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Are all these names in Kerbal?
Kerbals have their well-known language, they should name the rivers kerbally.
And hydronyms are the most stable part of linguistic ancestry, so the rivers are the first candidates to be Kerbal-named, that's why I suggested Oir-Ednarg or Ednarg-Oir..


I forgot about the reverse Spanish. I will now cast a vote for #1 to be named Oir Ed Orened.

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4 hours ago, Kernel Kraken said:

I forgot about the reverse Spanish. I will now cast a vote for #1 to be named Oir Ed Orened.

Good thing to know that the reverse Spanish thing is a myth. They speak gibberish with some words resembling typical Romanic language.

Source: I inverted the sound of many KSP trailers and found nothing intelligible.

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40 minutes ago, lajoswinkler said:

Good thing to know that the reverse Spanish thing is a myth. They speak gibberish with some words resembling typical Romanic language.

Source: I inverted the sound of many KSP trailers and found nothing intelligible.


It sounds backwards, which is odd- like how if someone was pronouncing things backwards and they reversed the footage.

Let's petition squad.

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Headcanon - 1 is the River Wak. Venue for the annual all-Kerbin raft race. Navigating its twists and turns on a not-very-maneuverable vessel is a challenge that attracts the very best mariners (and their fans) from all across Kerbin. 

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On 11/24/2018 at 7:39 PM, SchwinnTropius said:

I like this one already. Kerbalized, silly, and only if you think about it does it make you realize it rhymes with Nile. Though to be funnier, I think it should be spelled Kyle River.

I fully support this :cool:

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