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Kerpollo - A Complete Science Mode Run In 9 Acts

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7 hours ago, Ultimate Steve said:

It's done, hopefully I'll post the writeup tomorrow, although it's actually today now... 12:34:56 AM as of right... NOW!

Curses, I started too late to catch you :)  Congrats! Editing my Eeloopollo video now.

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@5thHorseman, what about IRSU? So far I haven't used them.... 

Just finished Mohopollo :) and I think I may have enough to almost unlock the rest of the entire science tree. Will edit the video in the morning, goodnight Kerbalnauts!

Edited by zanie420
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2 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

Say hello to Minpollo and Drespollo, the next 2 in my Kerpollo series of ships.

Looking forward to watching!

Literally JUST finished Dunapollo. About to start the video edit :) I could use some feedback from a pro like you.....

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7 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

Say hello to Minpollo and Drespollo, the next 2 in my Kerpollo series of ships.

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After watching your video for the second time, something in it kept nagging me..... then I re-read the rules and my heart sank.

The lander must re-dock to the orbiter to complete the land-and-return portion of the mission.

I realized that I failed to actually dock on Dres because of alignment issues, and just gave up. But you never raised this as an issue. We even discussed the orbiter and docking, but I personally failed to connect the dots before now. As I am about to upload my Dunapollo video, I also realized that both Moho and Duna are probably void too :( as I didn't even factor this requirement INTO the actual design, which is VERY clear in the Mohopollo video. Having to redo all 3 is.... daunting. What say you @5thHorseman?

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2 hours ago, zanie420 said:

After watching your video for the second time, something in it kept nagging me..... then I re-read the rules and my heart sank.

The lander must re-dock to the orbiter to complete the land-and-return portion of the mission.

I realized that I failed to actually dock on Dres because of alignment issues, and just gave up. But you never raised this as an issue. We even discussed the orbiter and docking, but I personally failed to connect the dots before now. As I am about to upload my Dunapollo video, I also realized that both Moho and Duna are probably void too :( as I didn't even factor this requirement INTO the actual design, which is VERY clear in the Mohopollo video. Having to redo all 3 is.... daunting. What say you @5thHorseman?


I am very sorry for missing that. I did watch both of your videos but totally missed that you didn't dock on the way back up. :( I hate to say it but I'm going to be a stickler on this one.

If it makes you feel any better, I'm redoing Eelollo because when I got back to Kerbin I realized there was no parachute. I could have gotten out and parachuted down the Kerbals (and even gotten the science, I've done it before) but I consider landing the ship on Kerbin at the end too much of a requirement.

While deciding what to do with ManEatingApe's entry that he decided to not continue, I thought of some sort of "Also Ran" list, for people who did very similar missions that didn't actually fit the full challenge rules. If you decide to not go back and redo, I'll put you on that list. As soon as I think of a better name than "Also Ran."

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1 minute ago, 5thHorseman said:

If you decide to not go back and redo, I'll put you on that list. As soon as I think of a better name than "Also Ran."

Yeah, that's just not going to work for me, whatever you end up calling it LMAO. If I wasn't willing to redo what I must, I would not have called myself out; nor your attention to my errors. All three missions will need a redesign... at least I have a 'blueprint' for each one. I guess I better startup my Drespollo save......

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53 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

While deciding what to do with ManEatingApe's entry that he decided to not continue, I thought of some sort of "Also Ran" list, for people who did very similar missions that didn't actually fit the full challenge rules. If you decide to not go back and redo, I'll put you on that list. As soon as I think of a better name than "Also Ran."

May I suggest "Rogues' Gallery" for the list name :)
Speaking of which my own rogue attempt is still on my to-do list!

Running the math (if I have the figures right) it should be possible to unlock the entire tech tree in 2 missions total with a Joolpollo. It would require a craft with only Reliants and Swivels, no crossfeed, no autostruts and hitting every single low orbit EVA report over Laythe, Val, Tylo, Pol & Pol. In short it's a little crazy to attempt. :confused:

A Dunpollo/Joolollo or Eelollo/Joolollo mision sequence would be much simpler and complete the tech tree in 3 missions total, but feels like the non-Kerbal way out.

Edited by ManEatingApe
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8 hours ago, zanie420 said:

Literally JUST finished Dunapollo. About to start the video edit :) I could use some feedback from a pro like you.....

Sorry I missed this.

Actually commentary-free videos are new to me. Your first one was actually the reason I decided to try it. In short: I have no complaints. :)

40 minutes ago, ManEatingApe said:

May I suggest "Rogues' Gallery" for the list name :)

You may and that's fantastic

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18 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

:( I hate to say it but I'm going to be a stickler on this one.

One down..... two more to redo... I didn't annotate this video @5thHorseman, since I am sure YOU will be it's only viewer.

Drespollo - Now with 100% more docking!



I got ~400 more science this time... but it would not have effected my Eeloopollo mission really, so I am going to just load my save before attempting Mohopollo and continue the challenge from there, making sure to fulfill all requirements ;) You never did comment about the use of IRSU. I believe it's going to be critical for Evepollo, what do you think?

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4 hours ago, zanie420 said:

You never did comment about the use of IRSU. I believe it's going to be critical for Evepollo, what do you think?

ISRU is totes fine so long as you still have an orbiter and lander when you do each planet/moon.

I don't know about it being critical for Eve, but I'm planning on using it for my Jool 5.

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1 hour ago, 5thHorseman said:

ISRU is totes fine so long as you still have an orbiter and lander when you do each planet/moon.

I don't know about it being critical for Eve, but I'm planning on using it for my Jool 5.

Excellent! BTW, I just finished Mohopollo for the 2nd time. With way more efficient burns, I was able to almost completely ignore my xenon fueled return stage :)  Still need to get the new video edited and uploaded however.

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3 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

 It's also a bit longer than the previous missions, in that the video's still about 5 minutes but only has one mission in it

I believe my Caveman Evolved submissions were in the 20-30 min range.... brutal.

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Here is start for my submission:

1. Normal mode with some additional options, like "Plasma blackout", "Kerbal G-Force Limits" and so on.

2. Mods used:

  a) Set of visual mods

  b) Set of editor mods: EditorExtensionsRedux and RCSBuildAid

  c) KerbalAlarmClock, TransferWindowPlanner, WarpEverywhere

Imgur album with first 3 missions:






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Mohopollo re-submission video:



Only Dunapollo to redo, but I got enough science to grab the RTG this time! I think I may still go with a spaceplane design. Looking forward to seeing others videos/pictures/logs! Thanks @5thHorseman, for reinvigorating my passion for this game. I DO love a good challenge :) 

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9 hours ago, Mesklin said:

Here is start for my submission:

Yay more people = gooder!

I like your Minmus mission, how you used the lander fuel/engines to get the orbiter home. :)


Imgur album with first 3 missions:

There's a problem after your final mission. I hope you have a quicksave! Your tech tree has nodes unlocked from a higher tier, but you haven't totally unlocked the current tier yet.

From the first post:

  • When unlocking tech tree nodes after a successful mission or science-gathering jaunt around the KSC, you can unlock nodes within a tier in any order but you must completely unlock a tier before unlocking any nodes in a higher tier.
    • So yes, you do have to unlock nodes with plane parts and probe cores (and docking ports) if you want those parts in higher tiers.


Edited by 5thHorseman
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Dunapollo redone. Had to learn how to fly and land all over again. Just need to edit the footage, then I can get back planning for Eve like I was before I realized my docking errors.

5 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

Yay more people = gooder!


6 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

There's a problem after your final mission. I hope you have a quicksave!

At least he caught it this time! :)

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