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Is it possible to..

Grand Lander

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I guess you're thinking of a scenario where your lander is about to land when the fuel goes out and now you're asking if a landing with just the thrusters of the astronaut is possible.

Frankly, i've never tried it. The fuel in the suit will probably only be sufficient for a succesful landing when the craft already has lost a lot of altitude and speed. I can't tell you what speed and what altitude, but there is a simple way to determine those values. Land an astronaut on the Mun and get him out of the ship. Then thrust up contineously with his personal thrusters until his fuel runs out completely. If you keep track what speed is achieved at which altitude you know what the maximum speed is at a given altitude which can be neutralised by the thrusters. The speed and altitude achieved when the fuel runs out is the maximum speed at which a safe landing by the astronaut is still possible. You'll probably be able to extrapolate the determined values into a graph. Bear in mind that those values are only approximations. Even a landing when not all the speed is neutralized can be survivable when the speed is not too high.

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I just had a kerbal jump out to attempt this, and he splatted...

At first view, it's going to be hard, because EVA kerbals don't have a nav ball, so you have no idea of your orientation or speed, although for the latter you can use the map view.

Ultimately, however, I suspect that the EVA pack simply doesn't have enough Delta-V to shed the 600m/s needed to land safely on the Mun. It might be possible on Minmus though.

Edited by Nibb31
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It is possible to escape the ship if you go out of fuel (or tip over and going to crash), during final part of descent (you move relatively slow) but you must get out and burn own thrusters (to kill vertical velocity ASAP) just right after your ship lost power, sometimes you will don't have time to recover, but your chances are pretty good then.

Edited by karolus10
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I de-orbited a Kerbal on Minmus with RCS, but when I tried it on Mun, he went splat. However, it was a last-ditch attempt to abandon a doomed ship, and he didn't start from the best circumstances (low altitude, near orbital speed). However, last night I did reach orbit, circumnavigate, and de-orbit Patly Kerman on Minmus, solely with the RCS pack.

Edited by Vanamonde
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Tried this about 3km off the surface. Was coming down for a nice smooth landing, down to about 100m/s. ran out of fuel,wasn't paying attention to how much Delta V I had spent up to this point. EVA'd, immediatelly started RCS'ing straight up...... splat.

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Not directly related to your question, but a humorous anecdote nonetheless:

During one of my missions, Jeb was cruising along in my return vessel back to Kerbin from a successful Mun journey. I was going to try to do a pinpoint landing placing the splashdown just off the coast from the launchpad. However, tragedy struck while I was doing orbital corrections, I had not been monitoring my fuel! The rocket ran out, and even after using all RCS fuel at the apoapsis in a desperate attempt to bring it into atmosphere, the periapsis only brought the vessel in to about 75,000, which meant Jeb would never return to Kerbin!

This would not do. However, I am also not skilled enough to attempt an orbital rendezvous.

I was about to abandon the mission when my partner jokingly suggested to jetpack Jeb back into Kerbin. Now, I did not want to die from the fall, but it inspired a thought. Committing to the idea, the parachute-command module detached from the lander...

At the apoapsis, I had Jeb EVA and jetpack-slam against the command module. Then, curious, I looked at the map. The periapsis altitude had been altered by the impact! Over and over again. It took probably 100 good slams, occasionally re-entering the command module to refuel his jetpack, before the orbit was decayed enough for re-entry.

Jeb did not, in fact, get a water landing. Wasn't anywhere near the launchpad, either. But it was quite a feeling of victory when he got out and set foot on Kerbin again!

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I got down to 2km from the munar surface, very low descent rate, and messed up my staging, so the only way to save poor Seanvis was to EVA and land, which worked wonderfully, with plenty of EVApack fuel left for him to jet the 2km distance over to the munolith (my original landing target). Wouldn't recommend trying it all the way from orbit, though.

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Not directly related to your question, but a humorous anecdote nonetheless:

During one of my missions, Jeb was cruising along in my return vessel back to Kerbin from a successful Mun journey. I was going to try to do a pinpoint landing placing the splashdown just off the coast from the launchpad. However, tragedy struck while I was doing orbital corrections, I had not been monitoring my fuel! The rocket ran out, and even after using all RCS fuel at the apoapsis in a desperate attempt to bring it into atmosphere, the periapsis only brought the vessel in to about 75,000, which meant Jeb would never return to Kerbin!

This would not do. However, I am also not skilled enough to attempt an orbital rendezvous.

I was about to abandon the mission when my partner jokingly suggested to jetpack Jeb back into Kerbin. Now, I did not want to die from the fall, but it inspired a thought. Committing to the idea, the parachute-command module detached from the lander...

At the apoapsis, I had Jeb EVA and jetpack-slam against the command module. Then, curious, I looked at the map. The periapsis altitude had been altered by the impact! Over and over again. It took probably 100 good slams, occasionally re-entering the command module to refuel his jetpack, before the orbit was decayed enough for re-entry.

Jeb did not, in fact, get a water landing. Wasn't anywhere near the launchpad, either. But it was quite a feeling of victory when he got out and set foot on Kerbin again!

youre freakin kidding me.... LOL
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