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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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Kopernicus is a KSP add-on that allows for modification of stock planets and the creation of new planets via modification of the system prefab. Why is this advantageous you might ask? Previous planet adder mods, such as Planet Factory, modified the live planetary system and had to keep multiple hacks actively running to provide these worlds. We strive to provide the least hacky solution by introducing planets into the game in the exact same manner Squad would.

The Kopernicus loader is a one step process. It is started before the planetary system is created and rewrites a property called PSystemManager.Instance.systemPrefab. The game itself then creates *our* planetary system as if it were blessed by Squad themselves. The mod's function ends here, and it terminates. Kopernicus introduced worlds require zero maintenance by third party code, as all support is driven entirely by built in functionality. This yields an incredibly stable yet incredibly flexible environment for planetary creation.

We provide tools for customizing every aspect of a planet such as biomes, the scaled space model, the surface materials, the structure of the terrain, and much more.

Eventually we strive to provide replacement capability for the StarSystems mod. The methods they used to support other stars (reparenting the sun, switching the sun for solar panels, etc.) causes issues. KSP's engine assumes that Sun.Instance.sun is set to the center of the universe. Unfortunately, this also is what the sun light in the sky and the solar panels key off of as well. The solution is likely to include additions to the local space camera system (multiple lens flare and light sources) and custom part component mods for solar panels to replace the stock ones.

Current Release

Kopernicus is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
KittopiaTech is licensed under the MIT license


The KittopiaTech plugin is a continuation of KCreators "KittopaTech Ingame Terraforming" plugin, that can edit the stats of planets at runtime, via. a Graphical Interface. The original KittopiaTech was mainly developed by KCreator, with some additional content by Kragrathea (Utility code) and Gravitasi (ScaledSpace fixes and more). Their work was modified by BorisBee (initially, he's pretty inactive now) and myself, Thomas P., to be more modular, stable and user-friendly. Because Kopernicus offers us already a fully functional API, we decided to change the goals of this plugin. Instead of a standalone Planet-Editor, this is now an add-on for Kopernicus. This has many additional reasons, for example, the messy config-saver / -loader.

You can open the KittopiaTech UI by pressing Ctrl + P. The UI layout pretty much reflects the config structure of a planet loaded by Kopernicus, so making changes in the UI should feel more familiar to making them in the config. Due to the UI framework KittopiaTech is using, every sub-editor becomes it's own window that can only be closed by clicking the button that also opened it. To close them without going back to the button that opened them, you can open the Kittopia Window Manager using Ctrl + T, and close them from there.

Selectively copy folders inside KopernicusExamples/ into a GameData/KopernicusExamples/ folder. There are a number of examples of how to use Kopernicus. You have to download the examples from their GitHub repository: https://github.com/Kopernicus/KopernicusExamples/

Note - reparenting Kerbin or the Sun causes the sky to be incorrect in the space center view. It is, however, correct in the flight view and the flight map view. Reparenting the sun causes other stars positions to not update in the tracking station for some reason.

How to get support

We're always willing to help you with your issues, but however, there are a few things you'll have to do before we can help you:

  • Please make sure that all your mods are up to date, and that they are installed correctly
  • We will need your KSP.log, your GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache file, and a zip file that contains the folder Logs/Kopernicus

Expansions and Documentation
In case you need help with anything, feel free to join our Discord Server: http://bit.ly/kopernicus-discord

Thomas P.
All the people that keep testing my broken devbuilds :)

Teknoman 117 aka. Nathaniel R. Lewis (co-founder, lead developer, busy right now)
Bryce Schroeder (founder of the Kopernicus project)
NathanKell (knowledge base)
KillAshley (examples)
Gravitasi (a lot of useful features + former maintainer of KopernicusTech)
KCreator (Creator of KittopiaTech, where some code has been borrowed from)
MrHappyFace (Creator of the external loading API and the KopernicusExpansion mod)
zengai (code for loading .bins from other paths that Kopernicus/Cache)
Majiir (CompatibilityChecker utility that is used to deactivate Kopernicus on unsupported versions)
Padishar (ScaledSpace OnDemand optimisations)
WazWaz (Scatter Collision fix)
xEvilReeperx (Various code snippets that turned out to be very useful)

Edited by Thomas P.
May the forking begin
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14 minutes ago, Astrofox said:

Anyway, I do have a question relating to planet texture making:

Are there any good programs for making planet textures that are free?

I've aleady answered that question, but I'm afraid the answer was deleted as well :/

Anyhow, basically any image editing software will do, I personally use GIMP, but nothing beats Kittopia.

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1 minute ago, The White Guardian said:

I've aleady answered that question, but I'm afraid the answer was deleted as well :/

Anyhow, basically any image editing software will do, I personally use GIMP, but nothing beats Kittopia.

How do you make textures with gimp?

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24 minutes ago, Kandjk said:

How do you make textures with gimp?

I render cloud noise, erase some stuff, add a bump effect, and presto, a mountain. You can make heightmaps really easily, all it takes is some GIMP skill. The problem is the blending effect at the poles, I don't know how to do that, and thus I simply make the area at the poles completely flat. That's okay though, I still got noisemods to elevate the terrain there.

On a separeate note, I've been having an issue myself. I'm trying to recolor the stock Sun, and everything works fine, save for the lens flare, it absolutely refuses to change color. Right now I this is my config:

				@sunlightColor = 0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0
				@scaledSunlightColor = 0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0
				@IVASunColor = 0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0
				@sunLensFlareColor = 0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0
				@ambientLightColor = 0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0

As you can see, I'm trying to make the Sun white. Everything works fine, except for the lens flare:


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Just now, The White Guardian said:

I render cloud noise, erase some stuff, add a bump effect, and presto, a mountain. You can make heightmaps really easily, all it takes is some GIMP skill. The problem is the blending effect at the poles, I don't know how to do that, and thus I simply make the area at the poles completely flat. That's okay though, I still got noisemods to elevate the terrain there.

On a separeate note, I've been having an issue myself. I'm trying to recolor the stock Sun, and everything works fine, save for the lens flare, it absolutely refuses to change color. Right now I this is my config:

				@sunlightColor = 0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0
				@scaledSunlightColor = 0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0
				@IVASunColor = 0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0
				@sunLensFlareColor = 0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0
				@ambientLightColor = 0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0

As you can see, I'm trying to make the Sun white. Everything works fine, except for the lens flare:


That's your full config?

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4 hours ago, Fireheart318 said:

Sorry for saying it here but this is the only way I could contact you


Hey Sigma88, it's me. Again. This isn't about Minmus, I swear! I've been working on a binary planet system using Kopernicus and I'm trying to duplicate Gilly and shrink it down to about a meter (I'll deal with the science stuff on my own later. It'll probably reward a metric-ass-ton of science because it is literally the size of a verbal! (I tried 7 times to get it to use K, didn't work)). I want to keep Gilly but make another one and call it 'Speck of Dust'. I haven't been able to figure it out from the Alien Space Program mods and need a bit of help. Massive thanks!

This has nothing to do with OPM or Alien Space Program so I will answer you here

the issue you are having is Kopernicus 101

I suggest you take a look at the kopernicus examples on how to create a new planet

using a gilly template will make it look like gilly, using name = whatever will call it whatever

as for the radius it's a bit more complicated, you need to change the radius itself in Properties and then you need to edit all gilly's PQS Mods to maintain the shape (otherwise it'll get all spiky)

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7 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

This has nothing to do with OPM or Alien Space Program so I will answer you here

the issue you are having is Kopernicus 101

I suggest you take a look at the kopernicus examples on how to create a new planet

using a gilly template will make it look like gilly, using name = whatever will call it whatever

as for the radius it's a bit more complicated, you need to change the radius itself in Properties and then you need to edit all gilly's PQS Mods to maintain the shape (otherwise it'll get all spiky)

Can I just tell it to remove the mods? I'm really just using it as a reference point to put planets in orbit for a binary system and it could be a cool place to go I guess

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The Kraken seems to have taken its revenge out on the planet-makers. In the mean time, I want to know how to make stars cooler. New stars made with Kopernicus always have the same temperature as Kerbol (5800 Kelvin), and I want to change that for my F, K, and M stars.

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29 minutes ago, Fireheart318 said:

Sorry for contacting you this way, again. Seriously, unblock your messages or give me your email or something. Anyway...


Okay, it's just called Dust now. It's a giant ball of spikes that would probably look cool if there were a star or something inside of it and it were made of glass. (Note to self: Awesome summer project <=) Now all I need to do is de-spikify it. I have no idea what to do but it should be easy, I mean, how hard is it to make a planet?

My code: http://pastebin.com/2ujzECcv

please stop posting kopernicus questions on other threads, it's annoying


for your spikiness issue try adding

removeAllPQSMods = True

into the Template node of your planet

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3 minutes ago, Sigma88 said:

please stop posting kopernicus questions on other threads, it's annoying


for your spikiness issue try adding

removeAllPQSMods = True

into the Template node of your planet

Didn't work. Also, how can I contact you?

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NOOOOOoooo. All that work and effort. All the times that those fun comments happened. The problems and solutions to them, The Kopernicus Creativity Marathon... All gone D:

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I released 1.0.5, get it from Github as usual :)

It mainly contains some fixes for the API used by KittopiaTech, it adds a value for patching PQSMods by index and it fixes a bug with the deletion of PQSMods by name / index. To delete a PQSMod with a fixed index, you now need to use ; as the seperator between the name and the index.
Also, FlattenArea is now visible in the ScaledSpace export.

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