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JacobTheFoxx's Mission Reports (IMAGE HEAVY)


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I'll be adding mission reports over time here, mostly my new ones, and the thread should be in chronological order. This is pretty much going to be my logbook. All my "Challenge" mission reports can be found by clicking the badges in my signature. 


Edited by JacobTheFoxx
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The "Passenger SSTO Prototype" Testing Trials

Well, after designing a new SSTO, obviously it calls for some testing, and that's exactly what I did. The first test was a simply orbital test which went swell.



After that, I took it one step further and headed to the Mun, which also went swimmingly, although I realised some overheating issues on re-entry with the MK.1 cockpit, which were mitigated in the next revision of the SSTO.


After this mission, many design changes were made. Batteries were removed along with the reaction wheels, the cockpit was changed and the amount of oxidizer lowered. Obviously though, I didn't give this any prior testing before heading all the way out to Duna, which ultimately led to about 100 quickloads before managing to crash land without killing everybody. I also sent all but one of my kerbals on this mission, so Valentina was the only one left.



With pretty much all of my kerbals stranded on the surface of Duna, I needed to go rescue them. So I picked up a sidekick for Valentina and headed off to Duna to get them back. 





After that, I've now regained my fear of SSTO's, so I doubt there will be anymore SSTO flights for the Welsh Space Program for a while.

Duna rover "Uno"

Pretty much the first thing I did in my new 1.6 save was send a rover to Duna. A pretty bad idea considering I had no communication satellites at the time, but I was quite proud of it.




Sputnik 1 Replica

I wanted to do something simple, so I decided to recreate the launch of the first satellite ever in space, the Sputnik. I put it into the approximate orbit of it's real life counterpart on a rough replica of the "R7"

The thin stage proved difficult though...





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  • 2 weeks later...

The first step in re-usable tech!

I've never been a person to go for re-usability in KSP, as I almost exclusively play sandbox mode, and multiple stage rockets are an absolute pain to land and try to re-use in KSP. But regardless, I tried to make a fully reusable launcher, that put a fully reusable lander/capsule into LKO. The only thing that wasn't re-used was the interstage fairing between the launcher and lander/capsule.

Here's the full rocket:


Launcher re-entry and landing. Had 2m/s left after landing after putting the capsule/lander into LKO.




The lander/capsule is fully propulsively landed, the parachutes are if the capsule is coming back to Kerbin from the Mun or Minmus and it has no fuel left from the landings there. I mainly made it to be based at a space station, and be pushed around by a transfer stage based at the station.





All the fuel tanks are radially mounted 0.625m tanks on the hitchhiker container which is in the fairing. The lander/capsule can house 7 kerbals. 


Edited by JacobTheFoxx
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Breathing new life into old technology!

The Kerbal X was the first rocket I got into orbit in KSP. Now with over 500 hours in the game it only felt right to revisit it and upgrade it. The old spacecraft had 6662 m/s of Δ/v, the new one has 7380 m/s! That's an increase of over 700 m/s without adding any extra fuel tanks! Here's a list of changes:

  • Engines on the side boosters were changed from Swivels to Aerospikes
  • Main engine changed from a Mainsail to a Vector
  • Lander engine changed from a Poodle to a Terrier
  • Landing legs changed from the LT-2 to the LT-1's
  • Removed the overly sized batteries and small solar panels. Replaced with two 1x6 retractable solar panels.

The rocket is still very stable and easy to fly, although the vector has had its gimbal limit set to 20.


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  • 3 weeks later...
33 minutes ago, JacobTheFoxx said:

I'm talking to myself because I have no friends :(

Nah in all seriousness nobody comes to this thread, its more or less just a personal archive of missions.

Don’t worry, nobody really posts on my thread either* but I keep making mission reports there because I like to document stuff.

*With the notable exception of @Kerballing (Got Dunked On), who seems to frequent every thread in KSP Fan Works and Mission Reports :P

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21 hours ago, RealKerbal3x said:

Don’t worry, nobody really posts on my thread either* but I keep making mission reports there because I like to document stuff.

*With the notable exception of @Kerballing (Got Dunked On), who seems to frequent every thread in KSP Fan Works and Mission Reports :P

Yep. I just love Mission Reports... Some more than others of course but I make it my duty to try and remain on top of the entire mission reports thread/forum.

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