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[1.9.1 - 1.10.x] Beyond Home 1.5.0 (Supports Parallax)


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I really love this mod, though I have noticed that Rhode seems to have biomes name "Region 2" and "Region 3", is this a bug or are the biomes not yet complete?

By the way, are you planning on adding science defs. at some point? Perhaps similar to the spreadsheet you have on "Gameslinx Planet Pack"?

Thank you for your support:D

Edited by Kspeher
Wrote thank you before ending the comment.
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5 hours ago, Kspeher said:

I really love this mod, though I have noticed that Rhode seems to have biomes name "Region 2" and "Region 3", is this a bug or are the biomes not yet complete?

By the way, are you planning on adding science defs. at some point? Perhaps similar to the spreadsheet you have on "Gameslinx Planet Pack"?

Thank you for your support:D

The biomes' internal names were called that out of my convenience, and their displayName was called something realistic. However, Kerbal Engineer does not support localisation (which I've asked about to no avail) which is why the biomes' internal names show. I'll be changing the names of them soon, since it seems localisation in KER is not going to become a thing.

I'd like science defs but there's have to be over 3000 of them and I'm not sure on the best way to crowdsource them just yet

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@Gameslinx Still loving this pack :) Stream playthrough you stopped in for once or twice is going really well. With the 1.8 update that just dropped, there's a note about modded planet textures.


DXT3 DDS formatted textures are not supported by Unity or KSP any more. You must convert to DXT5.

Will Beyond Home be affected by this?

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45 minutes ago, sjsharks39 said:

@Gameslinx Still loving this pack :) Stream playthrough you stopped in for once or twice is going really well. With the 1.8 update that just dropped, there's a note about modded planet textures.

Will Beyond Home be affected by this?

No, I do not use DXT3.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Gameslinx, just wanted to say thanks for making your really unique planet mods. GPO got me back into KSP and I have been playing a save of it since June of 2018.unknown.png

It has grown into my largest, longest, and furthest reaching save yet, and once I finish the tech tree out, I'm incredibly excited to give Beyond Home in 1.8 a shot. 


Really nothing specific here other than thanks for making something I always wanted to see, a more crazy planet pack that went for more extremes. Fire planets, spiky moons, Low gravity oceans, it's been fun. 


I'm excited to move forward to beyond home whenever it gets updated, <and after whenever I'm satisfied fully with GPO!> your mods are really really cool and unique! 

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Just wanted to check, since I saw no one else ask it in the past few months, but this mod is not compatible with KSP 1.8, correct?

Also, that trailer looks dope af, I wanna visit that location so bad now!

Edited by Chase842
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8 minutes ago, Chase842 said:

Just wanted to check, since I saw no one else ask it in the past few months, but this mod is not compatible with KSP 1.8, correct?

Also, that trailer looks dope af, I wanna visit that location so bad now!

0 planet mods are compatible with 1.8. This mod will update when Kopernicus is released for 1.8.

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19 hours ago, Ylisiir said:

Any info on when Kopernicus might be updated to 1.8?

There are still some bugs with the 1.8 version of Kopernicus, so it won't be released to the public for a bit longer. I don't know how long it will take, nor am I the person to ask

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2 minutes ago, Motokid600 said:

I really... really am looking forward to Kop1.8. This looks fantastic Gameslinx.

Thanks man. I've spent around 3-4 months straight working on this update and I want to make it the best one yet. There are so many features I want to show you all. Make sure to check out the teaser trailers I've uploaded onto YouTube!

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